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Friday, August 21, 2015

The Lotus Sutra and the Ceremony in the Air

"Ajita, you should understand this.
These great bodhisattvas
for countless kalpas
have practice the Buddha wisdom.
All have been converted by me;
I caused them to set their minds on the great way.

These are my sons,
they dwell in this world,
constantly carrying out dhuta practices,
preferring a quiet place,
rejecting the fret and confusion of the great assembly,
taking no delight in much talk.
In this manner these sons
study and practice my way and Law.
And in order that day and night with constant diligence
they may seek the Buddha way,
in this saha world
they dwell in the empty space in its lower part.
Firm in the power of will and concentration,
with constant diligence seeking wisdom,
they expound various wonderful doctrines
and their minds are without fear.
When I was in the city of Gaya,
seated beneath the bodhi tree,
I attained the highest, the correct enlightenment
and turned the wheel of the unsurpassed Law.
Therefore I taught and converted them,
caused them for the first time to set their minds on the way.
Now all of them dwell in the stage of no regression,
and all in time will be able to become Buddhas.
What I speak now are true words -
with a single mind you must believe them!
Ever since the long distant past
I have been teaching and converting this multitude." (Lotus Sutra, Chapter XV)


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  3. I believe that I may understand for now some aspects of the Eternal Shakymuni Buddha concept. All the ShakyamunyNichiren sunshine has caused the thick SGI/NST fog has started to lift

    I've been on this blog site for about a year now, and have always found the eternal Shakyamuni Buddha concept a pain to understand

    It seems to go something like this

    Their was a time many kalpas ago when Shakyamuni gained enlightenment and it will be much longer that he will remain the 3 bodied Tathagatta. This is what he said 2,500 years ago. So he is the eternal Buddha within this Shakyamuni era of eternity that consists of countless kalpas I guess, I hope this understanding is correct because it puts me at ease for the moment

    The 10 world Gohonzon that Shakyamuni's attendant the Bodhisattva Buddha - Nichiren inscribed contains the treasure tower that is described in the Lotus Sutra and is a living entity that Lord Buddha works magic of the Thus Come One's transcendental powers through by which our lives are transformed into a mirror image of the 3 bodied Tathagatta in all its splendour

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  5. Their was a time many kalpas ago when Shakyamuni gained enlightenment and it will be much longer that he will remain the 3 bodied Tathagatta.

    If this is the case it makes one wonder what the individual Shakyamuni was doing before he became a Buddha besides Bodhisattva practices and what he will do after the Kalpas expire. Maybe the same thing, and the whole process starts over and finishes again as it has always done for all eternity

  6. The eternal Shakymuni Buddha's manifest body was material (temporary phenomena) not transcendental but shares many other positive characteristics with the legendary Krishna

    Bhagavan Sri Krishna, the revered speaker of the Bhagavad-Gita is described in the authoritative Vedic scriptures and by the self realised sages as being; the Supreme Absolute Truth, the original cause of all causes, the Supreme Person. His activities and pastimes are full of meaning and purpose, all of which reveal the highest Truth.

    Krishna appeared in this world five thousand years ago, in His original transcendental form, making it possible for us to meditate upon Him and hear His transcendental instructions on how we can come back to Him.

    Sri Krishna Himself explains in the Bhagavad-gita:

    “Although I am unborn and My transcendental body never deteriorates, and although I am the Lord of all sentient beings, I still appear in every millennium in My original transcendental who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.” (Bg. 4.4-9)

  7. The Lotus Sutra and Nichiren teach that all three bodies are eternal. This too is difficult to believe and difficult to understand. For this reason, the Vedas have it wrong.
