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Saturday, December 20, 2014

It is not necessary to undergo the same trials as Shakyamuni and Nichiren because they transfer to us the benefits resulting from their trials

"For the cause of the Lotus Sutra, I, Nichiren, have likewise been driven from my dwelling and attacked on many occasions, suffering wounds on my body. My disciples have been killed. I have twice been condemned to exile in distant regions. And, once, I was almost beheaded. All this I bore for the sake of the Lotus Sutra.

The Buddha preaches in the Lotus Sutra that more than 2,200 years after his death, in the 5th 500-year period [i.e., at the beginning of the Latter Day of the Law] when the Lotus Sutra is about to spread throughout the world, the Devil of the Sixth Heaven will take possession of people, abusing, striking, banishing or killing those who happen to take faith in this sutra, in an attempt to prevent them from propagating the sutra's teachings. He goes on to say that those who stand in the vanguard at that time win benefit as great as though they had given offerings to the Buddhas of the three existences and the 10 directions. And the Buddha also promises that he will transfer to such persons the benefits resulting from his own trials and the ascetic practices he underwent as a bodhisattva. (Gosho Zenshu, p. 1415)

"Shakyamuni lives today; this is the age of the Buddha" -- Nichiren Daishonin (On the Buddha's Behavior)


  1. Just saying hi! Hope everything is cool with you. I can't say I've got a peaceful easy feeling but my heads still attached. Don't let the bastards grind you down you're more than a mote of dust.

  2. today i did shakubuku ! i strongly encouraged a neighbor to chant the daimoku.

    cheers !

  3. WOO that's good news , because for a minute there, I thought I was a goner

  4. The Buddha is our kind father, not our rich uncle. Who knows what trials await us. And we don't get a free pass on cultivating the three flawless studies (precepts, Samadhi and wisdom). Having said that, i' m pretty sure I won't be exiled to a remote island.

  5. Cloud Hidden, formerly Clown Hidden? If you are, Nichiren likens your fate to that of a dead man walking. Head still attached but for how long?
