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Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The infinite lifespan of the Buddha

"In the sixteenth chapter, "Duration of the Life of the Buddha," the sutra also declares: ‘As I said before, it is immeasurably long since I, Sakyamuni Buddha, obtained Buddhahood. My life spans an innumerable and incalculably long period of time. Nevertheless, I am always here and I shall never pass away.’" -- The True Object of Worship

"Finally in the sixteenth chapter, the Buddha sometimes appears as a Buddha in the realm of Buddha but other times appears as some of the others who reside in the other Nine Realms. This indicates that the ten realms are included in the realm of Buddha." [ibid]

"Born to the human world, Prince Siddhartha, young Sakyamuni, became the Buddha. This evidence should be enough to convince you to believe that the realm of Buddhas exists in the realm of men." [opcit]

"In fact Sakyamuni began to preach, planting the seed of Buddhahood in the eternal past... Sakyamuni Buddha continued to guide His disciples until they were all sure to attain Buddhahood during the preaching of the Lotus Sutra in His present life, completing the series of His preaching which began in the eternal past."

"It means that Sakyamuni Buddha, within our minds, is an ancient Buddha without beginning, manifesting Himself in three bodies, and attaining Buddhahood in the eternal past described as 500 dust-particle kalpa ago." 

"In the same chapter, another passage reads: ‘The duration of My Life, which I obtained through the practice of the way of bodhisattvas, has not yet expired. It is twice as long as the length of time stated above: 500 dust-particle kalpa.’ This reveals the bodhisattva-realm within our minds. The bodhisattvas described in the fifteenth chapter, ‘Appearance of Bodhisattvas from Underground,’ who have sprung out of the great earth, as numerous as the number of dust-particles of 1,000 worlds, are followers of the Original Buddha Sakyamuni who resides within our minds."  -- [the preceding passages are from the True Object of Worship

These passages mean that Sakyamuni Buddha, Taho Buddha, and all Buddhas are in our minds, and that we, the upholders of the Lotus Sutra, follow in their footsteps and inherit all their merits.

"Now , when the Eternal Buddha was revealed in the essential section of the Lotus Sutra, this world of endurance (Saha-world) became the Eternal Pure Land, indestructible even by the three calamities of conflagration, flooding, and strong winds, which are said to destroy the world. It transcends the four periods of cosmic change: the kalpa of construction, continuance, destruction and emptiness. Sakyamuni Buddha, the Lord-preacher of this pure land, has never died in the past, nor will He be born in the future. He exists forever throughout the past present and future. All those who receive His guidance are one with this Eternal Buddha." -- The Opening of the Eyes

"How lucky I am to be able to go to the Pure Land of Mt. Sacred Eagle and extinguish within one life my sin of slandering the true dharma ever since the eternal past! How glad I feel to be able to go to the Pure Land of Mt. Sacred Eagle and wait on Lord Sakyamuni Buddha, whom I have not yet seen! May I guide first of all those rulers of this land who have persecuted me. May I tell Sakyamuni Buddha about my disciples who have assisted me. May I present this great merit to my parents, who gave birth to me, before I die." -- On the buddhas Prophecy

"I, Nichiren, of Awa Province graciously received the teaching of the Lotus Sutra from three masters (Sakyamuni, T’ien-t’ai, and Dengyo) and spread it in the Latter Age of the Decadent Dharma. -- [ibid]

Taking guidance directly from Sakyamuni Buddha who resides in our mind, we reveal the truth of Buddhahood in the World of Men. We who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo with a correct faith in the Gohonzon, Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin, are the Tom Bradys of the religious realm. Does Tom Brady takes guidance from the local high school football coach? He may be civil when listening to the coach's advice but in his heart he knows that he is Tom Brady, the greatest quarterback who ever lived. We are the greatest living beings who ever lived since we embody the Three Great Secret Laws inherited from the Original Buddha and we follow Nichiren Daishonin the Supreme votary of the Lotus Sutra.

Nichiren on evil spiritual friends

A passage from reply to Lord Hakii

"I, Nichiren am the foremost practitioner of the Hokekyo in Japan. If among Nichiren's disciples and lay donors you come later than me, then even before the God Brahma, the Emperor Shakra, The Four Great Celestial Kings or the Emperor of the Dharma Yama, proclaim, 'I am the disciple of the foremost practitioner of the Lotus Sutra in Japan, the priest Nichiren,' and you shall pass.

This Lotus Sutra becomes a ship on the rivers of the Three Paths, the Great White Ox Cart on the Mountain of going Forth in Death, becomes a lamp on the paths of the underworld, and is a bridge to take us to the Spiritual Mountain. When you are at the Spiritual Mountain, seek at the ushitori (northeastern) gallery. I will certainly await you. But it depends on the mind of faith of each one. If just the mind of faith is weak, no matter how much you call yourself a disciple or lay donor of Nichiren, by no means will you be accepted. If one is of two minds and merely the mind of faith is weak, think of it as the stone from a mountain rolling down into a valley or the rain from the sky falling to the great earth: There can be no doubt of the Great Avici Hell. At that time do not resent me, Nichiren: It really depends on the faith of each one. The fact that those who formed conditional links under Daitsu Buddha fell to hell and passed through kalpas more than the dust of lands in an easterly direction touched or untouched by ink drops made from the elements of a great trichilocosm (sanzen jintengo) and the group that put down the seeds of Buddhahood under the Original Buddha in the Most Distant Pass fell to hell and passed through kalpas more than the dust of five hundred thousands of tens of thousands of tens of millions of nayutas of asamkheyas of great trichilocosms (gohyaku jintengo) is because they met evil spiritual friends and believed in the Lotus Sutra in a neglectful manner. Really having the mind of faith, indeed, when you go to the Spiritual Mountain, seek for me, Nichiren. At that time I shall tell you in detail." -- Reply to lord Hakii (KHS, p. 541)

