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Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The words of Daisaku Ikeda prove that he is a false Bodhisattva destined for Avici Hell

Nichiren writes: 

"IF one does not touch the sleeping lion, one will suffer no anger. If one does not plant the pole in the stream, one will raise no waves. And if one does not reproach those who slander the Law, one will undergo no hardship.

'If even a good monk sees someone destroying the teaching and disregards him, failing to reproach him . . .' If you have no qualms about the word “disregard,” then all may be fine for you at present, but you may be certain that later you will fall into the hell of incessant suffering!

That is why the Great Teacher Nan-yüeh in his Four Peaceful Practices states: 'If there should be a bodhisattva who protects evil persons and fails to chastise them, thereby prolonging evil, bringing distress to good people, and destroying the correct teaching, then such a person is no true bodhisattva. Before others he puts a lying face upon his behavior, always insisting that ‘I am practicing the virtue of forbearance!’ But when his life comes to an end, he will fall into hell along with those evil persons.”

And the Ten Kinds of Wheels Sutra says: 'If there are slanderers of the Law, one should not dwell with them nor draw near them. If one draws near them and dwells with them, one will be bound for the Avīchi hell.'

If one enters a grove of sandalwood trees, though one may not even touch the trees, one’s whole person becomes imbued with their scent. And similarly, if one draws near to those who slander the Law, the good roots that one has gained through religious practice will be totally destroyed and one will fall with the slanderers into hell. That is the reason volume four of The Annotations on 'Great Concentration and Insight' says: 'Though one may not be evil to begin with, if one associates with and is friendly with evil persons, one is bound in time to become an evil person oneself, and one’s evil reputation will spread throughout the world.'" [On the Nation's Slander of the Law]

The words of Daisaku Ikeda prove that he is a false Bodhisattva destined for Avici Hell...

“I have met and shared thoughts with people of many different philosophical, cultural and religious backgrounds, including Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Confucianism.

My consistent belief, reinforced through this experience, is that the basis for the kind of dialogue required in the twenty-first century must be humanism: one that sees good in that which unites and brings us together, evil in that which divides and sunders us. As I review my own efforts to foster dialogue in this way, I gain a renewed sense of the urgent need to redirect the energies of dogmatism and fanaticism--the cause of so much deadly conflict--toward a more humanistic outlook. 

In a world rent by terrorism and retaliatory strikes, by conflicts premised on ethnic and religious differences, such an attempt may appear to some a hopeless quest. But even so I believe that we must continue to make efforts toward this goal."

In promoting SGI interfaith, Daisaku Ikeda is destroying his own castle from within. 

Would you want to be so overflowing with love and good feelings?

Overflowing with love and good feelings for everyone following his SGI leadership training in Osaka Japan, Jim Celer writes, "So liar-boy is once again spouting things he KNOWS are inaccurate, as he has been told time and again." 

I think I'll skip SGI Osaka on my next visit to Japan. I wouldn't want to be so overflowing with love and good feelings.

"They just shouted quotes and let me drown.

"I Was a member for 25 years. I attended hundreds of meetings.I was never a leader but I respected many of them. I didn't get too involved in the organization because I learned that some of their views were not in alignment with my own heart. I always always tried to trust the budda-nature in side of me before advise from a leader.I hit a very stressful time in my life of serious issues which are too much to get into now and it activated ptsd in me. When you have ptsd is is kind of like being severed from your budda-nature. I can't go into what ptsd is but I am sure that unless anyone has had it they have no idea what it is like. It is like feeling all the emotions of being physically abused as a child but at the same time knowing you are an adult.It completely messed up your entire nervous system and memory. It feels like any second you will die.It is the most terrifying experience

