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Monday, November 10, 2014

Times and dates please

"Society members have overcome one obstacle after another and attained Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment in this very life." -- SGI leader

Which ones, those who were run over by snow plows, those whose skulls were crushed in accidents, those who were murdered, or those many leaders whose sons and daughters experienced untoward deaths? Certainly not my friends Nat Dames and Dewitt Johnson and certainly not Shin Yatomi, David Kasahara, Guy McCloskey, or Daisaku Ikeda . Events such as those that you claim (attaining Enlightenment in one's present form) must have documented dates and times according to Nichiren Daishonin and in this modern day, unretouched photographs. Toda looked like death warmed over for months before he died and you expect us to believe that he was bright and rosy the moment of his death and for many hours thereafter? I too have heard talk about cherry treees blooming out of season but where is the independent documentation? There is none. SGI leaders and members can not even cross a moat a few feet wide but you would have us believe that you can cross the great ocean of life and death. How absurd!


  1. SGI-USA Culture Department big cheese Pasqual Olivera also died relatively young of cancer (after declaring himself absolutely cured). President Daisaku Ikeda's favorite son died at age 29 of a stomach ailment that isn't usually fatal.

  2. all true doris. sgi is a sick org. , we piety them.

    1. Why? Because of early, untimely deaths? Or maybe early onset of cancer? All religions can record such events. What is obvious to me is that Nichirenists either deny karma and impermanence or have a warped view of it. I don't take this life or whatever time is left for granted.

  3. Not all religions make such extravagant claims about overcoming illness and death as the Soka Gakkai. That was the point. However, I do personally know those who have overcome so-called incurable diseases through the chanting of the Daimoku and others who have changed their karma to die young as did all their other family members and others who have avoided near certain death or life changing injuries thanks to their faith in the Lotus Sutra.
