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Saturday, February 7, 2015

"RUN" [from the SGI]

"Hey dddddd , so nice to hear from you, and also that you feel you are making progress. getting rid of things and cleaning up is always a good thing so good for you. funny you should mention jjjjjj as she called me yesterday.  part of her delusion is that she thinks (and has for years), that she needs to save me. very funny since, in truth, she is the one that needs saving. always, after every time i speak with her i feel deeply upset for about one day. even if it is a pleasant chat.  years ago i told a friend of mine about how upset i feel after an encounter with jjjjjj and that i did not know why. his reply to me was that it must be because i care very much about her. to this day i have not found a better answer. oh well!  anyway, thanks for the heads up on her youtube video. like many people, jjjjjj inflates things.

i am going to speak about the teachings in hopes it will help you some now and in the future.  everything i say can be backed up by the teachings as they are not just my arbitrary opinion. nichiren tells us that if ones words and spirit matches the teachings they are not just opinion but the teachings themselves.  this is why it is important to study the correct teachings and why study is a component of buddhist practice. one must be a little careful about this for even being sincere, if one gives incorrect and rotten encouragement to another it is still not a very good cause. this is because cause and effect is strict.

in the lotus sutra and nichirens writings there is talk of what a good priest or monk looks like. and also what a bad priest or monk looks like. monk or priest refers to anyone that makes a living from buddhism whether they be in a business suit or robes. it also applies to anyone who holds sway over others in regards to buddhist faith and practice. in the beginning, some people chose to devote their entire life to the teachings. this means live it, study it deeply, and to risk their lives to protect it. for doing this, they were allowed to accept alms from the people. since the average person did not study (some may not have even read at all), they relied on the priests to teach them the truth. if these priests and monks were good examples and taught the correct teachings to be given sustenance was a good thing. and for the people who were able to give or donate to this was a very good cause for them as well. both would receive benefit and blessings for making such a excellent cause.  however, to offer sustenance to evil priests and monks who instead of following the correct teachings,  used them for their own gain and to manipulate the people, or because they had big ego and big agendas aside from the truth of the correct teachings;  it would be the exact opposite and the effect would be suffering and loss.

today, within nichirens buddhism there is a grave and serious illness. actually, this has been going on for a very long time. in short, today, very few people practice or possibly even know what the true teachings are. through bad translations(many on purpose), phony gosho and misguided and evil teachers, nichirens lotus sutra buddhism is a mess. not only do the major sects,  through years of perversion and secret agendas have it wrong but they have taught it to many people who spread it on the internet. if one travels the internet, one will see that everyone has an opinion in some form about  myoho renge kyo, nichirens buddhism or some sect and they are happy to tell everyone all about it. most of it is incorrect and much is outright slander. because shakyamuni knew this would happen, he did not entrust it to his preparatory teaching disciples who asked to be allowed to spread it in the latter age. instead, the eternal buddhas only entrusted it to his closest disciples the bodhisattvas of the earth, whose leader is jogyo(nichiren). the mission of the B.O.E is to spread it but to also protect it. this is why nichiren encourages one to speak out even at the risk of ones life . nichiren tells us that by doing so,  one is sure(without doubt) to attain buddhahood in this lifetime.

shakyamuni and nichiren tell us that the lotus sutra(myoho renge kyo) is the most "difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand".  any lesser teaching is easier to believe and to understand.  the easier the teaching is to believe and understand the less profound and meaningful it is. here we are not just referring to theory but to actual fact(real profound benefit).  first there is the non-buddhist teachings, then there is the preparatory teachings of the buddha which are more profound than non-buddhists teachings. however, they are still not the complete truth according to the buddha. the main reason this is so is because the teachings other than the lotus sutra teach to the nine worlds and are still in the realm of the "burning house" as spoke of in the lotus sutra.  only the lotus sutra was taught from the mind of the buddha which is the eternall buddhahood. this is why the buddha said to discard them. this is because it still leaves people spinning in the lower nine worlds and causes much confusion. it causes people to think they are practicing the truth, when in fact, they are not.  it leads people to turn their backs on the truth and fall to the lower worlds. this is jjjjjj's problem as well and many, many others.  jjjjjj believes she is making good causes. and she does it will a smile on her face.  but in fact, she is nothing more that a function of the devil. if a heroine addict chants for an unlimited supply of heroine,  and gets it, is this a benefit??   no, it is not a benefit.  it is a present from the devil of the sixth heaven. as in, "they will only have the devil for a parent". nichiren.

years ago jjjjjj bought into the idea that if she stays in the sgi , she can change it from within and by doing so, this surely must be a good cause.  according to the teachings, nothing could be further from the truth.  this is one example of how the sgi and ikeda take advantage of peoples sincerity . even though sgi tells people to chant the daimoku, they really just lead people away from the real teachings and truth of the lotus sutra.  instead, they cause people to follow and take faith in something other than what the buddha and nichiren taught. this is the highest level of slander possible. to give alms(money),  or any support to them, including hand-clapping is only being complicit in their fraud of nichirens buddhism . in truth, it would be better for one to have no gohonzon and only chant one daimoku a day than to practice alongside them.  possibly, the sgi and ikeda do and have done some minor and medium good in the mundane world, but because they have completely twisted, perverted and made a laughing stock of the buddhas highest teachings, the evil that they have done is unspeakable. taking advantage of the buddhas children and using them and the teachings for their own agenda(wealth and power) is the most poisonous thing on this planet. not only has it brought great harm to the country of japan but it has harmed this country(usa) as well . look at our country.  "as buddhism goes so goes the nation". they rob their own members of the promise of the lotus sutra and instead lead them to turn their backs on what is most lofty and correct.  much like what the white man in this country did to the indians.  "we have a great deal for you. you give us half your land,  100 of your best pony's,  and 200  buffalo skins and we will give you some bright and shiny things that you can tinkle with" .  shame on them.

as i told jjjjjj 4 or 5 years ago: "RUN".  my hope is that you will not become trapped by them and that through you own realization you will be able to break your attachment to them."

best wishes

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