People who have been in war get it alot. I read that 75 percent do and half of that amount commit suicide. It is a very serious issue. It is not mental illness. After you live through hell your brain gets triggered into the horrific times that you experienced in past.No amount of chanting would ever get me out of it. I needed help.Not the so called medicine of chanting.I needed real medicine to balance all the chemical imbalances in my brain cause by the stress of reexperiencing trauma .I asked 2 leaders of I could stay at their house. One was a friend of 26 years the other a leader I knew for about 6 years who was a psycologist. They both said I think you should chant. Both of them knew that I was having a suicide tendencies. Not that I ever wanted to kill myself but the pain of reexperiencing trauma. I is so severe you can't see any way out. No amount of chanting was going to help me. I told them every time I chant I feel my head is going to explode and I feel like something is on my neck choking me. Which is what it felt like. When you have PTSD you need someone to bring you back to the present and chanting doesn't cut it. All they said is just chant. No one lifted a finger to help me. At the time I was bying a house.I was raped my cat died and 2 contractors walked out on me and my mother was in hospital for pnemonia. You would think that someone would have come over to help me instead of reading me President Ikeda quotes about not being a coward. Actually they were the heartless cowards not me. They just shouted quotes and let me drown.

Actual proof for the ages

Daisaku [Great Building] Ikeda's great building, the Sho Hondo, is nothing but dust.

Banishing the seven disasters

"Within the nation there are two types of slanderers of the Law, those in the outer branches of government, and those within the central government. Those in the outer branches are the slanderers of the Law in the sixty-six provinces that make up Japan. Those in the central government are the slanderers within the ninefold bastions of the ruler’s city. If one does not take measures to control and outlaw these two types of slanderers in the inner and outer branches of government, then the gods who protect the nation’s ancestral shrines and the altars of the soil and grain will cease to do so, and the nation will face inevitable ruin. Why? Because the ancestral shrines are where the gods of the nation are worshiped, the altars of the soil honor the earth gods, and the altars of grain honor the gods of the five kinds of grain.

Now these two types of gods, the gods of the nation and those of the soil and grain, are starved for the flavor of the Law and they have abandoned the nation. Hence the nation has day by day fallen into a more ruinous state of decay.

Therefore On “Great Concentration and Insight” says: “The earth is so broad that one cannot pay proper respect to it all. Hence one marks off a certain area to create an altar of the soil. ‘Grain’ is the general term by which the five kinds of grain are known; it refers to the gods of the five kinds of grain. Thus in the place where the Son of Heaven dwells, the ancestral shrines are placed on the left, and the altars of the soil and grain on the right, and offerings are made to them in accordance with the four seasons and the five agents. Hence to bring ruin to the nation is to destroy the altars of the soil and grain.”

And therefore the great teacher of the Mountain school says: “In the nation when there are voices slandering the Law, the people will be reduced in number. But when in the family honor is paid diligently to the teachings, the seven disasters* will most certainly be banished.”

Thanks to Shinzo Abe, Taro Aso, Natsuo Yamaguchi, and Daisaku Ikeda, Japan has fallen into "a more ruinous state of [radiocative] decay

*The Lotus Sutra lists seven disasters from which people can be saved by the power of Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds: 

(1) fire, 
(2) flood, 
(3) rākshasa demons,
(4) attack by swords and staves, 
(5) attack by yaksha and other demons, 
(6) imprisonment, and 
(7) attack by bandits. 

Nichiren often cites the seven disasters listed in the Benevolent Kings Sutra: 

(1) extraordinary changes of the sun and moon, 
(2) extraordinary changes of the stars and planets, 
(3) fires, 
(4) unseasonable floods, 
(5) storms, 
(6) drought, and 
(7) war, including enemy attacks from without and rebellion from within. 

and in the The Medicine Master Sutra:

(1) pestilence, 
(2) foreign invasion, 
(3) internal strife, 
(4) extraordinary changes in the heavens, 
(5) solar and lunar eclipses, 
(6) unseasonable storms, and
(7) drought.

Nichiren on errors in the application of the Buddhist teachings

"Little waves and a slight wind can hardly do harm to a large ship, but high waves and strong winds can easily overturn a small ship. Similarly, slight irregularities in the secular rule of the sovereign are like little waves and a slight wind and can do little harm to a great nation or a great man. But errors in the application of the Buddhist teachings, like high waves and strong winds that overturn a small ship, can without doubt bring about the destruction of the nation."

