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Saturday, July 28, 2018

Absolute Actual Proof that the Soka Gakkai is a phony cult

"We are Buddhas, everyone is a Buddha" 

["except those with bad breath?"]... Shallow SGI pseudo-Buddhists prove that SGI is a phony cult at the 4:46 mark:


  1. They will probably spin it, that kind YMD was just trying to help that poor person with bad breath change his bad breath karma.

  2. That must be SGI's new shakubuku strategy, laugh at the person they are trying to convert.

  3. I guess having their heads up Ikeda's butt for all these years, they forget how foul is the smell up there. Ironically, they think the smell of this potential converts breath is awful but Ikeda's butt smells like lillies and lilacs.