John Petry and Dave Cole debate

NSIC = Nichiren Shoshu International Center
NONA = Nichiren Shu of North America

Dave Cole: No actually that is Major Writings I quoted. Your translation sucks.
John Petry: Citation please? When did you become an expert?
DC: I became an expert when I promised, you became a empty shell when you abandoned faith.
JP: Never mind the chest puffing. Let's have the citations for your opinion.
DC: The citations? I already said twice, it is from the Major Writings here it is again, you know Watson et. all. MW-5, 207, Letter of Petition from Yorimoto"

"The Lotus Sutra states, 'Now this threefold world is all my domain. The living beings in it are all my children.' If this scriptural statement is correct, then Lord Shakyamuni is the father and mother, teacher and sovereign of all the people in Japan. Amida Buddha does not possess these three virtues. However, you ignore the Buddha of the three virtues and invoke the name of another Buddha [Amida] day and night, morning and evening, sixty or eighty thousand times a day. Is this not an unfilial deed? It was Shakyamuni Buddha himself who originally taught that Amida had vowed to save all people; but in the end he regretted it and said, 'I alone can save them.' After that, he never again taught that there are two or three Buddhas who can save the people. No one has two fathers or two mothers. What sutra says that Amida is the father of this country? What treatise indicates him as its mother? [NSIC version, page 225]

"So I listened to the sermons of various priests and inquired into which teaching leads to Buddhahood. And I came to believe that, according to the teaching of the Lotus Sutra, the sage Nichiren is the sovereign of the threefold world, the father and mother of all people, and the emissary of Shakyamuni Buddha - Bodhisattva Jogyo." [NSIC version, page 227]

"When the sage Nichiren, the envoy of Shakyamuni Buddha, was exiled because of the false charges leveled against him by the priest Ryokan, fighting broke out within one hundred days, just as he had predicted - and a great number of warriors perished." [NSIC version, page 231]

JP: The wonderful thing about the NSIC translations is that they try hard to fiddle with the wording to make it conform to NST/SGI doctrine. But they often then have glaring inconsistencies in them which show the errors. A comparison of the English in the above shows that the NONA version is a more exact translation and the NSIC version has fiddled with the language.

The Japanese version shows that it should read:

"As a result I have come to believe in the Lotus Sutra in which it is expounded that Nichiren Shonin is the Bodhisattva Jogyo [Superior Conduct] commanded by Sakyamuni Buddha, Lord of the Saha World and parent of all living beings, to appear in the Latter Days of the Degeneration as a messenger of the Buddha with the duty of propagating the Lotus Sutra. NONA translation, page 206 [the Japanese language version is on page 207].

If we look at the NSIC version we see that the changing of the language to make Nichiren "the sovereign of the threefold world, the father and mother of all people" [NSIC version, page 227] is inarticulate and contradictory to other statements in the Gosho itself. The most immediate conflict arise in the next phrase: "and the emissary of Shakyamuni Buddha - Bodhisattva Jogyo." [NSIC version, page 227] Were this language to be read as Dave would like, namely that it makes Nichiren the "true" Buddha, it would then make the "true" Buddha subordinate to Sakyamuni Buddha [Sakyamuni the Honbutsu or the Eternal Original Buddha of the 16th Chapter] since Nichiren is his [Sakyamuni's] emissary, the Bodhisattva Jogyo.

The NONA translation is further reinforced simply by looking at other language in the Gosho as translated by the NSIC:

"The Lotus Sutra states, 'Now this threefold world is all my domain. The living beings in it are all my children.' If this scriptural statement is correct, then Lord Shakyamuni is the father and mother, teacher and sovereign of all the people in Japan."

The writer clearly believes this statement about Sakyamuni being the parent teacher and sovereign as true as he immediately states:

"Amida Buddha does not possess these three virtues. However, you ignore the Buddha of the three virtues and invoke the name of another Buddha [Amida] day and night, morning and evening, sixty or eighty thousand times a day. Is this not an unfilial deed? It was Shakyamuni Buddha himself who originally taught that Amida had vowed to save all people; but in the end he regretted it and said, "I alone can save them.' After that, he never again taught that there are two or three Buddhas who can save the people. No one has two fathers or two mothers. What sutra says that Amida is the father of this country? What treatise indicates him as its mother?"

Similarly if Sakyamuni is the parent, teacher and sovereign, then Nichiren cannot be for the same question arises as posed by Nichiren in the above passage. What person can have two mothers?; two fathers?; two sovereigns?; two teachers?

[in the Japanese sense of a sensei]. The correctness of the NONA translation is confirmed later in the NSIC version when it states the following:

"When the sage Nichiren, the envoy of Shakyamuni Buddha, was exiled because of the false charges leveled against him by the priest Ryokan, fighting broke out within one hundred days, just as he had predicted - and a great number of warriors perished." NSIC version page 231.

Note that the above quote is very similar to the NONA translation:

"In the eighth year of the Bun'ei Era [1271] when Nichiren Shonin, messenger of Sakyamuni Buddha, was exiled because of the slander of Ryokan-bo, a civil war broke out within one hundred days, as Nichiren predicted, and not a few warriors lost their lives." NONA translation, page 214.

Similarly the language for the first passage is almost identical:

"The chapter on the 'Parable' of the Lotus Sutra states: 'Now this Saha World is all my domain, where all living beings are my children.' If this is true, Lord Sakyamuni Buddha is the father, the master and the lord of all the people in Japan. Amida Buddha has no such three virtues as Sakyamuni Buddha. Never the less, people put aside this Buddha with three virtues, enshrine Amida Buddha and chant 'Namu Amida Butsu' 60,000 or 80,000 times every morning and evening. How can it not be an unfilial act?

Amida Buddha's original vow was originally expounded by Sakyamuni Buddha. As it was, however, an expedient teaching, it was stated later in the Lotus Sutra: 'I, Sakyamuni, alone can save all living beings.' The only Buddha who can save us, therefore is the very Sakyamuni Buddha. Sakyamuni never seems to have appointed two or three saviors; we do not have two father or two mothers, do we? Is there any sutra in the world that asserts Amida Buddha is the father of this country? Is there any commentary that mentions Amida Buddha is the mother of this country?"

