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Monday, November 10, 2014

Nichiren answers your questions

Who transferred Namu Myoho renge kyo to the four great bodhisattvas?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who is the original teacher for all people?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who is the father, teacher and sovereign of all sentient beings?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who is the Original Buddha?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

"We are emanations of whom?"
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

We are disciples of whom?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who attained Enlightenment in the infinite past and has been teaching Myoho renge kyo to all beings since that time?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who left us the medicine?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who revealed the Gohonzon?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who is the foremost being?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Thanks to whom may one become a monk or a nun?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

The Gohonzon is an image of what?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

To whom do we owe the most gratitude?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

What and whom should be the object of Worship?
"Namu Myoho renge kyo and Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

To what and whom should we dedicate our lives?
"Lotus Sutra and Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who entrusted Myoho renge kyo to the Bodhisattvas of the Earth?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who received the royal command of Shakyamuni Buddha?
"I"(Nichiren Daishonin)

Who is the leader and teacher of all human beings?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Whose intent is Myoho renge kyo?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who is the foremost sage?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

From whom does the doctrine of universal Buddha-nature derive?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who is the most filial of the Buddhas?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who is it that alone fulfills the three functions of Sovereign, Teacher and Parent of all mankind?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

Who originally became enlightened to Namu Myoho renge kyo in the infinite past?
"Shakyamuni" -- Nichiren

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