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Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Real Soka Gakkai scam: Gift Annuity Agreements

SGI Gift Annuity Agreements is the same as a reverse mortgage, the biggest scam to come down the pike since Ponzi: 

Gift Annuity Agreements -- The donor transfers cash, securities or property to SGI-USA now and SGI-USA agrees by contract to pay the donor a fixed income for life. This annuity is qualified for an income tax deduction. In addition, part of the annual income paid to you by SGI-USA also qualifies for an income tax deduction. 

Of course the SGI would latch onto it: 

...reverse mortgages are products specifically designed for and targeted to senior citizens, the population group most vulnerable to fraud; 
...scam artists know that a reverse mortgages provide the senior homeowner with relatively easy access to a sizable pool of cash; and, 
...reverse mortgages are harder to understand than traditional mortgages making it easier for the scam artist to confuse and take advantage of victims. 


  1. Plenty talk about soka gakkai in japan these japanese English very difficult isn't it

    "Initially, I was referred to as "the dialogue towards the 10 000 people." Initially from the direction of the activists "ridiculous, and I'm saying that what was playfully. You can and that does not even" but the was also or is a fool, already the number of access this blog became 1,329,275. There are also from 4000 access 3000 a day now. In one month average from approximately 100,000 150,000. Because it is of course access number, but would not that have seen a person of that number, thus continuously that access is elongation,'s a proof that much talk of you there is a compelling real, of you ties that the person who can very sympathetic to talk is Kudasaru further comments, I think he has been reflected in these figures."

  2. Not sure what it is saying. Can you make it out?

    1. Why don't you try sending some of your comments to them. Lets hope their translator makes more sense from Japanese to English

      Many Japanese can read better than what they speak. It would be beneficial for them to know what's happening outside of Japan

  3. This is the translation of Soka Gakkai is not a Religion part 2