Dave's theory falls yet again when the Gosho states:

"In your official letter you also state, "I revere the elder of Gokuraku-ji temple as the World-Honored One reborn," but this I cannot accept. The reason is: if what the sutra states is true, the sage Nichiren is the envoy of the Buddha who attained enlightenment in the remote past, the provisional manifestation of Bodhisattva Jogyo, the votary of the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra, and the great leader in the fifth five-hundred-year period [following the Buddha's passing]. [NSIC version, page 217]

The differences here are subtle but it still supports the NONA translation:

"It is also stated in your lordship's letter that your lordship reveres Ryokan-bo, Chief Priest of the Gokurakuji Temple, as if he were an incarnation of Sakyamuni Buddha. However this is hard for me to accept for if the teaching of the sutras is correct, Nichiren is a reincarnation of Bodhisattva Visistacarita [Superior Practice], a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra and a direct disciple of the Original and Eternal Sakyamuni Buddha who attained Buddhahood in the remotest past, according to the essential part of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren Shonin is a great leading master in the beginning of the fifth 500 year period after the Buddha's extinction." NONA translation, page 184.

The NSIC version seeks to perpetuate a meaningless and unsubstantiated distinction between the remote past and the remotest past based upon a very strained reading of the 16th chapter of the Latest Sutra. One that even the simplest reader can see is incorrect. In fact Prof. Burton who did the NSA translation of the Lotus Sutra indicates that the NONA version "the remotest" [or infinite] past is the correct interpretation.

"But as Ananda proceeds to describe the staggering number and variety of human, non human and heavenly beings who have gathered to listen to the Buddha's discourse, we realize that we have left the world of factual reality behind. This is the first point to keep in mind in reading the Lotus Sutra. Its setting, its vast assembly of listeners, its dramatic occurrences in the end belong to a realm that totally transcends our ordinary concepts of time, space and possibility.

Again and again we are told of events that took place countless, indescribable numbers of kalpas or eons in the past, or of beings or worlds that are as numerous as the sands of million and billions of Ganges rivers. Such "numbers" are in fact no more than pseudo-numbers or non-numbers, intended to impress on us the impossibility of measuring the immeasurable. They are not meant to convey any statistical data but simply to boggle the mind and jar it lose from its conventional concepts of time and space. For in the realm of Emptiness, time and space as we conceive them are meaningless; anywhere is the same as everywhere, and now, then, never, forever are all one."

On page xix: " In chapter sixteen Sakyamuni reveals the answer to this riddle. The Buddha he says is an eternal being, ever present in the world, ever concerned for the salvation of all living beings. He attained Buddhahood an incalculably distant time in the past and has never ceased to abide in the world since then. ... From this we see that in the Lotus Sutra the Buddha who had earlier been viewed as a historical personality, is now conceived as a being who transcends all boundaries of time and space, an ever abiding principle of truth and compassion that exists everywhere and within all beings." [Watson preface to the Lotus Sutra]

This shoots down the meaningless claim that the 16th chapter refers to a remote as opposed to remotest time, the language is clearly intended to mean an infinitely long time period, extending into the past and forward into the future. From here the attempt to then build the distinction between Nichiren as a true Buddha which is not supported by this gosho although it does try to make reference to a "provisional" manifestation of Bodhisattva Jogyo. The entire concept collapses like a house of cards. The passage in the NSIC version also reinforces the NONA version of "Sakyamuni Buddha, Lord of the Saha World and parent of all living beings" as opposed to the tortured NSIC translation of "the sage Nichiren is the sovereign of the threefold world, the father and mother of all people, and the emissary of Shakyamuni Buddha - Bodhisattva Jogyo." A claim at odds with the rest of the same Gosho as well as other Gosho and the Lotus Sutra."

Escaping the burning house...a narrow path with one door

The exclusive faith and practice of the Lotus Sutra in Mappo is a narrow path with one door (Lotus Sutra Chapter 3). If one could become enlightened and create kosen-rufu through, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Islam, the Soka Gakkai, the Pali Cannon, or the Three Vehicles, the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren would have taught the path wide with many doors. Those who assert otherwise are devils to be repudiated. 

The reason the world is in the state it's in, a state of sadness, greed, anger, stupidity, impurity, and prejudice (rather than joy, equanimity, magnanimity, compassion, purity, and empathy), is precisely because of the establishment of mistaken beliefs and inferior teachings that leave the people prostrate on the ground. Unless and until the Lotus Sutra alone flourishes, we will never have a world based on the enlightened life of the Buddha and the Law of Namu myoho renge kyo.

This belief is fundamental to the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin and the forceful practices are the way to Establish the Right Law. Declaring that the Lotus Sutra alone leads to Supreme Enlightenment and all other teachings lead to hell, one is a disciple and believer of Nichiren Daishonin. It is self apparent to the disciples and believers of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin, those with clear minds and those keenly able to correctly observe the world, that it is Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, secular humanism, belief in the sanctity of science, and heretical provisional Buddhism which has brought us to the brink. The elimination of these diseased religions and philosophies will bring about the land of eternal quiescent light

You anonymous are out of your league: Hinayana IS inferior to Mahayana

  1. Of course rogrow does not understand this. It is called mindfullness and self insight. It is part of the 8 fold path. Part of the 4 noble truths. Rogee is all about magical thinking. Meaningless Chanting into stupification and craziness. Rogee is all right wing ayn rand sefishness, and guns. Probably even psychotropic drugs.

    It is all there. It is real buddhism,and the abandoment of dualism. The comprehension of following the middle way and a compassionate life.
  2. The Lotus Sutra can even cure your affliction of great conceit.
  3. Nichiren teaches:

    "Could one think it difficult for an asura to cross the great ocean? Could one possibly think it easy for a little child to overthrow a strong man? In like manner, the sutras preached before the Lotus Sutra explain that persons who have the seeds of the Buddha nature may attain Buddhahood, but nowhere is it stated that those whose seeds are hopelessly scorched can ever do so. It is only the good medicine of the Lotus Sutra that can readily cure this grave affliction.

