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Sunday, December 14, 2014

"The processing fee for the large Gohonzon is $100.00" -- SGI [after 15 years of practice]

One may process their own copy of a Nichiren Gohonzon of their choice up to ~ 6' x ~ 4' feet for ~ $100 dollars in one or three sheets [as did Nichiren Daishonin]. I will help you [depending on your faith]. Certainly, for ~ $50.00 one may create, buy, or have created [bestowed] a copy of a Nichiren scroll Gohonzon up to ~ 2' x ~ 1' comparable to: 

Such a Gohonzon puts to shame the one piece manufactured and mass produced SGI Nichikan Gohonzon and you do not have to wait 15 years. It all depends on the thinness or thickness of your faith.

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