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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Kasho Buddha's Manifesto (the former disciple known as Veggie Eddie)

Kasho’s Manifesto

As a child I was constantly sick and got the Flu every September.
I have been studying nutrition for the past 45 years.
I am a 45-year vegan.
I have not been sick nor been to a doctor for illness in 45 years.
I have not had a headache in 45 years.
I am a 33-year practicing Nichiren Buddhist.
I am a 31-year votary of the Lotus Sutra.
I am 73 years old. I am retired and exist on a paltry social security income just sufficient enough to pay my rent and food, being impoverished and owning nothing more than a television and a computer and do not even own a car.
And yet I am the happiest person on earth as a recipient of the bliss I Vreceived through having attained Buddhist Enlightenment while chanting Daimoku at the SGI-USA North Hollywood Community Center in August 1988 and am able to replicate the experience with a mere thought.

You have not heard of me until now because I have been in self-imposed exile for the past 14 years as a result of having been overwhelmed by the slander, vilification and persecution constantly heaped upon me when ever I would make a blog/website posting quoting the Buddha relative to the First Precept, “Do Not Kill”. 

Some may call me cowardly for not having stayed around to fight with these Buddhists, mostly SGI members and also Nichiren Shu priests but I was more stunned by the vast ignorance I encountered. It has taken me nearly 30 years to realize why so many have an aversion to ceasing meat-eating which shall be explained in detail in my forth coming book, “The Truth About Buddhism”. I shall tell why I alone have been able to attain Enlightenment, in my present form, while no one else has. 

There is one particular parasite, Andy Hanlen, who would troll and follow me around the internet and viciously attack me each and every time I made a blog posting quoting Nichiren relative to the first precept. For some strange reason this meat-addicted former SGI member lacks the courage to continue practicing the supreme religion of Nichiren’s Buddhism while still remaining friends of many Nichiren priests while declaring himself an atheist. I intend to publish all of his vicious internet attacks of me over the past 20 years as well as those of every Nichiren priest with whom I’ve held dialogs relative to their refusal to adhere to the First Precept. I have retained copies of each and every one of my dialogs held with Nichiren members and priests of every sect over the past 30 years relating to their denials that adherence of the first precept is not a requirement today. The contention that “there are no precepts in Nichiren’s Buddhism is an out-and-out blatant lie according to Nichiren himself:

“When the Buddha appeared in this world, he made compassion for living beings his basis. And as an expression of compassion for living beings, not to take life and to provide sustenance for the living are the most important precept." 
(“Letter to Momitsu Shonin” MW-Vol 5, P.190)
(Also known as “The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra”)

This bears repeating: “Not to take life is the most important precept."

"Nothing throughout the entire major world system matches the value of a living being," which means that not even all the jewels and treasures that fill the entire major world system can equal the value of a life.
(“Letter to Momitsu Shonin” MW-Vol 5, P.190)

The Juryo chapter of the Lotus Sutra contains the blessings of Shakyamuni Buddha's precept "not to kill." Consequently, those who take life will be forsaken by all the Buddhas of the three existences and the gods of the six worlds of desire will not protect them." 
(On Recommending this teaching to your Lord"-MW-Vol 6, P.89)

These are Nichiren’s words, not mine. Yet, every time I recited them I was stifled!

On May 18, 2005 I left the house without reciting Gongyo (morning prayers) for a very early business appointment in Santa Monica, CA.
After that appointment I drove a few blocks to the SGI-USA headquarters where an employee allowed me to enter and escorted me upstairs to the staff Gohonzon room where she said I could recite morning Gongyo with the staff, indicating to her I would depart immediately thereafter. I sat in the very rear of the room so as not to be a distraction to anyone. I observed the then SGI-USA General Director, Fred Zaitsu in the third row. He turned around and saw me, after which he leaned over and whispered into the ear of leader Dave Baldschun sitting beside him. Then, Dave got up from his seat and walked up the aisle and stopped where I was sitting and he said to me, “: This is a staff-only Gongyo recital. You need to leave. I explained about my having left my home that morning without having recited Gongyo and assured him I would depart immediately thereafter. He said, “No. You need to leave now. You have a history of pontificating about vegetarianism to fellow SGI members and complaining about President Ikeda’s photograph.” I explained to Mr. Baldschun that whenever I would broach the subject of vegetarianism to fellow members I would always preface it with a quote from Nichiren on the subject. Dave said, “You need to leave right now. I will escort you out of the building.”

In actuality I was kicked out of the SGI-USA headquarters for quoting Nichiren to fellow SGI members! Proof that the SGI does not follow the teachings of Nichiren!

Upon exiting the headquarters and being denied recitation of my morning prayers I returned home and for the next week I chanted Daimoku 
(Nam Myoho Renge Kyo) for three hours everyday. One week later I met with a senior SGI leader and turned in my SGI-issued Gohonzon informing the leader that I could not in good conscience remain a member of any Buddhist sect that did not follow the correct teachings of Nichiren. 