    Now, if you wish to attain Buddhahood, you have only to lower the banner of your arrogance, cast aside the staff of your anger, and devote yourself exclusively to the one vehicle of the Lotus Sutra. Worldly fame and profit are mere baubles of your present existence, and arrogance and prejudice are ties that will fetter you in the next one. Ah, you should be ashamed of them! And you should fear them, too!"
  4. Nichiren also teaches:

    "It also states: “One who creates evil karma in this life... will surely suffer in hell.... But by making offerings to the three treasures, one avoids falling into hell and receives the retribution in this life, in the form of afflictions of the head, eye, or back.” Great Concentration and Insight states, “Even if one has committed grave offenses... the retribution can be lessened in this life. Thus, illness occurs when evil karma is about to be dissipated.” In his Treatise on the Great Perfection of Wisdom, Bodhisattva Nāgārjuna says: “Question:... [Answer]: If that is so, then none of the sutras, from the Flower Garland to the Wisdom sutras, is a secret teaching, but the Lotus Sutra is secret.... [The Lotus Sutra is] like a great physician who can change poison into medicine.” T’ien-t’ai explained the quotation further, saying: “This can be likened to a skilled physician who can change poison into medicine.... That persons of the two vehicles were given the prophecy of their enlightenment in this sutra means that it can change poison into medicine. This is what Great Perfection of Wisdom means when it says, ‘The various sutras are not secret teachings; only the Lotus Sutra is secret.’” Great Concentration and Insight says, “The Lotus Sutra can cure them [illnesses], which is why it is called myō, or wonderful.” Miao-lo says, “Because it can cure what is thought to be incurable, it is called myō, or wonderful.”
  5. Nichiren also teaches:

    "Question: If, as you have stated, the benevolent deities inflict punishment on this country because it does harm to the votary of the Lotus Sutra, then epidemics should attack only the slanderers. Why is it that your own disciples also fall ill and die?

    Answer: Your question is reasonable. Nevertheless, you are aware of only one side of the situation and not the other. Good and evil have been inherent in life since time without beginning. According to the provisional teachings and the schools based on them, both good and evil remain in one’s life through all the stages of the bodhisattva practice up to the stage of near-perfect enlightenment. Hence people at the stage of near-perfect enlightenment or below have faults of some kind, [but not those at the highest stage]. In contrast, the heart of the Lotus school is the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which reveals that both good and evil are inherent even in those at the highest stage of perfect enlightenment. The fundamental nature of enlightenment manifests itself as Brahmā and Shakra, whereas the fundamental darkness manifests itself as the devil king of the sixth heaven. The benevolent deities hate evildoers, and evil demons hate good people. Because we have entered the Latter Day of the Law, it is natural that evil demons should be everywhere in the country, just like tiles, stones, trees, and grasses. Good demons are few because sages and worthies are rare in this world. One would therefore expect to find more victims of the epidemic among Nichiren’s followers than among the believers of Nembutsu, or priests of the True Word, Zen, and Precepts schools. For some reason, however, there is less affliction and death among Nichiren’s followers. It is indeed mysterious. Is this because we are few in number, or because our faith is strong?"
  6. The Therevadan monks in Myanmar practice the Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Path, Mindfullness, and loving kindness, all the while killing and uprooting Muslims with their loving kindness.

    Here my dear anonymous, is the the Eightfold Path for the Latter Day:

    The Buddha's Eightfold Path in light of the Lotus Sutra
    Right Views: Viewing the Lotus Sutra as the quintessence of the Buddha's teachings.

    Right Thought: "By what shall I cause the masses of beings to be able to enter the Supreme Way And rapidly achieve Buddhahood." (Lotus Sutra Chapter 16).

    Right Speech: Teaching others to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and rebuking slander of the Law.

    Right Action: Action to spread the Lotus Sutra and repudiate slander .

    Right Living: Not begrudging one's life to spread the Lotus Sutra.

    Right Endeavor: Endeavoring to attain Buddhahood and causing others to do the same.

    Right Memory: Remembering that one's life is eternal and that we are the original disciples of Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni of the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra.

    Right Meditation: Chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo.
  7. A chat with doctor professor of Buddhism Richard Hayes
  8. Dr Richard Hayes is a Professor of Buddhism at McGill University, expert on the Pali Canon, former Theravadan Buddhist, and currently a Quaker. Dr. Mark Rogow is a layman of the Hokke [Lotus] sect.
  9. Richard: Doctor Rogow writes: "But Dr. Hayes repeatedly disparages the Lotus Sutra.
  10. I doubt that anyone but you cares what Dr Hayes thinks about the Lotus Sutra, Mark. But, as long as you are saying what other people think, there is no harm in being accurate in what you report. First, I do not disparage the Lotus Sutra itself. What I disparage is your interpretation of it. You have taken a beautiful text, full of subtle poetry, and turned it into an ugly travesty by which you go around passing negative judgement on every other Buddhist in the world, except for Nichiren (whom you don't really understand, except that you have a shadowy affinity with him because he apparently shared the same psychotic character disorder that obviously afflicts you). It is what you do with the text that appals me, sir, not the text itself
  11. Give it a rest, eh? Take a holiday from your obsessions. You might enjoy the break. 
  12. Dr Hayes

    Mark: Richard, you are breaking another of your precious precepts (not to lie). Fortunately, we have Deja News in which to prove my assertions that you have both disparaged the Lotus Sutra and you are a liar. If you press the issue, I will do a meticulous search and post every last post of yours to prove my point. If you apologize to the Buddha and the Lotus Sutra you will surely spare yourself some future grief.
    Richard: The point I have made a few times is that the Lotus is so subtle and symbolic and playful and satirical that it is very difficult to grasp its meaning without first knowing a great deal about the dharma.
    Mark: Then you should refrain from commenting on its meaning and you should praise it as have all Buddhas throughout space and time.
    Richard: But then if one knows the dharma from other sources, then one doesn't really need the Lotus Sutra, since it has very little of value to add.
    Mark: Some proof please? Can you please cite the teachings of Ichinen Sanzen and the Mutual Possession of the Ten Worlds anywhere save for the Lotus Sutra? Can you cite the prediction of Buddhahood for all beings without a single exception anywhere save for the Lotus Sutra? Can you cite the Eternal Life of the Tathagata anywhere save for the Lotus Sutra?
    Richard: Because I say things like this, Mark Rogow says that I revile the Lotus Sutra.
    Mark: Richard, whatever happened to Right Views and Right Memory? Advocating that we do not need the Lotus Sutra is to not revile it? Telling one's mother we do not need her is not to revile her?
    Richard: And of course, following the peculiar logic of the Lotus Sutra itself, Mark is convinced that anyone who reviles the Lotus Sutra also reviles the Buddha and the Dharma.
    Mark: Can we believe one who praises his good father while failing to praise his good mother? Can we believe that one heeds a good mother's instructions while reviling her? Scholarly understanding is not a necessary and sufficient condition for the aim of any Buddhist study, which is liberation.
  13. Debate continued:

