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Thursday, October 25, 2018

Proud to wear adult diapers for Ikeda and proof that they did indeed wear adult diapers

dragon14: I was in Boston in the late 80s, and as a YMD then, I took a lot of trips to Flushing Meadow in Queens to participate in these same kinds of activities. One time, George Williams made an appearance while we were sweltering in the sun. To this day, the "Ay Ay Oh" stuff also makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck. In a five minute "guidance and encouragement", we'd do that cheer about 15 times, and follow it up with the ever-contrived and practiced-in-advance "let's have a picture with Rijicho!". Those photo ops - argh! - spontaneous my a**! Unlike some contributors who have said they value the time they spent in the SGI even though they're no longer members, I still feel regret at the valuable time I wasted on these cultish activities. 
Hitch: Different part of the country, EXACT SAME "spontaneous" photo ops with Williams. Amazing, isn't it! I regret all the time I wasted with the practice. I value none of it. "Value Creation" society? Not for me. More like "Misery, Mind Games & Energy Draining Cult." SGI = Such Gullible Idiots.
You know, the more I read this mb, the more memories that it brings back. Here's one (I don't know how I forgot this, because they told it so many times)
dragon14: I also recall a time when someone told me (a secondhand account) about Richard Sasaki (the then YMD chief) coming to New York and in some "guidance" telling the YMD that they were "pussies" for not doing more daimoku. It's right in line with what you reference: problems are solved by doing more shakubuku and daimoku, even if the rest of your life suffers from neglect."
Hitch: YD were supposed to be treated like crap (and we were). It was supposed to make you a stronger member - literally. Did they ever tell you, or anybody else, this story? They used to relish in sharing with us, stories about how the Kansai Japanese YD, during their "famous" campaigns, performed in the mud and rain and willingly wore adult diapers so that they wouldn't have to leave the field/stadium/seats for even a moment. That "Kansai Fighting Spirit", with your diapers full, made you a better member. I kid you not. I'm 100% serious. We were told to strive for that same kind of "spirit." The implication was very clear - that if called upon, it would be a honor to sh** our pants for sensei."

I honestly don't know how or why I ever sat thru this kind of stuff (pun intended). If I were to hear this kind of crazy brainwashed nonsense today, I wouldn't hesitate to stand up and leave immediately. Certified crazy idiocy. Like I said before, if I hadn't lived it, I wouldn't believe it myself.
Me: SGI members will call you imbalanced and a liar but it's all true. Reminds me of the female astronaut who drove 1500 miles with a diaper to kill her husband's mistress just so she wouldn't have to stop to go to the bathroom. Who is imbalanced, we or the SGI youth? SGI breeds evil men and women and fosters mental illness.

"One of the most memorable of these early culture festivals was in Chubu in September, 1982. It was pouring rain and all the organizers got together at 5AM to do morning gongyo. When they finished at 6AM, Sensei turned around to ask the YWD behind him if it was going to stop raining. She didn't know what to say, and Sensei said, "You are merciless. We are not God so we have no way of knowing whether this rain will stop or not, but our prayer should be that it must stop no matter what." Sensei ordered 30,000 towels to put on the ground so it wouldn't be so muddy, and thousands of umbrellas and raincoats. He went to the field very early and said, "Congratulations on this great victory!" Then he went from the first base to the outfield to encourage 20,000 flashcard youth division. They would have to be there for 8 hours awaiting the late afternoon show. For the last 2 weeks they had been controlling their meals so they wouldn't have to go to the bathroom on this day. Still, many of them wore diapers as a precautionary measure since it would be impossible for them to get up once they were seated. Many of them had been inactive members, older teenagers who had showed up with their girlfriends for the first practice. Sensei realized how important it was that they have as good an experience as possible this meetings." -- From a lecture by top senior leader Richard Yoshimachi at the Northern Virginia Community Center in 2001  

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