"Nichiren in every letter to a believer and in his Major Works announces that one should believe in and follow the Lotus Sutra and make Namu Myoho renge kyo AND Lord Shakyamuni Buddha of the Original Doctrine the Object of Worship and chant the Daimoku (Namu Myoho Renge Kyo). Nichiren, never said, I have left a plank for you, believe in the plank, worship the plank, build a building for the plank, fight over the plank, the plank is entrusted to Nikko. Nichiren inscribed the Gohonzon and said it is the World of the Original Buddha, not the world of Nichiren." -- Author unknown
The collected wisdom of the Soka Gakkai commentators on the Gosho instruct the members to take their word, though no names are attached, Soka Gakkai declares:
ReplyDelete" A more profound interpretation, however, identifies [Nichiren] him as the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, whose purpose was to establish the Gohonzon for the enlightenment of all people in the Latter Day." (WND-p.387)
It is blatantly obvious that this "profound interpretation" is the basis for establishing Superior Spin Doctors as the object(s) of worship for NST and SGI--