    Richard: I quite agree. Scholarly knowledge is not necessary, nor is it automatically sufficient for everyone. If one is really determined to be liberated, then that motivation can be used with any method to make one free.
    Mark: Any Method? Even the historical Buddha taught only one method...The Eightfold Path.
    Richard: The Buddha himself said that one can be liberated though intellectual work,
    Mark: The Buddha's statement should not be taken out of the context of the entire canon. There are intellectuals working on better more efficient cruise missiles.
    Richard: or through devotion to the Buddha
    Mark: The Lotus Sutra is the mother of all Buddhas.
    Richard: or through meditational practice, or through a combination of all three.
    Mark: Some people meditate on how to make more money, attract more women, or on the Jesus Prayer. This is hardly what the Buddha had in mind. And if you think that by counting breaths alone, you can experience or attain Supreme Enlightenment, equal to that of the Buddha, you misunderstand the teachings. Yet, surely, one will achieve liberation by devoted practice and study of the Lotus Sutra alone given enough faith, even with only a superficial understanding of the context.
    Richard: Right. I think this is much more likely to occur if one focuses on the positive messages of the Lotus Sutra.
    Mark: The Lotus Sutra is stark naked reality. It is not a pie in the sky philosophy detatched from this world or a Pure Land beyond one's present situation. Punch a rock and you break your hand; deprecate a handsome person and you will be born ugly; rob a child of its food and one will suffer from hunger. Revile the Lotus Sutra and you become an anencephalic fetus in lifetime after lifetime for kalpas on end or suffer the worst afflictions imaginable, over and over and over, until one has expiated one's sin. Conversely, one who praises the Sutra will quickly attain Buddhood.
    Richard: Unfortunately, some people just pick up on the negative tone of some parts of the Sutra, and they spend most of their time condemning other people, calling them dangerous, and saying they are leading billions of others to hell.
    Mark: Only a fool would praise one who kills his mother.
    Richard: People who are devoid of imagination and incapable of symbolic subtlety are likely to get dragged down into a kind of Lotus Sutra fundamentalism.
    Mark: Those who are squinty eyed, bleary eyed, or blind can see little or nothing at all.
    Richard: Their ranting then gives the entire sutra a bad reputation among other Buddhists.
    Mark: Those who revile the Lotus Sutra are better off than those who have never heard the Sutra because they form a relationship to the Sutra. Those who form a relationship to the Sutra, whether that relationship is positive or negative come to understand the karmic Law of cause and effect.
    Richard: I would add to that the importance of living according to the precepts. On a news group, people should give special attention to the four speech precepts: avoiding lying,
    Mark: You are turning over a new leaf? Good for you Richard.
  14. Continued...

    Richard: avoiding harsh and divisive speech, avoiding slanderous and libellous speech,
    Mark: Then I can count on you to never once again deprecate the Lotus Sutra or its votaries?
    Richard: and avoiding idle and pointless speech. (I keep thinking there ought to be a fifth speech precept encouraging being playful as much as possible so that you don't take yourself too damn seriously.
    Mark: Isn't there a precept against jocularity Richard? Uhhoh, I caught you breaking the precepts again and in this, the Fearful Age! Thankfully, there are no longer any precepts Richard to be followed except one: Revere the Lotus Sutra and chant Namu Myoho renge kyo.
    Richard: I'm sure if the Buddha had had eleven fingers instead of the usual ten, he would have had eleven precepts, making room for this important fifth one that I hanker to add.)
    Mark: Richard, you really must go over the 500 precepts for monks. Are you not an extremely evil man for altering the teachings of the Buddha? If even a learned and wise man as yourself can not uphold the precepts, of what use are they for ignorant worldlings such as ourselves?
    Richard: By the way, I don't expect that anybody but me reads everything that I write
    Mark: I read much of what you write. You are a prolific writer. Why don't you determine to use your talents to praise the Lotus Sutra and bring benefit to the people?
    Richard: and pays attention to the flak that I get from various quarters.
    Mark: I only fault you for one thing Richard.
    Richard: So probably nobody has noticed that Mark Rogow accuses me of hating the Dharma,
    Mark: No Richard, I accuse you of praising the dharma but destroying its intent
    Richard: Mark Vetanen accuses me of belonging to a dangerous and harmful cult so that I can have a better retirement and more worldly power,
    Mark: I find that hard to believe about you.
    Richard: and Mark Dunlop accuses me of being a disingenuous liar.
    Mark: Don't be too hard on yourself Richard. As I have proven, according to Sutras, in this depraved age, in this degenerate age, there is not one person alive without faults.
    Richard: I am plagued by three Marks. I reckon this proves the doctrine of karma. Because I was a Marxist in my youth, I am now a target for all these marksmen.
    Mark: Very clever.
    Richard: But I also look at the bright side. The Buddha was also bothered by three marks: impermanence, sorrow and non-self.
    Mark: And that is why he taught the principles of permanence, joy, and true self.
    Richard: And look at where that got him.
    Mark: To the other shore
  15. You anonymous, are out of your league

Enjoy...Buddhist paradoxes

"Some mis-teach the principle of the equality of the Buddha and the common mortal because they misunderstand the principle of the general and the specific. They sometimes teach that the common mortal is equal to the Buddha and sometimes that the common mortal is superior. It is different, the Buddha proclaiming that the common mortal is equal to the Buddha, since this realty is a Buddhist paradox. Understanding [living] the paradox with gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha is a necessary part of the subjugation of ego vital for awakening. Nichiren scolded the Zenmen for this same transgression as the some Nichiren sects. I can support this view with the authenticated writings of Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra. They who mis-teach the equality of the Buddha and the common mortal can not. 