Regarding his comment about my having complained about the photo of President Ikeda, the incident was as follows: After the SGI broke away from the Nichiren Shoshu Temple (excommunicated) in 1991, the SGI immediately hung huge photographs of President Daisaku Ikeda adjacent to or on the right side wall of the Gohonzon room of every Community Center. One Saturday morning during a Men’s Division Gongyo meeting, the leader turned East to recite the first prayer. However, he erred and, instead of turning to his left (East) he mistakenly tuned to his right and the entire membership in attendance followed so that we ended up facing west looking directly into the photograph of President Ikeda. When a visiting Senior leadership team from Japan held a meeting and question and answer session, I told the senior woman’s division leader of that experience and added I said, “With all due respect to President Ikeda, Nichiren teaches that the Gohonzon is the object of worship and I am sure that President Ikeda would agree that he is not the object of worship upon whose photograph we should be reciting our prayers.” Well, the entire packed Gohonzon room gasped at this statement of mine, as though I had said something sac religious. President Ikeda’s photo was removed the following week but apparently my comment was unwelcome by the leadership.

“The evil monks of that muddied age,
failing to understand the Buddha’s expedient means,
how he preaches the Law in accordance with what is appropriate,
will confront us with foul language and angry frowns;
again and again we will be banished
to a place far removed from towers and temples.”
(Lotus Sutra, p194)
Not so surprisingly, the Buddha speaks often of the likes of Daisaku Ikeda:

After the Buddha has passed into extinction,
In an age of fear and evil
We will preach far and wide.
There will be many ignorant people
Who will curse and speak ill of us
And will attack us with swords and staves,
But we will endure all these things.
In that evil age there will be monks
With perverse wisdom and hearts that are fawning and crooked
Who will suppose they have attained what they have not attained,
Being proud and boastful in heart.
…These men with evil in their hearts,
Constantly thinking of worldly affairs,
Will …take delight in proclaiming our faults,
These monks are greedy for profit and support
And therefore they preach non-Buddhist doctrines
And fabricate their own scriptures
To delude the people of the world.
Because they hope to gain fame and renown thereby
They make distinctions when preaching this sutra.”

…”These are men of perverted views 
who preach non-Buddhist doctrines!”
though they treat us with contempt we will endure and accept.

In order to preach this sutra we will bear these difficult things.

All these various evils,
Because we keep in mind the Buddha’s orders,
We will endure.
…we will go to wherever they are
and preach the Law entrusted to us by the Buddha .
We will be envoys of the World-honored One,
Facing the assembly without fear,
We will preach the Law with skill.
We proclaim this vow.
(Lotus Sutra, p194)

“Arrogance and selfishness arise in their minds.
Abandoning restraint they give themselves up to the five desires and fall into the evil paths of existence. Always I am aware of which living beings practice the way and which do not.” (Lotus Sutra)

“Priests with perverse views with hearts that are fawning and crooked; men with evil in their hearts, constantly thinking of world affairs, greedy for profit and nourishment. The evil monks of that muddied age, failing to understand the Buddha’s expedient means; consumed by their erroneous views they slander The Law. … In that age there will be evil monks who will do violence to this sutra and destroy its unity, losing ‘the color, scent, and flavor’ of the True Law that it contains. These evil men will read and recite this sutra, but they will ignore and put aside the profound and vital principals that the Buddha has expounded in it and replace it with ornate rhetoric and meaningless talk. … You must understand that these evil monks are the companions of the devil.” (“The Opening of the Eyes” – Part 2 - MW-Vol 2 P179)

During my studies I discovered my persecution to be identical to that experienced by Nichiren: 

“You will be reviled…They will despise, hate, envy and bear grudges against you—and in exactly that manner I have been treated with contempt and arrogance for over twenty years.”
(“The Opening of the Eyes” – MW-Vol 2 P179)

“If persecutions greater than those that arose during the Buddha’s
lifetime keep occurring again and again to someone who is not 
guilty of the slightest fault then one should realize that that person 
is a true votary of the Lotus Sutra in the age after the Buddha’s passing.
(“Repaying Debts of Gratitude” – Vol 4, 9185)
Although I resigned my SGI membership in May 2005 I would still occasionally attend the Saturday morning Men’s division meetings at the North Hollywood Community Center because I miss chanting alongside others. On 8/5/17 I attended the meeting and the subject of discussion was “Vows”. The emcee had asked if anyone wanted to give an experience of Vows they had made and, knowing that I should have sat there quietly, I couldn’t help myself. I raised my hand and asked if I could give an experience of the Bodhisattva Vows I had taken. He did not answer me and when the meeting was adjourned I was approached by Senior Leader Jeff Krieger and Zone Men’s Division Leader Christopher Akazawa who asked me to follow them outside of the building. I was told, “You are no longer welcome to chant here because you are too disruptive.”

Nichiren was banished to Sado Island and I was banished from the SGI-USA headquarters. How Glorious!

“Again and again we will be banished!” (Lotus Sutra, p195)

The slander, persecution, vilification and attacks I have experienced from ignorant lay Buddhists and priests of every sect is similar to that encountered by Nichiren.

Nichiren teaches:
“In an age when society accepts the True Law and honors the precepts while denouncing those who break or ignore them, one should strictly follow them.”

