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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Only after Hiroshima and Nagasaki did Josei Toda become a pacifist.

Article by Guna

"In 1941, Soka Kyoiku Gakkai issued their first monthly periodical, Kachi Sozo. The Japanese nation, unable to extricate herself from the prolonged Sino-Japanese conflict, was on the verge of entering another new war against the joint forces of the USA & England. It was a period of mounting tension, for in December of that same year, the Pacific War was to begin. The prewar Japanese  society under the militaristic government brought unwanted pressure upon the lives of the Japanese people all the more. A thought-control policy was rigidly imposed; even religions and ideologies were increasingly subjected to strict control. The philosophical thoughts of Soka Kyoiku Gakkai were of no exception; they, too, were rapidly turning into those of extremely militaristic outlook, reflecting the social background of this age.

Today Soka Gakkai & SGI are desperately trying to conceal their wartime record, doing their utmost best and expending every means available to distort their past militaristic attitude. They attempt to project the image of the eternal peace-loving humanitarian group, and on every occasion everywhere, they loudly publicized their 'anti-war, culture, education, and humanisrri stance as if they  have always been staunchly in favor of them. Yet the reality indicates differently. The historical and documented facts can not be easily expunged nor erased from the records.

Mr. Tsunesaburo Makiguchi's remarks, carefully documented in the 'Corrobo- rate Records of Life based on the Philosophy of Value of the Supreme Goodness published on August l0th,1942, under the heading, "The Instruction Manual Summarizing the Experiments and Testimonials of Life based on the Philosophy of Value of the Supreme Goodness," substantiate their militaristic viewpoint:

"'Sacrifice your own skin to slash the opponent's flesh. Surrender your own flesh to saw off the opponent's bone.' With their faithful implementation of this well-known Japanese fencing (kendo) strategy into actual practice during the war, the Japanese military is able to achieve her glorious, ever-victorious invincibility in the Sino-Japan conflict and in the Pacific war, and thus, easing the minds of the Japa- nese people. This [strategy of sacrifice] should be held as an ideal lifestyle for those remaining on the home front and should be applied in every aspect of our daily life.

The same manual also contains a report on the agenda for the 4th Soka Kyoiku Gakkai General Meeting held on May l7th,1942 at Hitotsubashi Kyoiku Kaikan in Kanda, Tokyo as follows:

"... (Omission)... Approximately four hundred members were present. At 10 o'clock a.m., facing toward the Imperial Palace,.a silent prayer for the war casualties was offered. The meeting proceeded according to the agenda. In another room, the Sobi Kado Kai, the Flower Arrangement Society, whose principle guidelines for instructions are based on the theory of Value-Creation, held a flower arrangement ex- hibition. There was also a display of various prizes awarded to children educated under the same guiding pedagogical method. This greatly impressed all those in attendance, further increasing their appreciation of their own life based on the mer its of the doctrine of'faith equals daily life.' Immediately after concluding the General Meeting proceedings, Director Toda was nominated to chair the discussion meet- ing which followed with all the participants attending. Personal testimonials were given on the topic of "How to Establish Faith in One's Daily Life." After this, there was a very serious, intense question and answer session. Director Iwasaki spoke next with his closing speech, and lastly, President Makiguchi led three cheers of "Banzai" ("Long Live the Emperor") for His Majesty the Emperor. The meeting ended shortly after 4 p.m."
The Opening Address - by Director Nojima

"Since the start of the Great East Asia Co-Prosperity War, the brilliant military achievements and glorious war results [of the Japanese military] are due to the fact that the Lotus Sutra is the guardian spirit of our country. After listening to the reas- suring news of the string of great victories broadcasted on the radio last evening, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and ever more appreciative of being able to open the meeting today." The Closing Speech - by Director Iwasaki

"What is the usual state of life in this mundane world? Life itself is a heavy chain, hopelessly in bondage to individualism, the intrigues, the jealousies, the re- jections, the illusions and the insecurities. We, however, are not, in the least, fettered by any of these bonds. When I think about this blessed state, I believe we have already won the victorious battles in the struggle for the Great East Asia Co-Prosper- ity War. As one member of the divine Japanese Empire's civilian front, I am fully aware of our one great mission, which we are held accountable. It is the most natu- ral duty as patriots to generate industrialization, to offer our professional skills and abilities, to save our money and savings, and to lead a life of simplicity and thrifti- ness. Nevertheless, if there is one member of Soka Kyoiku Gakkai who thinks he has fulfilled his patriotic duty as a member of the civilian home front by merely carrying out the above sacrifices, then he is gravely mistaken. What then is our true mission? It is, without exception, to conduct shakubuku. Through our shakubuku, we teach others and spread this life of happiness to the general society. When all insecurities, illusions, jealousies, rejections, chains and fetters in this world have dissipated, at that time, an indestructible home front will be constructed. This civilian front will never surrender, fighting till the bitter end to establish the Great East Asia Co-Pros- perity Sphere no matter how long it may take.

These wartime remarks by the members of Soka Kyoiku Gakkai are a far cry from their "anti-war' and "peace-loving" stance the Gakkai so vehemently claim they are and have always been in the past."
Comment: Only after Hiroshima and Nagasaki did Toda become a pacifist.

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