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Monday, December 1, 2014

Stewardess...could you find me another air sickness bag and please hurry

"As “remarkable disciples”, our duty is to establish the greatness of our mentor in history for future generations and posterity!" -- Singapore Ikedabot


  1. Ahhh stewardess my dear, I think one is not enough. Please bring me several:

    "In March 2014, the Soka Peace Centre was officially opened. In it houses the Mentor Memorial Hall. Since Singapore has the privilege to build the Mentor Memorial Hall, it shall be the duty of disciples to learn from President Ikeda the purpose of building Memorial Halls.

    Shin’ichi had proposed building memorial halls and special display rooms throughout Japan to exhibit the belongings of the past Soka Gakkai presidents. He did so out of his beliefs that viewing mementos and other objects related to Makiguchi and Toda was an indispensable means for encouraging Gakkai members to study and inherit the spirit and struggle of the first and second presidents."

    As a side note, the time of widespread stupa and temple building has long ago come and gone. Now is the time to build treasure towers of the heart.

  2. Sorry Mark, but ths won't coax me into joining the SGI

  3. Way to go SGI. Lets all follow Shinichi's novel to a T and ignore half the Lotus Sutra and three quarters of the writings of Nichiren. Spreading Ikedaism does NOT equal Kosen Rufu.

  4. More like the road to the Avichi Hell according to Nichiren. If one only reads the writings of Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra, the undeniable message of the Buddha way is made loud and clear for all to hear and see

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Greg, I used the term "Buddha Way" from this Gosho passage. It is the last two words

    The greatest evil among evils produces consequences that not only affect the perpetrators personally, but extend to their sons, their grandsons and so on down to the seventh generation. And the same is true of the greatest good among good.

    The Venerable Maudgalyayana put his faith in the Lotus Sutra, which is the greatest good there is, and thus not only did he himself attain Buddhahood, but his father and mother did so as well. Not only that, but all the fathers and mothers of the preceding seven generations and the seven generations that followed, indeed, of countless lifetimes before and after, were able to attain Buddhahood, amazing as it may seem. And in addition, all their sons, their wives or husbands, their retainers, supporters and countless other persons were not only enabled to escape from the three evil paths, but all attained the first stage of security and then Buddhahood, the stage of perfect enlightenment.

    Therefore it is said in the third volume of the Lotus Sutra: "We beg that the merit gained through these gifts may be spread far and wide to everyone, so that we and other living beings all together may attain the Buddha way."

  7. The above quotation is from ON THE URABON..

    Urabon Sutra (Sutra of the Festival of the Dead)

    Those of us who turn our backs on the Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren are on the Highway to Avichi Hell and those of us who embrace the Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren are on the path of Buddha way. This is the meaning I wish to convey to your question and I wish it was all as simple as that but because of all the corruption within Nichiren Buddhism their is still plenty of sorting out to do. This blog helps create awareness of it and addresses how to deal with it by going back to the basics and exposing the frauds

  8. noel, i was referring to the quote mark left. cheers.

  9. Greg, I didn't realize, another misconception on my behalf due to the subtle workings of Mumyo (fundamental darkness) that I certainly have my share of. But at least some good came out of it Thanks
