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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

"Soon the children will think "Soka", they will speak "Soka," [about SGI children]


"My parents started practicing Nichiren Buddhism when I was five. I have a very clear memory of a time when I sat next to my parents to recite daimoku (l)."  testimony Sample a practitioner, newspaper "Heading for Peace" No. 320.16 March 2000).

Obviously, the Soka Gakkai is very interested in children and their education. According Florence Lacroix (2), this interest in youth would be "strategic", "As in totalitarian regimes, children are an issue, and structures are created to help future followers from the cradle The Soka Gakkai. has set up a whole education network that ranges from kindergarten to university in Japan and overseas in some countries. This logistics aimed, among other things, to ensure its presence in the key area that is education, to develop links with some prestigious foreign educational institutions so that it can infiltrate, and to build an image of respectability, demonstrates the challenge posed by children and young people in the eyes of the Soka Gakkai (...). "

Reading the monthly Soka Gakkai France (FMS) "Third Civilization" says a lot about the subject, and highlights that "particular attention" that is brought to them.

"Children have the ability to change the world"

It is on this theme that has opened up on June 5, 1999, "the general meeting of the children of Ile-de-France" organized by Soka Gakkai, a large demonstration which would have brought together nearly 700 children and their parents, it said in an article in "Third Civilization" (No. 455 of July 99): "Everyone could come with one of his dreams (poem or drawing) Set in an album, they will be sent to President Ikeda.. "

The program includes speeches of responsible women SGF, presenting video interviews of children on peace, and grand spectacle inside the Cirque d'Hiver Bouglione. A Tale "sound and light" whose heroes are two children who must recover "the trunk of dreams" which was stolen them. After many adventures, the trunk is found. Phew! Moral of the tale: "You found the courage that keeps hope and achieve its mission" . And tomorrow, dear spectators toddlers, what other noble mission are you promised? 

The article ends as follows: "The meeting ended happily, as it began, with more magic show in the eye children as the biggest and, as a bonus, ice cream and drinks offered by President Ikeda "- Thank you that? .

"Raising children in a way they cherish the Soka Gakkai"

The members of Soka Gakkai a cult in Ikeda. This boundless admiration for President must be instilled from an early age, and role in naturally up to the parents. 

It is also for them to create their children strong and lasting links with the organization. 

Ikeda, in the n 455 monthly "Third Civilization" (July 1999) clearly sets the tone, urging parents to raise their kids in love ... of the sect: "the important thing is to teach children the spirit of cherish and respect the Soka Gakkai. The ideal is to raise your children so they cherish our organization. With this in mind, children will grow remarkably [sic]. " 

"(...) Parents need show by their own attitude to respect the spirit of the Gohonzon and the Soka Gakkai "(...)" It is good for parents to guide their children wisely. It is also important to seek support to lead the department Future (...). "

"Enlighten" whole family

We know proselytism which engage members of Soka Gakkai, whose entourage proselytizing, and therefore the family constitute the target.

# 1: "In a family, it is only when we overcome the small waves conflicts between those who practice and those who have not yet started, establishing a family harmony that can be sustainably reform the society. Kosenrufu is built on the basis of human revolution of each family (Ikeda ) (3) . " Thus, the follower must convert all family members: husband, spouse, siblings, and children, of course, are no exception to the rule: "It is hoped to awaken in them the desire to practice (Ikeda) (4). " 

This is a job at all times. Practitioner person must persevere and follow the advice of the Master . "We must (...) she decides to be a sun So there is more darkness in the world, any his family is informed. Just that it becomes a person full of good fortune and can share its benefits with her ​​husband, her children and her grandchildren (5). "

The results, for sure, will soon appear and ensure Ikeda: "With such determination, inevitably, the rest of the family began to practice (6). "

Are your children practicing?

This is the question posed to both practicing parents in the magazine "Third Civilization" (No. 459) in November 1999. 

Response of the mother: "It's one of my unrealized goals at the moment, but I persevered."
Father answers: "If they are asked the question, they say Buddhists They have very strong ties with President Ikeda, since childhood They share ideas and Buddhist philosophy, but they have not yet decided... engage. My son, this summer, wanted absolutely convince me to do some sport. I reminded him that it was time that I was trying to convince him to recite Nam Myo Renge Kyo. We have therefore established a pact . I run 500 meters and he recites five minutes of daimoku I therefore still a lot of training to do (laughs). ".

This is how children are melted in the ideology of the sect, soon they will think "Soka", they speak "Soka" , as shown in this other distressing testimony appeared in the "Third Civilization" of July 1999 (No. 455) entitled

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