Setting - SGI Study Meeting. Study of President Ikeda's "Lectures on Hoben and Juryo chapters of the Lotus Sutra"
Leader (starts the meeting): "OK, everybody. Everyone knows the "material" and I'm not going to spoon-feed you this "stuff". What do you want to talk about? Any experiences?"
Member 1: "I went to a meeting with the Japanese members. I was so!!!! encouraged by their life conditions. You can feel that they are so close to President Ikeda! I was so encouraged! I was so encouraged! I was so encouraged........."
Member 2: "I have an experience." (Talks about a problem with someone at work who is a "very bad person"). Somehow, experience includes mentioning "correct faith"
Member 3 (the "arrogant" one with an "attitude") jumps on that: "How would you define "correct faith"?
Leader (interjects): "You want a challenge? OK! OK! Who wants to respond to the challenge?"
Member 2: "well.... I guess it means believing in my Buddha Nature."
Leader (to member 3): "Now, are you satisfied?"
Member 3: No. Not really....w....
Leader (angrily): "Do you know the meaning of a crab leg in a vat of lacquer."
Member 3 (completely baffled by that expression): ?????
Study of the Lotus Sutra happily continues.....The meeting shifts into a discussion about the greatness of President Ikeda and SGI as the only person/organization on this planet that is fighting for World Peace. Everyone agrees, smiles and claps their hands. Member 3 is ashamed of himself for not being in unity.
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ReplyDeleteI looked through the 13 pages of this Psycho GA GA (Soka Gakkai) shop and found the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin on the last page. This really says it all doesn't it.
It seems like their target is to get rid of the Gosho altogether. I haven't had a look at other countries websites yet but I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same as Australia's because this is example of putting Nichiren last is true to their form
So true. Thanks for sharing.