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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha is a necessary part of the subjugation of ego vital for awakening.

SGI mis-teaches the principle of the equality of the Buddha and the common mortal because they misunderstand the principle of the general and the specific, teaching the inferior is superior [or equal], and proclaiming that the common mortal is equal to the Buddha. This is different than the Buddha proclaiming that the common mortal is equal to the Buddha. That we ARE equal is a Buddhist paradox. Understanding [living] the paradox with gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha is a necessary part of the subjugation of ego vital for awakening. Nichiren scolded the Zenmen for the very same transgression as the SGI.


  1. The structure of the 3 bodied Tathagatta and the common mortal is the same but how advanced we are depends on our Reward Body. Their would be very few that would have a reward body that is as advanced Shakyamuni and Nichiren.

    I personally find these arrogant ego tripping wanabe Buddhas revolting, repulsive and nauseating to say the least in their vain pursuit to emulate Lord Shakyamuni Buddha's success in his attainment of unparalled eminence

    Respect should be given to where it is due but not to these stand in counterfeiting, cheating Fakes that are only fooling the naïve and themselves
