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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Myomanji [Kempon Hokke] Regulations from 1451 and today

Myomanji [Kempon Hokke] Regulations from 1451

Translated by Jeffrey Hunter, Ph.D.

1. Do not go to temples and shrines of other sects; likewise, do not worship their Buddhas and gods or offer your alms, not even a single coin.

2. Do not request the services of shrine maidens (miko) or others in the service of shrines, likewise, do not depend on their prayers to bring down fever or allow them to pray for various benefits.

3. When our own monks are unavailable or insufficient in number, do not seek the assistance of other sects.

4. Do not participate in the associations (ko) of other sects.

5. Do not attend Buddhist ceremonies and prayer services sponsored by other sects, or receive on such occassions rice, tea, or sake. Likewise, on similar occassions sponsored by our temple do not invite others.

6. While we may share our firewood with other sects sponsoring merit baths (kudokuburo), do not use their baths. Likewise, do not allow adherents of other sects to use our merit baths.

7. In prayer services and other Buddhist ceremonies not sponsored by the court or the shogunate, do not offer alms, not even a single coin.

8. If the husband is of another faith and the wife of ours, never expel him from the community. But if the husband is ours and the wife an outsider, wait three years [for her to convert] before expelling them both.

9. Even though the temple belongs to another parish (monto) of the Lotus sect, do not go to it or worship its Buddha or give alms to its monks or devotees.

10. While we may listen to sermons preached by monks of other branches of the Lotus sect, do not join their congregations in reading the scripture or reciting the daimoku.

11. Amulets of other sects may be left in houses that are being rented, but if such houses belong to a member of our community, the amulets must be removed.

12. Sons- and daughters-in-law of other sects should be converted; if they visit our houses or if they are servants in such houses, they should be converted if even only for a day.

13. If the monks and devotees of this sect witness or hear of any slanderous behavior, they must reveal it to others. Otherwise their present life will be miserable, and they will fall to the deepest hell.


1). Kempon Hokke priests go to the temples of slanderers on Mount Hiei and Mount Minobu to worship and lend support to slanderers.


3). Kempon Hokke priests allow priests of other sects to officiate at prayer meetings.

4). They are active in the various associations of Nichiren sects.

5). They habitually invite Tendai priests from Mount Hiei and even Nembutsu priests to their prayer meetings and celebrations.

6). ?

7). They do in fact offer alms to disbelievers.

8). Wealthy patrons are precluded  from this regulation.

9). They are in bed with the Nichiren Shu.

10). They engage in prayer services with slanderers.

11). ?

12). Often overlooked.

13). Egregious behavior often overlooked, especially as regards wealthy patrons

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