“Although Nichiren is not a sage, he is equal to one, for he embraces the Lotus Sutra exactly as the Buddha taught.”
(Letter from Sado – Vol 1, p34)

“It is now clear that those who are born in this land and believe in this sutra when its propagation is undertaken in the Latter Day of the Law will suffer persecutions even more sever than those which occurred in the Buddha’s lifetime.” …”Moreover, the teacher is but a common person, and his disciples come from among impious men defiled by the three poisons. For this reason, people reject the virtuous teacher and seek out evil priests instead. What is more, once you become a follower of the Lotus Sutra ‘s true votary whose practice accords with the Buddha’s teaching, you are bound to face the three powerful enemies. Therefore, from the very day you take faith in this teaching, you should be fully prepared to face the three kinds of persecutions which are certain to be more terrible now after the Buddha’s passing.” …”Understand that the votary who practices the Lotus Sutra exactly as the Buddha teaches will without fail be attacked by the tree powerful enemies.”
(“On Practicing the Buddha’s Teaching” - Vol 1, p101-106)

“None of you who declare yourselves to be my disciples should ever be cowardly. …If you condemn me, you will be rejecting the Buddha’s envoy.”
(“On the Buddha’s Behavior” – Vol 1, p176”)

“To practice as the Buddha taught, at the right time, will incite truly agonizing ordeals. …Official persecution is indeed the proof that he is practicing the true teaching.”
(“On the Buddha’s Behavior” – Vol 1, p186”)

My father Shakyamuni warned me this would occur:

“There are many ignorant people who will vilify and attack us, the votaries of the Lotus Sutra, with swords and staves.”

If even a good priest sees someone slandering the Law and disregards him, failing to reproach him, to oust him or to punish him for his offense, then that priest is betraying Buddhism. But if he take the slanderer severely to task, drives him off and punishes him, then he is my disciple and one who truly understands my teachings.” (Nirvana Sutra)

One day at the North Hollywood Community Center I ran into an old friend and SGI leader, Hal, whom I hadn’t seen in 10 years and I was shocked to see he had become morbidly obese. Concerned for his health, and with my knowledge of nutrition, I met him the following week and gave him a gift of a book written by my good friend, “The World Peace Diet” by Dr. Will Tuttle. Not only does this book recommend a vegan lifestyle, both for health and compassion to save other sentient beings but it is absolutely the finest book ever written about Buddhism and I recommend it to be compelling reading for all Buddhists world-wide, regardless of sect affiliation.

One week later at that same Community Center I was approached by Hal and he tried to give me back the book without having read it. I was stunned and dumbfounded that a fellow so-called Buddhist would not read a book about Buddhism. But, Hal is an avid meat-eater, completely addicted as is most of the world population as evidenced by the fact that 98% of the world population eats meat as do over 95% of Buddhists world-wide, regardless of sect affiliation!

For the past 30 years I have been well known within the Los Angeles Vegan/Vegetarian community under the moniker of “Veggie Eddie”

Now the time has come for me to discard my transient identity of Veggie Eddie to reveal my true identity as Kasho, envoy of Shakyamuni, sent here now to bring Buddhism into the 21st Century. I have met all of the criteria necessary for one to be declared a votary of the Lotus Sutra and envoy of Shakyamuni. I believe myself to be the reincarnation of Bodhisattva Kasyapa of the Nirvana Sutra who posed 36 questions to Shakyamuni and took a vow to “Save All Sentient Beings”.

Now I return in the 21st Century as Kasho to fulfill that vow I made to my father. In that regard I have founded the “Buddhist Vegan Society”
( whose mission it is to encourage fellow Buddhists to adhere to the First Precept “Do Not Kill” by adopting an earth-friendly Whole Foods Plant-based diet (VEGAN). I will be setting up a “gofundme” page and ask for you support and help for funds to pay for the website.

In my forthcoming book “The Truth About Buddhism”, I shall outline the correct teaching and practice of Buddhism for the 21st Century that will provide the most expeditious path for attaining Enlightenment. 

However, the “Truth About Buddhism” is a truth that no one wants to hear:
There is no meat-eating in Buddhism and I am at a complete loss to understand how these Nichiren Priests have become so deluded. I have read all 412 Gosho found on the SGI website several times and nowhere does Nichiren say that precepts are unnecessary. Quite the opposite.

The reason for differentiating the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu sects from the other sects is because the religious doctrines of those two sects are similar. Even when the SGI split from Nichiren Shoshu Daisaku Ikeda neglected to change the SGI’s religious doctrine which makes me wonder if President Ikeda has ever even read all of the Gosho. The foundation of these two sects is primarily based upon three big lies perpetrated by the 26th High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu, Nichikan. He is the person who has destroyed the Law and, ironically, it is his inscribed Gohonzon upon which most members of Nichiren Shoshu and the SGI chant! The false teachings of both of these sects are based upon a fraudulent Gosho not written by Nichiren which I shall describe further in my forthcoming book. Even some Nichiren Shu Priests such as Michael McCormick was duped and wrote about this fraudulent Gosho “Teaching, Practice and Proof” highlighting the Diamond Chalice. How do I know this Gosho is fraudulent and not written by Nichiren? First, because Nichiren always repeated his teachings in several Gosho and, more importantly, The Diamond Chalice is not mentioned in the Lotus Sutra, the supreme teaching, nor the Nirvana Sutra written just before Shakyamuni death and meant to highlight the most important aspects of Buddhism. 

