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Monday, November 10, 2014

SGI top leaders hate Nichiren

They hate him for pointing out their errors. They hate him by changing his writings and relying on inauthentic texts. They hate him by taking passages from the authentic texts out of context and arbitrarily interpreting his words. They hate him by following the teachings of another master.


  1. They don't want to study slander SO THEY HAVE TO CHANGEEVERYTHING because it's all throughout the Gosho

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Right ! I forgot about him, the Eternal Buddha. It's because he has been out of the limelight for so long in the show that I've been watching and been caught up in. They SGI/NST found replacements for him who've been captivating many peoples attention, and now they have become big Stars

    A question which is related to Karma, would you as a Doctor have some health tips on reducing high blood pressure. Mine is around 180/110 now. I'm heading to the local Doctors surgery soon. Thanks

  4. In my 27 years as a doctor, perhaps only three out of more than ten thousand patients have been able to overcome their high blood pressure without pharmaceuticals. Avoiding salt, overeating, smoking, and eating lots of garlic might help. One lady overcame severe hypertension drinking "Jamaican Bush [tea] but after a while her hypertension returned. Another drank apple cider vineger daily. Most do well on anti-hypertensives. I take metoprolol 50 mg twice a day. My pressure was never as high as yours.

  5. Thanks Mark, now under control with Perindopril 4 mg

    illnesses cannot be cured with the medicines prescribed by skilled physicians if the cause is the from slandering of the Law. It cannot be cured by anyone other than the Buddha. They can be eradicated only by the Lotus Sutra.

    "The epidemics which have been raging in Japan since last year cannot be categorized within the four hundred and four

    illnesses of the body. Therefore, they are beyond the healing powers of Hua T'o and Pien Ch'ueh. Nor do they correspond to any of the eighty-four thousand diseases which can be treated with the Hinayana or provisional Mahayana teachings. For this reason, the prayers offered by the priests of the sects based on these teachings not only fail to end the epidemics, but rather aggravate them all the more. Even if the epidemics should subside this year, they will surely break out again in years to come. Probably they will come to an end only after something dreadful has happened.

    The Lotus Sutra says: "If they pursue the way of medicine and treat illness according to prescription, they will only produce further complications, or perhaps even cause death....Their illness will grow more acute." The Nirvana Sutra states, "At that time King Ajatashatru of Rajagriha...and boils broke out over his entire body....[The king said,] 'These boils have a spiritual cause and do not arise form a disharmony of the four elements. Even if people say that there is a physician who can cure them, that could not possibly be.'" Miao-lo says, "Wise men can see omens and what they foretell, as snakes know the way of snakes."

    The present epidemics are like the virulent boils of King Ajatashatru, which could not be cured by anyone other than the Buddha. They can be eradicated only by the Lotus Sutra.

    I, Nichiren, developed diarrhea on the thirtieth day of the twelfth month of last year, and, up until the third or fourth day of the sixth month of this year, it grew more frequent by the day and more severe by the month. Just when I was thinking that it must be my immutable karma [to die at this time], you sent me excellent medicine. Since taking it, my complaint has diminished steadily and is now a mere fraction of its former intensity. I wonder if the Lord Buddha Shakyamuni might have entered your body to help me, or perhaps the Bodhisattvas of the Earth have bestowed upon me the good medicine of Myoho-renge-kyo. Chikugo-bo will explain all this to you in more detail. (The Two Kinds of illness)

  6. Obviously a strange Australian Ace inhibitor wholly unworthy of American blokes.
