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Thursday, December 25, 2014

SGI tribal mentality and SGI senior leader Helen Chinberg

You have never seen a more gentile soft spoken woman as Helen Chinberg SGI leader......when speaking to even the most rabid fanatical SGI member spewing the absolute most vile comments at anyone who does not see eye to eye with SGI and Sensei:

"Fantastic experience Mr. Hyde"; "Such incredible encouragement Adolph."; "You are an inspiration to us all Joe [Stalin]."; "Mao, what an absolutely brilliant rendering of your deepest and most heartfelt feelings!; "Dracula, your faith is so pure!"; "President Ikeda couldn't have said it better himself Mr. Dahmer."

But when talking to any SGI critic, no matter how well documented and reasoned their argument, she herself turns into Hyde, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Dracula and Dahmer. 

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