In my forthcoming book, “The Truth About Buddhism” I shall provide
Irrefutable, compelling evidence to prove that both the SGI and Nichiren Shoshu Temple have so distorted the teachings of Nichiren as to make their doctrines completely unrecognizable to the basic principals of Buddhism.

It is only when one reads the actual Gosho that one is made aware they have been duped. However, most SGI members are lazy and have depended upon their leader Daisaku Ikeda to teach them correctly. I refer to Daisaku Ikeda as the “Pied Piper of Buddhism” because all SGI members follow only him and neglect the actual correct teachers spoken by Nichiren. Most SGI members are completely oblivious as to the primary objective of Buddhism which is to “save all living beings”

“The Great teacher T’ien-tai overcame these various sects and returned Buddhism once more to its primary objective of saving 
all living beings.”
(“The Opening of the Eyes” – Vol 1, p82)

This is also the reason for Shakyamuni’s advent:

“The Buddha’s appear in the world solely for one reason, which is true; the other two are not the truth.
Never do they use a lesser vehicle to save living beings and ferry them across.
The Buddha himself dwells in the Great Vehicle (Lotus Sutra),
And adorned with the power of meditation and wisdom 
That go with the Law he has attained,
He uses it to save living beings.”
(Lotus Sutra – p.35)

“You should know that at the start I took a vow,
hoping to make all persons equal to me, without any distinction between us, and what I long ago hoped for has now been fulfilled.
I have converted them all to enter the Buddha way.”
(Lotus Sutra – p.36)

“All sentient beings possess the Buddha nature.”
(Nirvana Sutra)

And if the primary objective of Buddhism is to “save all living beings” 
You cannot be said to fulfill that objective if you are killing and eating them everyday! 

Meat is meat, flesh is flesh, blood is blood. There is no difference between eating the flesh of a cow from that of a chicken, from that of a dog, or that of a human. 

He (the Thus Come One (Buddha )) is the father of all living beings.
(Lotus Sutra – p.61)

“This threefold world is my domain, and the living beings in it are all my children.” 
(Lotus Sutra – p.69)

Therefore, each time you eat meat you are killing and eating the Buddha’s children! How can you expect to attain Enlightenment when you are killing and eating the Buddha’s children everyday? You can’t! 

Nichiren Says:

“When the Buddha appeared in this world, he made compassion for living beings his basis. And as an expression of compassion for living beings, not to take life and to provide sustenance for the living are the most important precept." 
(“Letter to Momitsu Shonin” MW-Vol 5, P.190)
(Also known as “The Blessings of the Lotus Sutra”)

This bears repeating: “Not to take life is the most important precept."

What this means is that not only are we not supposed to kill 
These other sentient beings but we should also feed and care for them.

"Nothing throughout the entire major world system matches the value of a living being," which means that not even all the jewels and treasures that fill the entire major world system can equal the value of a life.
(“Letter to Momitsu Shonin” MW-Vol 5, P.190)

The Juryo chapter of the Lotus Sutra contains the blessings of Shakyamuni Buddha's precept "not to kill." Consequently, those who take life will be forsaken by all the Buddhas of the three existences and the gods of the six worlds of desire will not protect them." 
(On Recommending this teaching to your Lord"--MW-Vol 6, P.89)

Chapter 14 of the Lotus Sutra outlines the correct moral code and behavior required of a Buddhist practitioner. It instructs us not to even associate with animal farmers who earning a living by selling animals for food. Those professions are completely adverse to the teachings of Buddhism whose foundation is based upon compassion.

Not only do I not associate with animal farmers but I have made it a practice not to socialize nor to even associate with any such person who eats meat, fish or dairy because those individuals are ignorant of nutrition and devoid of compassion and empathy.

What I find abominable and obviously hypocritical is the daily recitation of Gongyo (portions of chapters 2 & 16 of the Lotus Sutra) by Nichiren practitioners who are obviously ignorant of what those chapters say. 

“The learned priests and scholars of the many sects are first of all 
confused as to the meaning of the sutras upon which their own doctrines are based and more fundamentally, they are ignorant of the teachings expounded in the Juryo chapter of the Lotus Sutra. 
…without the Juryo chapter, all the sutras are meaningless.
…Namu-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is the heart of the Lotus Sutra”

(“The Essence of the Juryo Chapter” - MW-Vol 3 P34)

President Ikeda wrote an 8-book volume “Discussions on the Lotus Sutra” in which, not surprisingly, he completely bypassed and ignored Chapter 14 which outlines the manner in which a disciple should behave since it is in that chapter that he warns, “Do not follow a monk who does not abide by the precepts”. He had to avoid it since, being a meat-eater would reveal him to be a hypocrite. While President Ikeda preaches on the virtues of the Lotus Sutra, he, himself, does not uphold it. Daisaku Ikeda is “all talk and no action” and ironically he has published three books entitled “Buddhism into Action”. He is a true hypocrite. 
(“These evil men will read and recite this sutra, but they will ignore and put aside the profound and vital principals that the Buddha has expounded in it and replace it with ornate rhetoric and meaningless talk. … You must understand that these evil monks are the companions of the devil.”)