Big mistake to rely on Virginia Strauss

I don't believe that Virginia Straus Benson, director of the Boston Ikeda Center has ever read the entire Lotus Sutra nor Nichiren's Opening of the Eyes but I'm sure that she is quite familiar with the Ikeda-Toynbee dialogues and Ikeda's Human Revolution. Therefore, she is well positioned to propagate the religion of Ikedaism but to rely on her to propagate the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin in Mappo, is a big mistake.

"He who fears no person whatsoever..."

"Nichiren, however, has now made his appearance in the world, he who fears no person whatsoever and who is prepared to cast aside body and life in order to point out the truth. If these men were truly worthy rulers of the nation, they would listen carefully to what he says. They do not listen or heed his advice, however, but, incredible as it may seem, go so far as to contemplate cutting off his head. This is a most astounding matter!

Thus we see that two evils have appeared side by side, the grave error of giving heed to men of great evil, and the grave crime of heaping shame on men of great goodness who uphold the correct teaching. It is as though one were to pay honor and respect to the asuras and shoot arrows at the god of the sun! This is why grave disorders occur now in this country such as have never been known in the past.

But such a situation is not without precedents in history. For example, King Chieh of the Hsia dynasty cut off the head of his minister Kuan Lung-feng, King Chou of the Yin dynasty tore open the breast of his minister Pi Kan, the Second Emperor of the Ch’in dynasty put to death his minister Li Ssu, King Udayana heaped insult on the Venerable Pindola, King Dammira cut off the head of the Venerable Āryasimha, Emperor Wu of the Northern Chou dynasty engaged in controversy with the Dharma Teacher Hui-yüan, Emperor Hsien-tsung of the T’ang dynasty condemned Po Chü-i to exile, and Emperor Hui-tsung of the Sung dynasty branded the face of the Tripitaka Master Fa-tao.

All these rulers not only failed to heed the admonitions of others, but on the contrary vented their wrath on the admonishers. In this life they lost both their kingdoms and their lives, and thereafter they fell into the evil paths. This was because they showed contempt for others, heeded the words of slanderers, and failed to abide by reason."

Nichiren risks his life to speak out

"Therefore if I, Nichiren, fearful of the world, should fail to speak out, I would be the enemy of the Buddha. Hence the Great Teacher Chang-an has delivered his warning to students of the latter age, saying: “One who destroys or brings confusion to the Buddha’s teachings is betraying them. If one befriends another person but lacks the mercy to correct him, one is in fact his enemy. But one who reprimands and corrects an offender . . . is acting as his parent.”

I have taken these words of Chang-an’s commentary thoroughly to heart, and therefore I risk my life to speak out in reprimand. I remember that Āryadeva, the fourteenth successor to Shakyamuni’s teachings, was murdered, and Aryasimha the twenty-fifth successor, had his head cut off."

"Give your financial karma a boost through SGI financial contributions" -- SGI-USA Los Angeles Friendship Center

                                Buddhas and Bodhisattvas vomitting....

Another militaristic SGI fight song

"The Great Hero"?

Kansai Youth Festival [diaper wearing youths] and SGI's militaristic fight song

Please notice the dangerous 6 story pyramid

Hundreds of thousands of Shinichis???

Heavens no!

SGI is the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin???

