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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Why did Nichiren teach the Daimoku (Namu Myoho renge kyo)

Nichiren embraced and taught the Daimoku for several reasons: There are dozens of references to the benefit of "this Sutra", "Lotus Sutra" or Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law. all referring to Myoho renge kyo; Chapter 23 teaches how both the Sutra and the practitioners of the Sutra are superior to all other sutras and practitioners; Chapter 26 talks about the immeasurable benefit of accepting even one four line verse (Namu Myoho Renge Kyo); Chapter 17 teaches that one moment of belief in the eternal lifespan of the Buddha (Namu Myoho renge kyo) produces more merit and virtue than making offerings to billions of Buddhas; Chapter 18 teaches the immeasurable benefits of the fiftieth person who hears but one verse and who responds with joy (this is the rationale for propagating the Sutra); why is the Lotus Sutra superior to all the other sutras? It is superior because the Theoretical Section corrects the other sutras, demonstrating that even men of incorrigible disbelief and the Voice Hearers (Men of Learning and Self Realization) will attain Supreme and Perfect Enlightenment. The Essential section corrects all other sutras, demonstrating that the Buddha did not attain enlightenment under the Bodhi tree at one point in time but rather he has been Enlightened since the infinite past; The Lotus Sutra is foremost because no other sutra so vigorously self references itself as the teaching that leads, without fail, to Buddhahood; Chapter 11 speaks of the Six Difficult and Nine Easy Acts. Embracing the Lotus Sutra is more difficult even than performing the Six Difficul and Nine Easy Acts; Lastly the most important Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, Chapter 16 is a direct exposition of Namu Myoho renge kyo, the Life Span of the Tathagata. It is "the medicine" and the subtle Dharma "Myo ho".

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