Daisaku Ikeda’s writings misinterpret Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren outlines his practice as being comprised of 5 stages. Yet, after practicing for more than 60 years Daisaku Ikeda still only adheres to the first 3 stages and has not yet advanced to the 4th stage. Perhaps it is because the 4th stage requires a disciple to adopt a vegan diet and President Ikeda is unable to overcome his addiction to eating meat. 

It was President Ikeda’s meat-eating behavior that required me to resign my SGI membership if I desired to uphold the Lotus Sutra since the Buddha instructs, “Do not follow a monk who does not abide by the precepts.”

In his “Three Proofs” teaching Nichiren says that “actual proof” is more important than theory or documentation. I exemplify that teaching. As a child I was constantly sick and contracted the flu every September. When I stopped eating meat and dairy I stopped getting sick. I have not been sick nor been to a doctor for illness in 45 years and during my last physical the doctor told me “On paper, it appears as though you have the body of a 35 year old. I’ve never seen anything like this.”

And the karmic retribution one receives for killing and eating the Buddha’s children is cancer and many other illnesses. If eating meat was permissible the first precept would be “Do Not Murder” because murder is specifically confined to the human species. And the commandment in the Judea/Christian religions would be “Thou shalt not murder” instead of Thou shalt not kill. If parents truly love their children and don’t want them to get ill, they should stop poisoning them everyday by feeding them meat. Animals are not appropriate food for humans. They are living, sentient beings. And so says the Buddha.

“Kasyapa asked Buddha, “Oh World-honored One! Why is it
the Tathagata does not allow us to eat meat?”

“Oh good man! One who eats meat kills the seed of great compassion.”

On the Buddhist Vegan Society website there will be a “Hall of Fame” to list those fellow Buddhists who uphold and exemplify the First Precept as well as a “Hall of Shame” to list those Buddhist Priests and leaders who violate the First Precept.

The reason for my exposing Buddhist Priests who do not uphold the First Precept through maintenance of a vegan diet is because 
The Buddha has directed me to ‘out’ these charlatan leaders and bring their incorrect teachings to your attention:

“If even a good priest sees someone slandering the Law and disregards him, to oust him or punish him for his offense, then that priest is betraying Buddhism. But if he takes the slanderer severely to task, drives him off or punishes him, then he is my disciple and one who truly understands my teachings.” 
(- The Nirvana Sutra)

He who injures or brings confusion to the Buddhist Law is an enemy of the Law. If one befriends another person but lacks the mercy to correct him, he is in fact his enemy. But he who is willing to reprimand and correct the offender is one who truly understands and defends the Law, a true disciple of the Buddha. He makes it possible for the offender to rid himself of evil, and thus he acts like a parent to the offender. Those who are willing to reproach offenders are disciples of the Buddha.
(“The Opening of the Eyes” – MW-Vol 2 P211)

The Truth about Buddhism that no one wants to hear is this: those who eat meat are not Buddhist; so says Shakyamuni himself:

“How then, after my nirvana, can you eat the flesh of living beings and so pretend to be my disciple? You should know that those who eat meat, though their minds may open and realize a semblance of Samadhi, are but great raksasas [blood-drinking, flesh-eating demons] who, after this life, will sink back into the bitter ocean of samsara and cannot be my disciples.” 

This is “The Truth About Buddhism” that no one wants to hear:

“those who eat meat… cannot be my disciples”.

The phrase “meat-eating Buddhist” is an oxymoron because, according

And the other stuff you don’t want to hear? In short, Shakyamuni says that meat-eaters are Cruel, unwise, stupid, unholy, greedy, perverted, uncompassionate, impure, possessed by devils, shall not receive merits, lack morals, shall not attain enlightenment, shall not be reincarnated as humans, and are not his disciples.

I challenge anyone on the planet to prove me wrong. You cannot because I only use the words of my father Shakyamuni and my brother Nichiren. 

Now that I have revealed my true identity as Kasho, the 21st Century Buddha I shall be deleting my “Veggie Eddie” Facebook profile and replacing it with one for “Kasho Buddha”. However, I ask that if you eat meat you refrain from trying to “friend” me as I do not associate with anyone who eats meat because those people are ignorant of nutrition and lacking in compassion and empathy.

Those of you who do abide by the first precept through adherence to a vegan diet are requested to give me your support in promoting the Buddhist Vegan Society through a donation on the “gofundme” website. 

Thank You

Namu Myoho Renge Kyo


The 21st Century Buddha


  1. Thanks to the Lotus Sutra, even icchantikas (men of incorrigeable disbelief) will attain Buddhahood. Not meat eaters?

    1. A votary of the Lotus Sutra does not eat meat as so stated in chapter 14. Only a votary of the Lotus Sutra may obtain Enlightenment.

  2. Or even those who commit the Five Cardinal Sims (killing one's mother or father) will attain Buddhahood thanks to the Lotus Sutra but not those who kill animals? You mean the Eskimos can't attain Enlightenment because all they eat is meat?. Eddie is wrong about this.