Incredible and important SGI experience with comments

You didn’t say no. 
You never said no. 
You wouldn’t even think of saying no.
So, when he arrived at the door of my tenement apartment at 1AM, unexpected, unannounced, I didn’t say no. I let him in, against all my instincts.
“Hi. I was at the community center. We just finished working. We were painting and doing construction. I’m exhausted. It’s too late to go home. Can I stay here?”
He stood there right before me, Jay Martinez, about 5’10”, dark-skinned, a little pockmarked. His hair was close-cropped and curly. His ears were extremely small and curled up at the bottom. He was stocky, but he had a sloppy-full belly that spilled over his belt. Though he looked strong and muscular enough he would always let the other men do the hard work and heavy lifting I’d noticed.
And now, here he was. I had gone to school that day, attended three classes at Hunter, worked at my waitress job on the usual 7-hour shift, taken the subway home to the Court Street station at Borough Hall. I’d just gotten in from a very long day a half hour before. I had hoped to do evening prayers, put on my pajamas, watch a little tv and then fall dead asleep. His arrival ruined those innocent plans.
He was a Headquarters Chief in what was then called NSA. Now known as SGI (Soka Gakkai International), it was and is a group founded on Buddhist principles. Many New Yorkers are familiar with NSA/SGI from their time in the 80s when they conducted huge campaigns to recruit people. They could be found in every neighborhood, out on the streets, handing out pamphlets and intruding upon people with the question, posed with a big smile, “Have you ever heard about Nam myoho renge kyo?”
I had been drawn in not by this method of “street shakubuku” (introduction), but through a girl I worked with, Anna. We were both waitresses in a burger restaurant on Court Street in Brooklyn Heights. She intrigued me. She had a young son, was a single mother, worked for the same tips I did, and yet managed to maintain an apartment in the Heights.
Even more importantly, when everyone else was stressing out about not having a date on Friday night, she seemed genuinely happy and at ease, unconcerned with her single status. She seemed buoyant.
“Oh my God, you will not believe what happened today!” she announced to the lunch shift table as we had breakfast before the restaurant opened. “I was $300 short on the rent. I didn’t know where I’d get it. So, I just chanted and chanted Nam myoho renge kyo and what do you think happened? I got a check in the mail this morning – a refund from the telephone company!!! for $296! Can you believe it? Isn’t that wild?”
She had stories like this on a regular basis: a friend sending her $50, a birthday card with $100, finding $20 on the street when she had no money for dinner for her son and herself.
I was impressed. It didn’t hit me until years later to ask why a young woman with an MA in Psychology (fairly rare in those days) was working as a waitress and not in her own field.
Everything about her seemed to be unencumbered by weighty convention, even her physical being, her lack of breasts (which would have bothered other women), her height (5’1″), her very short hair. She had a Peter Pan quality that men found fascinating.
Anna had tried to introduce me to her “Buddhist beliefs” a number of times. “Maggie, you’d love this.” I would never give her a hearing. I thought she was a Hare Krishna or somesuch. When I finally told her that, she cried, “What? No, no. That’s a cult!”
And then one day she left one of her NSA magazines open to an article she knew I’d be interested in. She left it right where I’d be sitting to have lunch after the shift ended. My eye naturally alighted on it and I read. It was well-written. My English major prejudice was impressed by the grammatical correctness and fluent style. This was no Hare Krishna klaptrap with appalling spelling and uneven font. This was sophisticated stuff.
And so, I was seduced. One day shortly after she invited me to her apartment to see her altar. She led me to the bedroom where she had a small, unobtrusive altar, laid out artfully with fresh green leaves in a vase, fresh fruit in a wooden bowl, a small vessel filled with water. Suspended on the wall above the altar was what looked like a wooden curio cabinet, in blonde wood. It had an elegant simplicity.
“Do you want to see my Gohonzon?”
“What’s a Gohonzon?”
“Gohonzon means ‘highest object of worship.'”
“Oh. Yeah. Yes.”
“OK,” she said in the charming, wry, smiling way I’d become familiar with. She looked happy.
She knelt down in front of the altar, put a small leaf between her lips, reached up over the altar toward the cabinet and opened it.
I was floored. The scroll before me was astonishingly beautiful. It was a little mandela. I’d been taking a course at Hunter in Buddhism and we’d studied these. They were meditation objects, meant to help the practitioner concentrate, meditate. This one was awesome. In length it was about 12 inches, in width, about 6. It contained only characters – Japanese? Chinese? The characters were gold, printed on a tannish brown background which had some kind of pattern emblazoned on it. It had such presence! Such charisma!
I remembered how our professor told us that, after his enlightenment, even Shakyamuni’s detractors were compelled to rise up and greet him respectfully because he had such charisma, such power.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Would you like to try chanting?”
“All right.”
“Nam myoho renge kyo…. Try it. Repeat after me…Nam myoho renge kyo.”
“Nam myoho? renge kyo. Is that right?”
And now it was 3 years later. The “honeymoon phase” had ended abruptly the moment I finally acquiesed and became an official member. At first, I’d been treated like the loved and wanted golden child who could do no wrong, whose every move was pure delight. Upon joining, the pressure began.
Calls at 7AM Saturday morning: “Where are you? We’re doing a 5 hour daimoku toso (chanting session). You have to be here!”
Calls at 11PM: “Tomorrow morning at 8AM you have to bring 40 sandwiches for the Youth Division.”
“Our district has pledged to have 12 new members this month. Do shakubuku (introduction)!”
