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Thursday, January 17, 2019

SGI Interfaith

SGI interfaith service

"The service included Christian psalms and prayers on the theme of breaking down walls which separate people and uniting in harmony, as well as the singing of hymns with an international flavor."

Nichiren corrects them:

"It is said that good medicine tastes bitter. This sutra, which is like good medicine, dispels attachments to the five vehicles and establishes the one ultimate principle. It reproaches those in the ranks of ordinary beings and censures those in the ranks of sagehood, denies [provisional] Mahayana and refutes Hinayana. It speaks of the heavenly devils as poisonous insects and calls non-Buddhists demons. It censures those who cling to Hinayana teachings, calling them mean and impoverished, and it dismisses bodhisattvas as beginners in learning. For this reason, heavenly devils hate to listen to it, non-Buddhists find their ears offended, persons of the two vehicles are dumbfounded, and bodhisattvas flee in terror. That is why all these types of people try to make hindrances [for a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra]. The Buddha was not speaking nonsense when he declared that hatred and jealousy would abound.” -- The Opening of the Eyes

Still, I can't quite get over the slander I've experienced at the hands of SGI members for asserting for 20 years what they are just beginning to assert now: That the DaiGohonzon is fake and the Eternal Original True Buddha is Shakyamuni Buddha. I think that I wouldn't even accept their apology were it offered. Then, there are the matters of: The blasphemy of Ikedacentrism; interfaith; and the inordinate and unconscionable alms accepted by the top SGI leaders to perform the work of the Buddha and The Supreme Votary that Shakyamuni and Nichiren did for food, clothing, and shelter.

These aberrant SGI principles would be abhorrent to the Master of Teachings Lord Shakya and the Supreme Votary of Lotus Sutra. They certainly are abhorrent to the disciples and believer's of Nichiren. So the battle goes on even today.

I believe everyone deserves respect and that respect extends to their choice of belief." -- SGI interfaith leader

“Next, concerning your reverence for those who observe these practices, a teaching is not necessarily worthy of honor simply because its practitioners are respected. It is for this reason that the Buddha laid down the principle, ‘Rely on the Law and not upon persons.’

“I have heard it said that the sages of ancient times who observed the precepts could not bear even to utter the words ‘kill’ or ‘hoard,’ but would substitute some pure-sounding circumlocution, and when they happened to catch sight of a beautiful woman, they would meditate upon the image of a corpse. But if we examine the behavior of the priests of today who supposedly observe the precepts, we find that they hoard silks, wealth, and jewels, and concern themselves with lending money at interest. Since their doctrines and their practices differ so greatly, who would think of putting any faith in them?

“And as for this matter of building roads and constructing bridges, it only causes people trouble. The charitable activities at the port of Iijima and the collecting of rice at the Mutsura Barrier have brought unhappiness to a great many people, and the setting up of barriers along the seven highways of the various provinces has imposed a hardship upon travelers. These are things that are happening right in front of your eyes. Can’t you see what is going on?”

The unenlightened man thereupon flushed with anger and said, “You with your little bit of wisdom have no cause to speak ill of that eminent priest and to defame his teachings! Do you do so knowingly, or are you simply a fool? It is a fearful thing you are doing.”

Then the lay believer laughed and said: “Alas, you are the foolish one! Let me briefly explain to you the biased views of that school. You should understand that, when it comes to the Buddhist teaching, there is the Mahayana division and the Hinayana division, and that in terms of schools there are those based upon the provisional teachings and those based upon the true teaching. Long ago, when the Buddha taught the Hinayana doctrines in Deer Park, he was opening the gate to a phantom city. But later, when the mats were spread for the teaching of the Lotus Sutra on Eagle Peak, then those earlier doctrines ceased to be of any benefit.”

Nichiren on the effect of interfaith

"...It is the same way with the Lotus Sutra. No matter how fervently a person may appear to put faith in it, if, knowingly or unknowingly, he has dealings with the enemies of the Lotus Sutra, he will undoubtedly end up in the hell of incessant suffering."