"Two but not two, one but not one".

Gratitude for Shakyamuni Buddha specifically and people generally is necessary for the subjugation of ego vital for awakening.

Another Nichiren school paradox is the following from Nikko's Twenty-six articles:

In one article, Nikko teaches that those who claim Gosho are forged are evil and in another article he teaches that those who forge Gosho are parasites. If the 26 Articles itself is forged [as asserted by many], there is no paradox. If they are true there is a paradox. However, it is a paradox easily resolved. One who criticizes false Gosho is upholding the Dharma while one who cites false Gosho is a parasite. It is equally true that one who criticizes authentic Gosho is evil and one who cites authentic Gosho is a disciple of Nichiren Daishonin.

Harder parodoxes to understand, Nichiren asserts that not only the Dharma Body of the Buddha has no beginning and no end but also the Reward Body and the Manifestation Body.

Still another paradox:

"I have accordingly quoted the passages from the Lotus Sutra that read, 'In the evil age of the Latter Day of the Law if there is someone who can uphold this sutra . . . ,' 'in the latter age hereafter, when the Law is about to perish . . . ,' and 'they [the Buddhas] make certain that the Law will long endure' in order to demonstrate the error [of believing that the Lotus Sutra has lost its effectiveness]. " -- Nichiren

But in order to assert that the Lotus Sutra has lost its effectiveness, the SGI often cites the following passage from Reply to Lord Ueno:

"Now, in the Latter Day of the Law, neither the Lotus Sutra nor the other sutras lead to enlightenment. Only Nam-myoho-renge-kyo can do so. This is not my own judgment. Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, the Buddhas of the ten directions, and the bodhisattvas who emerged from the earth as numerous as the dust particles of a thousand worlds have so determined it. To mix other practices with this Namu-myoho-renge-kyo is a grave error. A lantern is useless when the sun rises. How can dewdrops be beneficial when the rain falls? Should one feed a newborn baby anything other than its mother's milk? No addition of other medicines is needed with a good medicine. Somehow this woman remained true to this principle, and continued to uphold her faith until the last moment of her life. How admirable, how worthy!

With my deep respect,

The first day of the fourth month in the first year of Koan (1278)

The Soka Gakkai takes the Gosho out of context in order to debase the Lotus Sutra. What this does to their believers, their minds of faith, and to the teachings, is unpardonable. 

The One Great Secret Law is Namu Myoho renge kyo. This is the teachings of Soka Gakkai, the Nichiren Shu, and the Kempon Hokke. The Nichiren Shoshu teaches that the One Great Secret Law is the DaiGohonzon. I will leave aside for the moment who is correct about the One Great Secret Law. Every last Nichiren Buddhist, from the newest member to the most experienced knows that there is no practice in the Latter Day other than chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo. SGI's oft repeated argument implying that the Nichiren Shu, the Honmon Butsuryu Shu, and the other Nichiren practitioners, neither practice nor understand the import of Namu myoho renge, is nothing but a straw man argument. It is a logical fallacy.

Lord Ueno is none other the young samurai, Nanjo Tokimitsu. This writing is from 1278 in response to offerings he received from Lord Ueno and in memorium for the death of Lord Ueno's niece. Here the Daishonin is stating that Namu Myoho renge kyo is the practice for the Latter Day. We read in an earlier part of this letter [which SGI members never cite] :

"After Many Treasures Buddha had closed the door of the treasure tower and the other Buddhas had returned to their original lands, not even Shakyamuni Buddha himself could have denied the Lotus Sutra, whatever other sutras he might have expounded in an effort to do so, because the other Buddhas had all joined in affirming its truth. That is why in the Universal Worthy and Nirvana sutras, which follow the Lotus Sutra, the Lotus Sutra is praised but never disparaged. Nonetheless, priests like Shan-wu- wei of the True Word school and the founders of the Zen school have repudiated the Lotus Sutra, and the entire Japanese nation has now taken faith in their teachings, just like those who were deceived by the rebels Masakado and Sadato. Japan is now on the brink of ruin because it has for many years been the archenemy of Shakyamuni, Many Treasures, and the Buddhas of the ten directions, and in addition, the person who denounces these errors is persecuted. Because such offenses thus accumulate one atop another, our nation will soon incur the wrath of heaven."

On the one hand we see that repudiating the Lotus Sutra is a cause for falling into hell and on the other hand we read that, "neither the Lotus Sutra nor the other sutras lead to enlightenment". How does one resolve this seeming paradox? Nichiren Daishonin writes in the True Object of Worship (Kanjin No Honzon Sho):

"Answer: This is a matter that is difficult to believe and difficult to understand. T’ien-t’ai defined two points that are “difficult to believe and difficult to understand.” One lies in the realm of doctrinal teachings and the other in the realm of meditative practice. With regard to the former, in the sutras preached before the Lotus Sutra we read that persons of the two vehicles and icchantikas, or persons of incorrigible disbelief, are forever barred from attaining Buddhahood, and that Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings, attained enlightenment for the first time in this world. Nevertheless, we find that the theoretical and the essential teachings of the Lotus Sutra repudiate both these statements. One Buddha who says two things as opposite as fire and water— who could believe him? This is the point that is “difficult to believe and difficult to understand” in the realm of doctrinal teachings.

The point that is “difficult to believe and difficult to understand” in the realm of meditative practice, concerns the principle of the hundred worlds and thousand factors and that of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which explains that even insentient beings are endowed with the ten factors of life, and that they are endowed with both material and spiritual aspects.":

Thus we see that Nanjo Tokimitsu was confused by the Tientai practice of the Lotus Sutra that was prevalent in Nichiren Daishonin's day. The Lotus Sutra is practiced differently according to the time. Here Nichiren is talking about Tientai's Lotus Sutra teachings and practice. The Lotus Sutra itself must never be disparaged, contrary to the slanderous Soka Gakkai teachings. Disparaging the Lotus Sutra is why their members suffer in the Great Citadel of Hell, why Japan is on the verge of ruin, and why their teachings lead people into the Lower Three Worlds.

