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Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Nichiren on the three kinds of messengers

"In general, there are three kinds of messengers. The first kind is extremely clever. The second is not particularly clever but is not foolish, either. The third is extremely foolish but nevertheless reliable.

Of these three types, the first will commit no error [in transmitting the message]. The second, being somewhat clever but not quite as clever as the first type, will add his own words to his lord’s message. Thus he is the worst possible type of messenger. The third type, being extremely foolish, will not presume to insert his own words and, being honest, will relay his lord’s message without deviating from it. Thus he is a better messenger than the second type, and occasionally may be even better than the first."


  1. I agree with these proverbs! Hope your doing well mark!!! -nick J

  2. Hi Nick. Hope you are still chanting. best to he wife and children.

  3. We miss you allot. Changing gave me the motivaion I needed to get out of a place I didnt want to be. My depression is much better!! We have a third child due on 4/29/2016 juturna aerith. I have been slowly working on my relationship with my grandparents. Things seem hopeful. My back is doing much better. No opiates. Just lyrica and effexor. I had facet joint procedure though and some injections. Check out our facebook from time to time and keep in touch! We miss you. You defiently influenced me and gave me some confidance. I am defiently glad fait had us meet.

  4. I had been very sick, on the verge of death. For now, I'm out of the woods thanks to the Gohonzon and Namu myoho rengekyo. Really appreciate every day of life and the Treasures of the Heart. Congratulations on the new baby to be.

  5. Sorry to hear that Mark but glad you are out of the woods, long may that continue and I hope you continue to improve.

    Was what that what the break at the start of the year was about? I remember missing you and being concerned. Take good care of yourself.
