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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

The SGI is a five dollar knockoff

I thought the SGI was a Rolex watch but one day I jostled it and the mainspring uncoiled and jumped out the watchface. I fault the top leaders for selling me a watch that they said was a Rolex but was really a five dollar knock-off. I also fault myself for not doing my homework. The SGI ends justify the means sales pitch is really perverse. To a desperate man, it was just what I was looking for. I bought it for twelve dollars and it cost me twenty years.


  1. if sgi is so great why did fukushima happen in japan? why is japan dying like belarus and ukraine only worse. why is pacific dying from nuclear waste and fukushima. why did the new komeito cete a new war powers act to the ldp and let them change the constitution?

  2. would you reply to this mark and explain things to me. my heart is so broken. i just want to die.

    1. Because the Japanese learned from the Germans how to use religion to control the population, and when Ikeda says "democracy," ( what he really means is the political power to move others through religion. This is why SGI pays so much to various academics to write about Buddhism in a way that favors them. The SGI has twisted Buddhism - they have taken the faith of the Japanese patriot and dissenter NIchiren and appropriated it for the means of the ruthless Japanese establishment.

  3. Because Emperor Ike(d)a has navigated the maze of Samsara.

  4. What would you like me to explain? Carefully read the Lotus Sutra, gosho, Human Revolution, and Soka Spirit website and you can accurately compare the two different religions. If you have any more specific questions, I will try and answer them.

  5. I understand the difference between the tow religions mark. this is a time or morning for me. for japan. for the people in the united states getting bombarded by fukushima. what of our children?

  6. what of 1in 2now dying of cancer. what of 85 percent of the children in belarus with heart defects and fuku will be worst? can any buddhists stand up against this supreme evil?

  7. tune of Fixin to Die Rag (woodstock)

    Give me an S
    Give me an E
    Give me an N
    Give me an S
    Give me an E
    Give me an I
    Whats that spell SENSEI
    Whats that spell SENSEI
    Whats that spell SENSEI

    Well come on all you YMD
    Diasaku Ikeda needs you and me
    Got himself in a terrible jam
    Way down yonder in JA PAN
    So put down your drugs and pick up your beads
    Diamoku is all you need.

    And its 1 2 3 what are we chanting for
    Don't ask me I don't give a dam
    My next stop is Buddha land
    And its 5 6 7 open up the pearly gates
    Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
    I'm headin to MT. Sumeri.

    Now come on Georgie boy lets move fast
    your big chance is here at last
    Now you can make your headquarters grow
    All the way from Santa Monica to Tokyo.

    And its 1 2 3 what are we chanting for
    Don't ask me I don't give a dam
    My next stop is Buddha land
    And its 5 6 7 open up the pearly gates
    Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
    I'm headin to MT. Sumeri.

    Come on Koteckei, don't be slow,
    Ikeda is the man to suck and blow
    There's plenty good money to be made
    Start a religion and you've got it made
    When they drop the bomb, just save you and me,
    Just drop it on Taisekagi

    And its 1 2 3 what are we chanting for
    Don't ask me I don't give a dam
    My next stop is Buddha land
    And its 5 6 7 open up the pearly gates
    Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
    I'm headin to MT. Sumeri.

    Come on mothers throughout the land,
    Pack your kids off to JA PAN
    Come on fathers, and don't hesitate
    To send your sons off before it's too late.
    And you can be the first ones on your block
    To have your kid bring home with a Budzadon box.

    And its 1 2 3 what are we chanting for
    Don't ask me I don't give a dam
    My next stop is Buddha land
    And its 5 6 7 open up the pearly gates
    Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
    I'm headin to MT. Sumeri.

  8. And what would you have the Bodhisattvas of the Earth do? All we can do is spread the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra and warn mankind of the evils of SGI and all those who could conceivably destroy the true Law.

  9. tell the truth. no more lies. there is no prosperity from nuclear power unbridled growth and greed. its over. nuclear power was is a malicious murderous lie. the 9 lives of the human genome are gone. of all dna based creatures. the sgi tepco the nuclear cartel need to step up to their crimes

    1. We may not be able to stop the corruption of the whole world, but we can certainly pluck the gears from the SGI machine outside of Japan.

      Maybe one day, the hafu of the world will stand up and take Japan for their own as its ambassadors and leaders. It's just an idea, but it may catch on - and how it can heal the world!

  10. They will never be held accountable as long as the people refuse to embrace Myoho renge kyo. The world is a sewer of corruption.The politicians and the multi-millionaires/billionaires protect their own.