One can not read the entirety of the writings, especially the Five Major Writings, and perceive that Nichiren Daishonin disparaged the Lotus Sutra. Soka Gakkai practitioners are evil people, according to Nichiren Daishonin.

Here's one to solve:

Kanjin Honzon Sho ("True Object of Worship")

"It does not mean, however, that any of the Buddhas gives the seed of Buddhahood to the keeper of this sutra. The giver of the seed, the Lotus Sutra affirms, is none other the Original Buddha who reveals himself only in this sutra. It is the perfect Mahayana sutra that reveals the Buddha's accomplishment of a threefold procedure of teaching: To give the seed of Buddhahood to his sons; to grow it; and to let it bear fruit. 

The Lotus Sutra is the most perfect of sutras, because it completes the three-fold procedure of teaching. The keeper of this sutra is endowed with the three causes of Buddhahood: the immanence of Buddha-nature, the wisdom for the realization of Buddha-nature, and the qualifications required for the development of Buddha-nature." 

How does one develop that which is immanent? (I have worked out the answer if anyone is interested).


"All Gohonzons are the same but only the SGI Nichikan Gohonzon is valid."

Hope you enjoy!


Nichiren tries to teach Soka Gakkai to no avail

"Thus it was revealed that Sakyamuni had long been the Buddha since the eternal past, and it became clear that various Buddhas in other worlds were all manifestations of Sakyamuni Buddha. In the pre-Lotus sutras, as well as the theological section of the Lotus Sutra, various Buddhas and Sakyamuni Buddha were on the same level, each practiced Buddhism on their own. Therefore, those who considered various Buddhas to be their main figures of worship did not worship Sakyamuni. Now, however, as Sakyamuni was proved to be the Eternal Buddha, those Buddhas on the lotus petals in the Flower Garland Sutra, or Buddhas in the Hodo, Hannya, or Great Sun Buddha sutras all became subordinates of Sakyamuni Buddha." -- Opening of the Eyes

"In the pre-Lotus sutras, as well as the theological section of the Lotus Sutra, various Buddhas and Sakyamuni Buddha were on the same level." According to the Essential Teachings (LS Chapter 16), the so-called SGI "Buddhas" including their mentor, are subordinate to Shakyamuni Buddha.

Reverend Capon is unable to utter the lion's roar

“‘The monks [whom you are speaking of] preach various teachings, but still they are not able to utter “the lion’s roar.”... Nor are they able to refute and convert evil persons who go against the correct teaching. Monks of this kind can bring no benefit either to themselves or to the populace. You should realize that they are in fact shirkers and idlers. Though they are careful in observing the precepts and maintain spotless conduct, you should realize that they cannot achieve anything. [Then a monk raises “the lion’s roar.”...] Those who break the precepts, upon listening to his preaching, are all enraged to the point where they attack him. This preacher of the Law, though he may in the end lose his life, is still worthy of being called a person who observes the precepts and brings benefits to both himself and others.’” -- Opening of the Eyes

Lain responds to Chas!topic/alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren/-inspxaiLT4

Sangha - Before Chas get too carried away... 

Chas argues that leaders (rather than correct faith) hold a sangha together. 

He also claims I'm setting up my own sangha. And of course, Chas loves the notion that disrupting the sangha is one of the big no, no's in Buddhism (well unless it's his organisation, his leaders and his erroneous teachers who are doing the disrupting, in which case it's OK). He uses this theme a lot in his attempts to frighten and scare SGI members who might be reading this forum, into compliance. Rather like his current SGI masters he uses the same tactic. 

But before Chas gets carried away with his new word, "sangha", lets just pause to reflect on whether it's use by Chas and his SGI masters in this way, is correct in terms of Nichiren's teaching. And also, consider the use by WND Translators and Gosho committee of the term "Buddhist Order", which is used as an alternative for sangha 

First the latter "Buddhist Order".  In the Major Writings Series, which SGI used up until just after it's excommunication, in the On Repaying Debts of Gratitude, the phrase "treasure of the priesthood" is used. 

In the new translation (WND), "priesthood" was replaced by "Buddhist Order", suggesting that SGI WND translation commitee saw an equivalence between the term "Priesthood" and the phrase "Buddhist Order". 

In this latter Gosho, "What It Means to Slander the Law", the term "Buddhist Order" is again used. In the NOPPA translation, this term is also used and later in that passage, "samgha" (sangha) is used as an alternative term for Buddhist Order. 

But this is what Nichiren tells us about sangha (buddhist order)... 

"As to the causes that condemn one to this hell, it may be said that those who commit any of the five cardinal sins will fall into this hell. The five cardinal sins are killing one’s father, killing one’s mother, killing an arhat, causing a Buddha to shed blood, and causing disharmony among the members of the Buddhist Order. In our present age, however, since there is no Buddha now living, it is impossible to cause a Buddha to shed blood. Likewise, since there is no Buddhist Order, it is impossible to cause disharmony among its members."  

He goes on to say... 


"Thus the only offenses possible are those of killing one’s father or killing one’s mother. And since the laws of the sovereign are so strict in their prohibition of the killing of a parent, it is rare to find anyone who commits such an offense. Hence in our present age, one would expect that very few people would fall into the Avīchi hell." 

"However, there are offenses that are similar in gravity to the five cardinal sins. There are many persons who burn the wooden or painted images of Buddhas or Buddhist halls and pagodas, who appropriate the lands donated to such Buddhist images, who hack down or burn the stupas, or who kill wise men. Such persons will fall into the sixteen separate places that are attached to the Avīchi hell. Thus we may be certain that many of those living in the world today will fall into these sixteen separate places, and those who slander the Law will also fall into this hell." 

He is explicit. "Disrupting the Buddhist Order is not possible in this age", at least according to Nichiren. 

The point of this Gosho, is to focus on the offenses that will cause one to fall into Avinci Hell, that of slandering the True Law Dharma. It's all about faith. 