    1. A votary of the Lotus Sutra does not eat meat as so stated in chapter 14. Only a votary of the Lotus Sutra may obtain Enlightenment.

      Again, I say that ALL living beings (Sentient beings) are the Buddha's children. If you eat them you are incapable of attaining Enlightenment. Humans should not live in any place where plants cannot be grown for food.

  3. I'm glad you commented about this just as I was about to, because, as you presupposed, your PERSONAL take on the aforementioned would have had to be explained. I was going to ask you outright......and then, submit Isa Chandra's "Meaty, Beany, Chile" recipe on this site - she substitutes Lentils for meat...5 Star Recipe......Now then, does this open a can of worms?......are you rationalizing the killing for sustenance or was the Buddha wrong about this to begin with......for what did he know about all the worldly habitats on Earth - the Eskimos....the Encyclopedia Britannica hadn't been yet available, lol! But here Mark, the SGI uses that explanation constantly - the Modern Version, the Practical Version of an antiquated bygone era......every religion has had to confront and/or adapt.....growing up on Chicago's North Shore, Reform Judaism emerged as the default to maintain Tradition - God, after the Shoa/Holocaust was - persona non grata. There simply was no mention of God in my childhood - verboten!......Jewish females were to marry Jewish males, Jewish males! Our family business was closely linked to the Slaughter House Industry - the Tannery. As a child, veganism would have been outlawed, a word forbidden. As a child, Dad took us to the Swift plant in Rochelle, Ill. - we witnessed the trauma and killing of those creatures....a conveyor of 2500# animals hanging by one leg going in one door, and hot dogs coming out the next. Today though, incorporating more Vegan recipes into our diet is highly recommended, and when Veggie Eddie brags on his health and his astonishment of Tweedle Dee's enormity, I fully understand and believe.
    I was half-way through Eddie's diatribe last night and finished this AM along with your comments.....wished I had completed all before bed......because, I was preparing myself - fighting my pillow! - about what you might say - NO MORE MEAT!....Yes though, I thought about all those Burgers, Hot Dogs, Pulled Pork sandwiches with BBQ sauce....Turkey Dinners for the Holidays.....Oysters, Shrimp........yes, yes, I've had my fill and someone else's to boot! Those of us that are trying now to study Buddhism more seriously and critically are trying to at least acquire the knowledge of orthodoxy - knowing full-well that adherence - like sneaking in a Big Mack every once in a while....well, what can I say, we're human, which might be bad enough!!

  4. Thinking now of how I once rationalized, I thought that the highest good an animal could do was to nourish or serve human, that sounds arrogant. Here in Colorado, many times I have driven by lying deer, broken and twitching in their death throes. What is the purpose of such a beautiful life just to be hit by a car. That life could have nourished a family of 4 through the winter.....or, it could have caused? that same family to fatally crash. Upon leaving Knoxville for Colo., a strange series of human deaths by Chows.....go figure....especially when you consider dogs trained just to sit by their blind human masters. So, what is the highest cause an animal can make on Earth to advance it's eternal? life?

  5. Even those who commit the Five Cardinal Offenses can attain Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra:

    five cardinal sins The five most serious offenses in Buddhism: (1) killing one’s father, (2) killing one’s mother, (3) killing an arhat, (4) injuring the Buddha, and (5) causing disunity in the Buddhist Order. Committing any of them causes one to fall into the Avichi hell, or the hell of incessant suffering.

    But not meat eaters?

    Nichiren teaches:

    In addition to the three pronouncements of the Buddha in the “Treasure Tower” chapter of the Lotus Sutra, the “Devadatta” chapter contains two enlightening admonitions. [The first reveals that Devadatta will attain Buddhahood.] Devadatta was a man of incorrigible disbelief, of the type called icchantika, and yet it is predicted that he will in the future become a Buddha called the Thus Come One Heavenly King. The forty volumes of the Nirvana Sutra state that [all beings, including the icchantikas, possess the Buddha nature, but] the actual proof of that is found in this chapter of the Lotus Sutra. There are countless other persons such as the monk Sunakshatra or King Ajātashatru who have committed the five cardinal sins and slandered the Law, but Devadatta is cited as one example to represent all the countless others; he is the chief offender, and it is assumed that all lesser offenders will fare as he does. Thus it is revealed that all those who commit the five or the seven cardinal sins or who slander the Law or who are icchantikas inherently opposed to taking faith will become Buddhas like the Thus Come One Heavenly King. Poison turns into sweet dew, the finest of all flavors."

    "...Those who possessed the capacity to gain enlightenment through either the provisional or true Mahayana sutras have long since disappeared. In this impure and evil age, Namu-myoho-renge-kyo of the “Life Span” chapter, the heart of the essential teaching, should be planted as the seeds of Buddhahood for the first time in the hearts of all those who commit the five cardinal sins and slander the correct teaching. This is what is indicated in the “Life Span” chapter where it states, “I will leave this good medicine here. You should take it and not worry that it will not cure you.”

