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Monday, February 23, 2015

For what would you exchange the Nichiren Gohonzon for the SGI Nichikan Gohonzon?


  1. SGI members exchanged their Nittatsu and Nikken Gohonzons for a Nichikan Gohonzon for a word or two from their leaders or sponsors.

    We wouldn't exchange our Nichiren Gohonzon for a Nichikan Gohonzon for $100,000,000.00 or threat of beheading.

  2. We are acutely aware that we will die in any case and it is better to live one day with honor than 100 years and die in disgrace. We are also aware that even were we to become wretched beggars, we will never disgrace the Lotus Sutra nor the teachings of Nichiren.

  3. This Gohonzon is so alive - "They are nevertheless shocked and harbor doubts when they hear for the first time the doctrine that insentient beings possess the Buddha nature."

    "In addition, the doctrine of ichinen sanzen is based on the concept of the three realms of existence. The three realms of existence are: first, the realm of living beings; second, the realm of the five components; and third, the realm of the environment. We will set aside the first two for the moment. The third, the realm of the environment, refers to the realm of plants and trees. And the realm of plants and trees includes those plants and trees from which are produced the five shades of pigment used in painting. From this pigment, painted images are created, and from trees, wooden statues are made.

    It is the power of the Lotus Sutra that makes it possible to infuse such paintings and statues with a "soul" or spiritual property. This was the realization of the Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai. In the case of living beings, this doctrine is known as attaining Buddhahood in one's present form; in the case of painted and wooden images, it is known as the enlightenment of plants and trees. This is why [the Great Teacher Chang-an] wrote, "There has never been anything to compare to the brightness and serenity of shikan-style meditation," and why [the Great Teacher Miao-lo] stated, "They are nevertheless shocked and harbor doubts when they hear for the first time the doctrine that insentient beings possess the Buddha nature."

    (Consecrating an Image of Shakyamuni Buddha Made by Shijo Kingo)