"The meaning of this passage is as follows. In the case of persons who already possess good roots and are capable of gaining enlightenment in their present existence, it is proper to preach the Lotus Sutra directly. But if there are persons among the group who are likely to slander the Lotus Sutra when they hear it, then it is better for the time being to preach the provisional teachings as a form of preparation, and only later to preach the Lotus Sutra. As for persons who have not in the past acquired any particularly good roots and who in their present existence are incapable of taking faith in the Lotus Sutra, they are likely for one reason or another to fall into the evil paths in their next existence anyway. Therefore one should preach the Lotus Sutra to them in a forceful manner, and when they speak slanderously of it, they will thereby create a reverse relationship with it.

According to the above passage of the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai, in this latter age the persons who are lacking in good roots are many, and those who possess them are few. Therefore, many people are doubtless destined to fall into the evil paths in their next existence. And if they are destined for the evil paths in any case, then one should preach the Lotus Sutra to them forcefully and thereby allow them to create a “poison-drum relationship” with the sutra. Hence there can be no doubt that this latter age is the proper time in which to preach the Lotus Sutra to all people, thus enabling them to create a reverse relationship with it by slandering it." -- On Reciting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra

"The Buddha has constantly warned us, saying that, no matter how great an observer of the precepts one may be, no matter how lofty in wisdom and well versed in the Lotus Sutra and the other scriptures, if one sees an enemy of the Lotus Sutra but fails to rebuke and denounce him or report him to the ruler of the nation, instead keeping silent out of fear of others, then one will invariably fall into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering. Suppose, by way of analogy, that one commits no treasonable act oneself, but knows of someone who is plotting treason. If one fails to inform the ruler, then one is guilty of the same crime as the person who is plotting treason."

"The meaning of this passage is as follows. In the case of persons who already possess good roots and are capable of gaining enlightenment in their present existence, it is proper to preach the Lotus Sutra directly. But if there are persons among the group who are likely to slander the Lotus Sutra when they hear it, then it is better for the time being to preach the provisional teachings as a form of preparation, and only later to preach the Lotus Sutra. As for persons who have not in the past acquired any particularly good roots and who in their present existence are incapable of taking faith in the Lotus Sutra, they are likely for one reason or another to fall into the evil paths in their next existence anyway. Therefore one should preach the Lotus Sutra to them in a forceful manner, and when they speak slanderously of it, they will thereby create a reverse relationship with it.

According to the above passage of the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai, in this latter age the persons who are lacking in good roots are many, and those who possess them are few. Therefore, many people are doubtless destined to fall into the evil paths in their next existence. And if they are destined for the evil paths in any case, then one should preach the Lotus Sutra to them forcefully and thereby allow them to create a “poison-drum relationship” with the sutra. Hence there can be no doubt that this latter age is the proper time in which to preach the Lotus Sutra to all people, thus enabling them to create a reverse relationship with it by slandering it." -- On Reciting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra

"It is said that good medicine tastes bitter. This sutra, which is like good medicine, dispels attachments to the five vehicles and establishes the one ultimate principle. It reproaches those in the ranks of ordinary beings and censures those in the ranks of sagehood, denies [provisional] Mahayana and refutes Hinayana. It speaks of the heavenly devils as poisonous insects and calls non-Buddhists demons. It censures those who cling to Hinayana teachings, calling them mean and impoverished, and it dismisses bodhisattvas as beginners in learning. For this reason, heavenly devils hate to listen to it, non-Buddhists find their ears offended, persons of the two vehicles are dumbfounded, and bodhisattvas flee in terror. That is why all these types of people try to make hindrances [for a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra]. The Buddha was not speaking nonsense when he declared that hatred and jealousy would abound.” -- The Opening of the Eyes

I don't go into churches. synagogues, mosques. Hindu temples, and provisional Buddhist temples. I will go into a Nichiren Buddhist temple/center to hear a lecture or debate, not to pray with them.

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