“We have a target of 150 subscriptions to the World Tribune (organ newspaper). So, your target must be 50. Get on the phone!”
“No! Of course you can’t have a Christmas tree!”
I was 28 when I first met Anna and was introduced to her beliefs. I’d had a pretty difficult life. I’d been a foster child, aged out of the system without a penny to get started in the world and no one to lean on. But I’d been getting things together. I’d finally decided to go to college and was doing it, enjoying it. I was a waitress at a restaurant that was not bad to work at, at all. You could have your meals there. And I had friends there.
Restaurant people were fun: real, unassuming, with an irreverent sense of humor. Whenever you had an annoying customer you could curse your head off in the kitchen and return to the dining area calm and composed. A typical kitchen conversation during rush would sound something like this:
“Shit. I have that asshole again on Station 2. He’s trying to impress his date by running me all over the fucking place. I feel like telling her I heard he has a small dick.”
Wild laughter.
“I got that cheap bitch. She was here yesterday. Can’t she find another place to go? She wears a cashmere coat and leaves me a dollar.”
“You’re lucky. I got Sam again. He’s sloshed.”
After the intense pressure of the rush we’d all calm down, turn in our books, count our tips, and settle in for lunch together. It was during one of these lunches that I discovered the NSA magazine.
Three years later and I was a kumicho, a unit chief in NSA. On the first day I was appointed, I was given a list of 30 members who had left NSA and told I was to get them back. “Start calling. Don’t forget to get their World Tribune subscription money. Don’t forget your target.”
I learned immediately, as all members did, that questioning was considered negative and destructive, “destroying the unity of believers.” Good fortune was determined by one’s fidelity to NSA, one’s unquestioning loyalty. In fact, one’s eternal soul was connected to being an active member, a true believer.
It was an important element in the life of a true believer to “receive guidance” from a “senior leader.” With any life crisis you were encouraged to do this. Senior leaders were allowed, even encouraged, to scold, ridicule, castigate, scream at junior members. A senior leader who wasn’t willing to be resented by their junior members was irresponsible.
And so it was that I went for guidance to Jay Martinez when the relationship I was in was not going well. I trusted him. He was a Buddhist leader, revered and loved by all the members. He was there to protect me, to guide me, to keep me from harm. I was safe with him.
I confessed to him all my hurt and despair over the broken romance, along with details. He was like a father. After this, he began turning up in odd places and at odd hours. I didn’t question it. I was flattered: I felt special. This important man wants to be friends with me. He’s so busy and a father of 2, a husband, a Headquarters chief and yet he makes time for me.
So, at 1AM, I wasn’t completely surprised. He’d come other times, once in the afternoon, once around 5PM or so. But he had never asked to stay over. What was I to do with this request in my little apartment? I had a tiny bedroom with room only for a bed, and a pull-out couch in the living room.
It was awkward. He sat on the couch awhile and recounted his day. I was so tired. After about an hour he asked if he could take a shower.
He came out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. That’s when I finally realized his true intention. I scrambled around frantically thinking what can I do, who can I call. It was 2AM. My friends would all be asleep. And what would I say? What could they do? He was a Headquarters Chief! You didn’t say no!
“Do you mind if I lay down?”
“No, go ahead.”
What would Anna be doing now? Could I call Liz? 2:05 AM. Don’t call anyone. You’ll be disturbing people. Just avoid him. Wait him out. He’ll go to sleep. Maybe you’re imagining things. He’s married. He has 2 kids. He’s a Buddhist. Wait him out. Clean the house. Study. Sort out your finances. Do the dishes.
I vacuumed. I did the dishes. I cleaned, dusted, sorted. I attempted to study. After a long, long, long time he called out, “When are you coming to bed?”
When I heard his voice, so strong, so awake, so insistent, everything inside me collapsed. I knew I was defeated. I was exhausted and completely alone. It was 4AM, the darkest hour of the night. There was no one to call to, no one to help. And you didn’t say no to a leader.
Afterwards, he got up, dressed, and went home. Suddenly, it was not so far away that he couldn’t make it there.
The days that followed were days of despair. What had I done? It was all my fault.
After 3 weeks I could endure it no longer. I needed help. I went for guidance. Since my problem involved a Headquarters Chief I went to the most senior leader in New York.
In slow, almost whispered tones I told him what had happened. He was Japanese-American. He listened with a sympathetic face, deep brown eyes, tilting his head compassionately toward me. Finally, he spoke, after a long silence in which he seemed to be deeply and wisely ruminating.
“This is your karma. Be glad he didn’t use violence.”
I left the center that day determined to turn this negative experience into something positive. In the days that followed I chanted more and more to expiate my negative karma. At every meeting I saw Jay. He gave “final encouragement.” I saw him giving guidance. He led prayers. He bantered with members. He was introduced as an important leader and an excellent role model. All the time I struggled with my anger, disappointment, hurt, shame.
One day I returned to the New York senior leader to speak with him about my “negative life condition” and to ask why nothing had happened to Jay Martinez. Again, he looked so sympathetic. He seemed so compassionate as he considered my situation.
And then he said, his long lashes lowered over his half-closed eyes, as if rousing himself from deep meditation, “You must protect the organization. You understand? You must never tell anyone about this.”
M. O’Connell grew up in Brooklyn. For a time she was a member of NSA/SGI.
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§ 4 Responses to “Can’t Say No”

