January 26 - SGI Day (1975)
February 11 - Second Soka Gakkai President Josei Toda's Birthday (1900)
March 16 - Kosen-rufu Day (1958)
April 20 - Day of Seikyo Shimbun's Founding (1951)
May 3 - Soka Gakkai Day (1951/1960)
May 3 - Soka Gakkai Mother's Day (1988)
May 5 - Soka Gakkai Successors' Day (1976)
June 6 - First Soka Gakkai President Tsunesaburo Makiguchi's Birthday (1871)
July 3 - Mentor and Disciple Day (1945/1957)
July 17 - Mr. Ikeda released from prison (1957)
August 14 - Mr. Ikeda's first meetiing with Mr. Toda (1947)
August 24 - Mr. Ikeda took faith in Nichiren Buddhism (1947)
September 8 - Declaration Against Nuclear Weapons by President Toda (1957)
October 2 - World Peace Day (1960)
November 18 - Soka Gakkai Founding Day (1930)
December 2 - Date of Starting the Novel, the Human Revolution (1964)
PLEASE NOTE, not one commemorative day for the Daishonin's or Shakyamuni Buddha's birth, death, enlightenment, or persecutions. Jeez, Daisaku was in jail for what, 12 hours?
Pitt stops on the highway to Hell