    "Answer: The Meditation Sutra belongs to the provisional teachings, while the Lotus Sutra represents the true teaching. In no way are they equivalent. The reason is that when the Buddha appeared in the world, though he spent forty years and more preaching various doctrines, he had a great aversion to persons of the two vehicles, to evil persons, and to women, and said not a single word about the possibility of their attaining Buddhahood. In this one [Lotus] sutra, however, he stated that even those of the two vehicles, for whom the seeds of Buddhahood had rotted; Devadatta, who had committed three cardinal sins; and women, who are ordinarily hindered by the five obstacles, could all become Buddhas. This is clearly stated in the text of the sutra."

    "On the other hand, if suddenly you should feel, for example, the approach of death, then even if you are eating fish or fowl, if you are able to read the sutra, you should do so, and likewise chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Needless to say, the same principle applies during your period of menstruation."

    Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra teach that even animals will attain Enlightenment through the Lotus Sutra:


    1. Ah, make that medium rare! What say you now Veggie Eddie?

  6. Salvation for the Suffering Animals by Graham Lamont

    The power of the Lotus Sutra or Hokekyo to save all beings through our power of faith is proven by the attainment of Buddhahood dramatically demonstrated by the Dragon Girl in the “Chapter of Devadatta” 12 and referred to in the last quotation in the previous section: “They all saw the Dragon Girl .... attain True Enlightenment.” Although this event has several profound spiritual meanings for us, which I hope to explore in future issues, it can be noted here that Nichiren Shonin declares that this passage refers to “the Ten Realms which the Realm of the Beasts possesses.” (Kanjin honzon sho, STN, v. 1, 704) That is, even the Realm of Beasts possesses the Buddha Realm as well as the other Realms and, therefore, must inevitably attain Buddhahood. He also states:

    “Though having the vile body of a dragon beast, born even as a woman and not even mature in years, she was scarcely eight years old. Though it was not at all expected, by the teaching and converting of Manjushri, within the sea between the “Dharma Teacher” and the “Devadatta” {Chapters] when He had scarcely preached the “Chapter of the Jewelled Stupa”, it was wondrous thing that she became a Buddha. If it were not for the power of the Hokekyo, how could it be thus? Therefore, Myoraku wrote, indeed, ‘The practice is shallow but the merit profound in order to reveal the Sutra’s power.’” (Kito sho, STN, v. 1, 673-674, citing the Hokke mongu ki (T.34.344c)

    On a more immediate level Nichiren Shonin writes that the power of the faith of the Daimoku, “Namu Myoho renge kyo” extends from our realm into the Realm of Beasts. In the second year of Koan (1279) the Tonsured Layman of Nakaoki erected a sotoba or memorial offering plaque of wood (originally deriving from the “stupa” or reliquary mounds) for their deceased daughter on the thirteenth anniversary of her death; concerning this sotoba Nichiren comments:

    “.... because on its face you displayed the Seven Characters “Namu Myoho renge kyo”, when the north wind blows the scaly tribe (fish) of the Southern Sea, meeting that wind, will leave the sufferings of the great sea and when the east wind comes the birds and deer of the western mountains, having had that wind touch their bodies, shall escape the Way of the Beasts and they shall be reborn in the Inner Cloister of Tushita. How much more the human beings who have a following joy (zuiki) for that sotoba, touching it to their hands and seeing it with their eyes! Think that it is like the moon’s reflection when the water is clear and the reverberation when they strike the drum that by the merit of that sotoba the departed parents shall also illuminate the Pure Land like the sun and moon of heaven and the person of filial nurture as well as his wife and children shall have a lifespan of a hundred and twenty years in the present world and in the after life shall go to the Pure Land of the Spiritual Mountain (ryozen jodo). Henceforth on subsequent sotobas you should display the Title (Daimoku) of the Hokekyo.” (Nakaoki nyudo goshosoku, STN, v. 2, 1718-1719)



  7. This wonderful passage with its rather long sentences shows the power of the Daimoku to save all beings once the initial act of faith is made: after the memorial sotoba was set up in faith as an act of good for the departed (tsuizen), its power (which is a combination of the power of the Dharma, the power of the Eternal Buddha, and the power of the faith of the donor) spread to the donor’s family, rescuing his departed parents and his whole kindred. This, of course, is further proof of what was said above about one person’s faith in the Hokekyo benefitting not just one person but all those associated with that person. Clearly Nichiren was primarily concerned with the salvation of humankind, for he says, “How much more the human beings”. (Incidentally, the reference to “a lifespan of a hundred and twenty years” is not necessarily to be taken literally but is a traditional Buddhist expression of the longest life possible under the circumstances.)

    However, the power of “Namu Myoho renge kyo” overflows into the world of the suffering beasts, who are being punished for their evil past deeds; through the power of the Daimoku written in faith they, too, are liberated and brought to the Inner Cloister of the Tushita Heaven. In conventional terms this Inner Cloister is the best part of Tushita Heaven where the next Buddha, the Great Bodhisattva Maitreya (Miroku In Japanese) dwells and preaches; it is, in reality, a Pure Land. However, Nichiren has explained in the Shugo kokka ron (STN, v. 1, 129-130) that when the Lotus Sutra speaks of such places of excellent rebirth, such as this Tushita Heaven, the Trayastrimsha (Toriten: Heaven of the Thirty Three), and the Western Pure Land of the Buddha Amida, it is giving names from the Previous Sutras to the one true Pure Land of the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni, the Pure Land of the Spiritual Mountain which is described in the Sixteenth Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. Thus by the power of “Namu Myoho renge kyo” and the faith and practice of those who receive and keep this quintessence of the supreme Hokekyo, even the suffering beasts will attain Buddhahood in the Eternal Pure Land.

    but not carnivores like lions and tigers and eagles?

