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Monday, November 5, 2018

Nichiren's empathy

"And yet, contrary to what might be expected, I hear that you two are even firmer and more dedicated in your faith than I myself, which is indeed no ordinary matter. I wonder if Shakyamuni Buddha himself may have entered your hearts, and it moves me so that I can barely restrain my tears."


  1. There are literally hundreds of these many statements by Nichiren towards his disciples, always praising those with strong faith, unlike the low life SGI leaders who are always questioning their members faith. Nichiren performed the gentle practices with his disciples and believers. Soka Gakkai all too often performs the forceful practices with their believers. This is worse than sad. It is a great slander.

  2. Tow the SGI party line without questioning or you are in for a very very hard time. Question mentor disciple, Ikeda's guidance, Soka Gakkai doctrine of Nichiren as True Original Eternal Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha as a cast off Buddha, their view of attachments, their follow (leaders) no matter what principle...the list goes on and on...and you will be harshly rebuked, possibly excommunicated.