    The author did an excellent job painting a picture of how a cult can wear down the wills of its members to the point where they may agree to do self-destructive things. The story also highlights what I would say is a cultic attitude which pervades society at-large: the belief that it is appropriate to cover up heinous actions in order to protect the reputation of a group, church, school, business, government, etc.
    You go, girl! Good for you for writing this, Maggie.
    Maggie, I am so moved by your story. I feel so sad for you and for what you’ve been through, and I can tell that you have such great resilience and strength. Congratulations for sharing your experience and being so transparent about what it’s like to be in a cult. You are a strong and beautiful woman.
    thank you for sharing maggie. i also go way back. more people should speak out. this is not nichirens buddhism, it is the fault of nsa/sgi . buddhism is true. sgi is not and never was.

Two personal experiences of SGI members

Two personal experiences of SGI members

  • 1.0 star rating
    EDIT: Since I wrote this review, a number of SGI members, who are not Yelpers and have no reviews, have reached out to me by messaging me here. Please know that I will block SGI members who reach out to me "just to talk" based on this Yelp review. This is a platform for user experience reviews. The below is one such review. Thanks.

    * * *

    SGI practitioners chant for material things. They also chant for non-material things. I believe there are issues with SGI.

    My personal experience lasted three years and went as follows:

    1. I visited the home of SGI practitioners.
    2. We chanted daimoku.
    3. There would be a talk session.
    4. Someone in the group talked about how evil Jews are.
    5. The Japanese people in the group (who had been with SGI for a long, long time) would enable the "evil Jews" and "Israel is evil" talk by stating, "Why are *they* like that?"
    6. I would counter the "evil Jews" moderator and tell him he didn't know what he was talking about, and let's switch the topic. Usually, he would then extol the virtues of Hamas. I wish I were making this up.
    7. Another time, we had a meeting on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and no one bothered to mention Martin Luther King Jr. At all. Daisaku Ikeda ALWAYS talks about MLKJr as if Ikeda wants to emulate him. It was bizarre that MLKJr. was overlooked. Or maybe this was part of the plan? When I spoke up and said, "I think we should remember that we are having this meeting on MLKJr. day and the right thing to do would be to mention him," a Japanese SGI member stood up almost school-marmy to ask me to be quiet. Again, bizarre.
    8. I had to complain about the meeting "topics" to higher ups at SGI. Nothing discussed on this issue or resolved.
    9. I then advised the higher ups that I was sending my SGI stuff to Japan, to Mr. Ikeda, with an explanation why.
    10. When I decided to leave SGI, I was followed on the train by SGI folks for several days. This had never happened before. I posted something on my social media channel about it, and it stopped.