    1. You call yourself a Medical Doctor? You are just as ignorant as all the rest when it comes to Nutrition. I have been studying Nutrition for the past 45 years. I used to be sick all of the time as a child.
      My VA Doctor made me come in for a check up two years ago because he hadn't seen me in 15 years and when he got the Blood workup lab results he said that on paper it looks like I have the body of a 35 year old!
      I AM 72 YEARS OLD AND I HAVE NOT BEEN SICK nor been to a doctor for illness IN 42 YEARS. I have not had a headache in 45 years!

      Want to know what causes cancer and ALL illness?
      MEAT & DAIRY IS WHAT GETS PEOPLE SICK. (Also non-foods such as chemicals, GMO’s pesticides, artificial flavorings and colors.)
      The Best book written on Nutrition is "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger and you can get a Nutrition video from him every day when you sign up for his newsletter at "

  8. Ah, make that medium rare! What say you now Veggie Eddie?

  9. Kasho, I think it a blessing to have what I hope is at least average intelligence - for I am constantly surrounded be stimulating and resourceful people. I have nothing scholarly to give here, just enthusiasm with an added attitude of appreciation. I'm here to learn, or to relearn, for my senses tell me that quite possibly I have been deceived. We were told, I was told it was "True Buddhism." I'm finding out otherwise. Now, you enter this site like John the Baptist with your adamant adaptation of the First Precept - the taking of life, for any reason. In accord with my aforementioned, I have listened to your statement, pondered it, pulled out my Gosho to page 659 and started to read "Letter to Konichi-bo," and purchased your recommended book,"the World Peace Diet." Like I said, I am a student surrounded by stimulating people. Now then, I believe that you have much more to offer than following that First Precept as a condition.......Mark has explained to me previously the concept of "natural unfolding"....firstly, there must be incentive to become a Buddhist - what does it offer? Then, if one is sufficiently willing to try, they must make cause - adhere to the practice to realize value, if any. What is the practice? I don't profess to be in a position to answer that, but for me, I was already transforming to veganism, not by the incentive of any precept, but by a natural unfolding; my health, the inefficiency of converting vegetable matter to flesh in light of a growing population, the green house gases produced by methane, etc., etc. For me, that unfolding came from the chanting of the 7 character Daimoku to the Gohonzon first, and allowing my Buddha Nature to emerge, so that I can appreciate and investigate that First Precept further. Maybe my investigation may speed up my vegan transformation.
    Now, I understand whose house I am speaking from, and I am comfortable with their philosophical approach to the indoctrination of learning what Nichiren has to say. Had Mark made it a condition that I must give up eating flesh before I could hear one word from the Buddha's lips, I wouldn't be here today. I understand and respect your priorities, and that you want to build your own house based on that First Precept - excellent! - sincerely, I wish you well.....but, please consider how you could wisely contribute here, for like I said, I think you could be of value. Then, we could visit your site and I'll bring my "Meaty, Beany Chile" recipe with me! up, some more Eskimo type situations!
    must apply the practice properly to realize the value, if any

  10. Maxwell,
    I shall explain everything anyone needs to know in my forthcoming book, "The Truth About Buddhism". Most people have distorted the correct Buddhist teachings, lied about them or both. And, as I've stated in my Manifesto, everytime I speak the truth of the Buddha's words, no one wants to hear it and I get slandered, vilified & persecuted on sites just like this one and such is the reason why I have been in aelf-imposed Exile for the past 14 years: Because All of the Buddhists on these sites are Ignorant of both Nutrition & Buddhism. I am reminded of the line Jack Nicholos screamed in the movie, "A Few Good Men", "You Can't Handle The Truth". However, now the Sleeping Lion has awoken and his name is KASHO, the 21st Century Buddha, A Votary of the Lotus Sutra, Brother to Nicvhiren & son and Envoy of Shakyamuni sent to bring Buddhism into the 21st Century.Well, for now that's the end. I shall make no more postings here at all or anywhere else until I get my website up and running for the Buddhist Vegan Society. And you will have to wait for the publication of my book to learn about the Enlightenment I have been fortunate to attain.

  11. Kasho.....then, let me at least help you with your spelling....there is no such word as - awoken - use the word - awoke.....there is the word - awaken, however. Dialog is spelled - sorry to end it like this.

  12. Mark, did you ever see the movie "Badlands" with Martin Sheen?......after he shoots his "friend" for attempting to run for the police, he stands over his body and says, "it takes all kinds."

  13. Tomorrow a full refutation of Kasho "Buddha" who possesses none of the 32 Signs. However, Veggie Eddie is insignificant in the grand scheme of things. The Soka Gakkai and the other corrupt established sects are the real targets of my rebuke and refutation
