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Sunday, October 18, 2015

What SGI spoke before they could "speak the truth"

"Think of the example of an electric light. Assuming of course that the light bulb itself is not burned out, no bright light will shine forth from an electric light to which the electricity does not flow because of a blown fuse, no matter how many times one turns on the switch. Even though the light bulb itself works fine, without electricity, the light will not shine. Accordingly, **those who do not worship the Dai- Gohonzon of Fuji Taisekiji are slanderers."** Soka Gakkai Shakubuku Kyoten, p. 339

"The Dai-Gohonzon enshrined at the Head Temple Taisekiji is the basis of everything in our religion. The successive high priests of Nichiren Shoshu alone arequalified to copy the Dai-Gohonzon, to make a Gohonzon, which each of us embraces. This is based upon the Buddhist principle of bunshin santai (dispersion of the entity)." -- Daisaku Ikeda, Chicago Community Center on October 11, 1980, reported in the November 24, 1980, World Tribune, p. 15

"In this sect (Nichiren Shoshu), the Living Essence, Uninterrupted Light of the Law has been bestowed like the transferal of the water of the Law from one vessel to another upon each specifically chosen High Priest in the lineage until the present day. To the last, the True Buddha is Nichiren Daishonin, and **we must revere the inner enlightenment of the High Priests, which is only bestowed on and between High Priests, in the same way that we revere the Daishonin."** -- Daisaku Ikeda, May 3, 1979

" . . . the 'Treasure of the Priest' refers to the High Priests in the line of Nikko Shonin, who are the only ones who have received the transmission of the Living Essence of the Law until the present day. Furthermore, all of the Priests are the disciples of the High Priest. They are the House of the Law. Consequently, no matter what the circumstances may be, we must hold the Priests in a place of importance." -- Daisaku Ikeda, February 28, 1978

"The 'Treasure of the Priest' refers to the 2nd High Priest of this sect, Nikko Shonin, and as the 3rd president has stated, also refers to the High Priests, the only persons who have received the Living Essence of the Law." Seikyo Shimbun, June 30, 1978

"The Treasure of the Priest begins with Nikko Shonin, who correctly acceded to the possession of the Living Essence of the Law of True Buddhism, continues with the successive generations of High Priests, and in a broader sense, includes all of the members of the Priesthood who are of the House of the High Priest of the Law. [Omission] Realising how vitally important the existence of the Treasure of the Priest is, and honouring the Priests with faith filled with respect, thanks and and a desire to repay the debt of gratitude which we owe them, it is essential that we march forward toward kosen rufu in a spirit of harmonious unity between the Priesthood and the laity." -- Daisaku Ikeda, "Daibyaku Renge," November 1979 issue, reprinted in October 1983 issue

"Any person who is not obedient to the High Priest, whatever the reason may be, is no longer a Priest or lay member of Nichiren Shoshu. This is because there is no error more fundamental than this." Daisaku Ikeda, November 24, 1981

"The foundation of Nichiren Shoshu is the Bestowal of the Living Essence of the Law upon the One and Only Person. The only correct path for both Priests and lay believers is to proceed in obedience to the High Priest because of that Face to Face Bestowal of the Living Essence of the Law." -- Daisaku Ikeda, Jan. 24, 1982

"Till the end, only the High Priest's instruction can be the basis for the doctrines of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism." -- Daisaku Ikeda, April 17, 1981

"The inheritance of the Living Essence of the Law is the origin of Nichiren Shoshu. With the Dai-Gohonzon as their source, the successive generations of High Priests, the only ones to whom this has been transferred, have continued in their Eternal Protection of the Law." -- Daisaku Ikeda, July 24, 1982

"Realising how vitally important the existence of the Treasure of the Priest is, and honoring the Priests with faith filled with respect, thanks and and a desire to repay the debt of gratitude which we owe them, it is essential that we march forward toward kosen rufu in a spirit of harmonious unity between the Priesthood and the laity." -- Daisaku Ikeda, August 3 1981

"Today, it is in the faith of Nichiren Shoshu and the tradition of the gakkai that we revere the successive generations of High Priests as we do Nichiren Daishonin. If anyone so much as makes light of the High Priest, as it says in the Gosho, the sufferings of hell await that person without a doubt. Whatever may happen, I pledge that we will proceed towards kosen rufu exactly as the High Priest instructs, and construct a harmonious unity between Priesthood and laity." Gakkai President Hojo, November 26, 1980

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