    The person who recruited me, I found her posting tons of anti-Israel stuff on Facebook. I mean, really hateful, biased stuff. She is from Nigeria (doesn't the whole world have a bone to pick with THAT country?). I thought SGI was a loving, accepting, Buddha-like group. (Also -- I could be wrong, but I believe SGI's position is officially anti-Israel).

    Once, during a home visit, a Japanese SGI practitioner commented on my gas fireplace as being a "nice Jewish fireplace." I had never heard that expression before, but I was more shocked that the Japanese SGI lady would think that was a perfectly normal thing to say to another person.

    There are wonderful things about Nichiren Buddhism.SGI...I am not 100% sure about.

Correcting Desmond Tutu since SGI is too cowardly to correct him

SGI Quarterly: As an individual who has long been on the forefront of the struggle for human rights, what is your message to the youth of a new generation confronting their own struggles to build a world in which the dignity of all is recognized and respected?

DT [Desmond Tutu]: I admire young people. They are amazing in their idealism believing that we can have a world without war, without poverty and disease. I say to them, "Dream your dreams of a better world, dream the dream of God!"

Thanks to monotheistic religions and even Hinduism, the world is a constant state of violence. Compare the Lotus Sutra to your "Great Books" and only in the Lotus Sutra will you not find even one exhortation to violence and killing. The ultimate teaching of the Lotus Sutra is that all people have the potential to become Three Bodied Tathagatas. We become the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni when we chant Namu Myoho renge kyo with utmost devotion. It is a great sin to harm a potential Buddha, let alone the Eternal Buddha.

"Every one of us is a very special person because we are each created in the image of God" -- SGI Quarterly

SGI Quarterly: What can ordinary people do in order to help make a culture of human rights a reality?

DT: [Desmond Tutu] There are no ordinary people--every one of us is a very special person because we are each created in the image of God and so of infinite worth. Each one of us should stand up for human rights. It is ultimately only when human rights prevail that the vulnerable will be safe. Rights have, on their obverse side, responsibilities and obligations. My right to my own opinion involves my being tolerant of the different views of others. Someone said, "My right to stretch my arm ends where your nose begins.

"Think of yourself as the president of the Soka Gakkai"

World Tribune annual May [MONEY] Contribution Issue 2007:

Sheila Edwards [SGI-USA Woman's Division Leader]: Last year President Ikeda told us, "Now is the time for each of you to think of yourself as the president of the Soka Gakkai and to stand up to shoulder full responsibility for kosen rufu. (March 31, 2006, World Tribune, p.1) It's important that we ponder what our great contribution can be in response to our mentor's call.

I guess every SGI member will now receive a several million dollar a year salary and hundred million dollar a year royalty check since they are now to think of themselves as president of the Soka Gakkai.

The meaning of inter-connectedness in SGI pseudo-Buddhism

According to SGI, Daisaku Ikeda possesses The Three Virtues of Parent, Teacher, and Sovereign

Extracts from the Daibyakurenge, the organ magazine of  the SGI 

Virtue of Lord [Sovereign]

"It is only Mr. Ikeda who is endowed with the virtue of Lord who protects all of Japan and the entire world at this present time."

Virtue of Teacher

"Our Mr. Ikeda is the only one who is endowed with the virtue of Teacher."

Virtue of Parent

"It is Mr. Ikeda who prays for our happiness, all the members of the SGI,. Therefore, he is endowed with the virtue of Parent."

Lord, Teacher and Parent, these three virtues belong to the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, not Daisaku Ikeda.

Therefore, Daisaku Ikeda possesses The Three Virtues of Parent, Teacher, and Sovereign according to the SGI organ magazine.