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Saturday, October 24, 2015

This is where your money goes SGI members

                   SGI Gajokai ["Teeth of the Castle" or SGI security]

The bathroom fixtures in Ikeda's personal community center apartment, in the old New York Community Center, were golden, very shiny like his life condition. The carpets were incredibly plush like the floor of Nichiren Daishonin's hut, two inches thick. Of course, the furniture was the finest most comfortable money could buy and nobody used them. This is where your money goes.  Certainly it doesn't go to the non-salaried Gajokai.


  1. I used to clean at the Myohoji Temple in Etiwanda, Ca. I loved doing it & I was free to clean as best I knew how, vacuuming mostly. The Priest & his wife were always appreciative of our contribution this way.
    One time I was vacuuming in "President Ikeda's Special" room and I was instructed how to vaccum in long rows with perfect symmetry. This was a Japanese leader instructing me. I could hardly believe my ears, but I did as she told me to do........Just a flash of a memory I just had.

  2. They are all about power and control, aren't they? They make me sick but I get satisfaction in telling the truth about them and the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren.
