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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Nichiren on Sakyamuni Buddha

"In the third place, Sakyamuni Buddha is the supreme leader and excellent eyes for all people. He is the bridge that enables them to cross the river of evil passions; He is the skipper who guides them over the sea of life and death; and He is the fertile field in which they plant the seed of merits. The so called Four Sages of Confucianism and Three Hermits of Brahmanism, despite their worthy names, are actually unenlightened men unable to rid themselves of the Three Delusions (all delusions and evil passions). Although their names suggest they are wise men, in reality they are as ignorant as infants, who know nothing of cause and effect. How can we cross the sea of life and death aboard a ship steered by such men? How can we pass through the winding street in the Six Realms of delusion and evil passions over to the world of Nirvana by means of a bridge constructed by such men?" (Kaimoku Sho, Noppa Translation).


  1. "How can we cross the sea of life and death aboard a ship steered by such men? "

    At least Confucianists can place the right effect to a cause and we all know the entire Japanese nation will never chant (wrong effect) as a result of forceful practices, so forget considering China.

  2. In your mind because you can't see past a decade or two, a century or two, a millenium or two, a kalpa or two....

  3. that's almost funny coming from someone who looks at the world through a pipe or a small window; someone that grasps at certain teachings and become attached to them, calling them the Dharma while saying that anything else is not the Dharma. Actually if we can make use of any teaching and use it to change our outlook on life, then it is all the Dharma. Learning the Buddha's way is learning how to interact harmoniously with people and things which is why that forceful-practices arrow will miss it's mark.

    1. says o g. even though it may be incorrect. what a joke.