So disrupting the mind of faith, leading believers down an erroneous path away from Gohonzon and a belief in the power of faith in the Daimoku alone as the only way to attain Buddhahood, is a grave offense. Disrupting the Buddhist Order per se, is not, especially since Nichiren states that this offense is impossible in the Latter Day. 

Nichiren clearly spoke out and challenged all the Buddhist sects of his time. He left his teacher and his school and went against their doctrines. The disciples and believers of Nichiren, predominantly ex Soka Gakkai members who claim that the SGI teachings have fallen into error and confusion, can also NOT be accused of breaking the disunity of the Buddhist order, since there is no Buddhist order.

But he didn't and wasn't able to because it was impossible to commit that sin in this age. And the same is equally true today with the SGI and its members, well, according to Nichiren. 

What is a sin is slandering the true Law?

It is not OK to teach people that there is a transmission through the "mystic bond of mentor-disciple" and that if one does "follow the way of mentor-disciple one cannot attain Buddhahood." Entry is through faith in the Lotus Sutra alone and the attainment of Buddhahood through embracing and sustaining faith in the Daimoku. So says Nichiren.

To teach otherwise as the SGI and it's leaders do, to teach that embracing and sustaining faith alone is insufficient, is a direct slander to the True Law, totally inconsistent with Nichiren's teaching.

That is what your "Mentor" is teaching Chas. One of the supposed "three eternal mentors for kosen rufu" is teaching that faith in the daimoku alone is insufficient to attain Buddhahood. That is the faith that SGI is now spreading around the globe. 

Nichiren goes on... 


"Question: I understand now that the sin of slandering the Law is even graver than the five cardinal sins. But just what does it mean to slander the Law?" 

Answer: The Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai Chih-che in his commentary on the Brahmā Net Sutra says, “‘To slander’ means to turn against.” Thus one who turns against the Law is slandering the Law. Vasubandhu in his Treatise on the Buddha Nature says, “To hate a thing is to turn against it.” The meaning of this passage is that one who hates the Law and causes others to reject it is slandering the Law." 

Do you not hate the Law with you words and actions when you teach that embracing and sustaining faith alone is insufficient to inherit the Law? 

Do you not hate the Law, when you falsely assert that the only way to attain Buddhahood is by following the way of mentor-disciple? 

Do you not hate the Law, when you promote an unclear teaching based on unclear and ill defined labelling, which you know is unnecessary and is confusing (as a means to further your organisation and promote your brand), and which results in people turning thier backs on the very clear and very simple principle that entry is through faith alone and that this is all they is need to attain Buddhahood? 

If I'm to fall into Avinci Hell, it won't be because I didn't follow your "Mentor" Chas, or follow current SGI teaching, it will be solely because I didn't have enough faith in the Law or was unable to sustain that faith. 

I have repeatedly drawn attention to the priority that Nichiren set. 1) Sutra, 2) latter commentators. 

Nichiren tells us that this priority should always be used. He also tells us that it is unacceptable to use latter commentary when the meaning of the Sutra is clear and that if there is a conflict between commentary and Sutra, the commentary should be rejected and the Sutra accepted. 

Applying this principle to Nichiren's own work, is it acceptable to publish lectures amd guidance when Nichiren's meaning is clear? For sure, bringing in relevant context, for example when the writing's timeline and relationship to other related Gosho or main themes is unclear. That is helpful, so long as it's aim is to elucidate understanding, if necessary and if accurate . 

Inventing an "SGI Teaching" of "mentor-disciple" and reinterpreting the Gosho to support the new "sutra" you have invented is not. 

Make no mistake, SGI leaders, its study department and its "Mentor" concept is all tertiary commentary on Nichiren's Gosho and the Sutra. 

The priority is clear, Sutra, Nichiren's commentary, and lastly, anyone else. 

Current SGI mentor-disciple teaching, its lectures and guidance, it value creation pedagogy, it's Human Revolution, it's supposed Buddhist Philosophy are collectively, the SGI's "sutra" or teaching. 

As far as these accord with Nichiren's teaching and to the extent they lead to correct faith and do not block the path to correct faith, they are to be judged good/ bad, erroneous/accurate. 

What is not appropriate is that SGI's provisional teachings are used to refute the True Law. When this occurs, one has slandered the True Law. 

As Nichiren puts it... 


"If we consider this fact, then we can see that, although one may simply be following the teachings of the sutra that one believes in, if one attempts to use that sutra to refute a sutra that is superior to it, then one will be slandering the Law. And if this is the case, then those persons who put their faith in provisional Mahayana sutras such as the Meditation Sutra and the Flower Garland Sutra, though they may carry out the practices prescribed in the text of the sutra, if they fail to set aside such sutras and put their faith in the sutras that are superior to them, or if they dare to assert that their own sutras are superior, then they will in effect be slandering the Law. Thus, for example, though one may understand the teachings as they are taught in the Meditation and the other sutras, if a sutra appears that refutes those teachings and yet one fails to accept that sutra, then one is slandering theLaw. The principle here is the same as in the case of the Hinayana sutras discussed above." 

Does SGI "...dare to assert that their own sutras are superior..."? 

If they do, "then they will in effect be slandering the Law." 

By accepting, promoting and defending a teaching and fallacious intellectual framework, that states, "if one forgets the way of mentor-disciple one cannot attain Buddhahood", they dare to suggest that faith in the Daimoku alone is insufficient for the attainment of Buddhahood. 

You assert the superiority of SGI's sutra over the Lotus Sutra and use the teaching of the former to refute the latter. That is direct slander, no good can come of it, for you, for the SGI, for it's leaders, for it's mentors or for it's members or it's supporters. 

SGI published that "it alone is responsible for its teachings and how it teaches. 

Can you understand the problem, the confusion SGI is creating by mislabeling the teachings? Rather, it should be directing it's members back to Gosho and set a clear and consistent priority between it's guidance and Gosho. This would ensure that its members always understand the latter is superior and encouraging them to reject and challenge erroneous guidance. 

It can change its tack, focussing less on its leaders and the supposed glories and achivements if Daisaku Ikeda and discouraging tendencies towards idealisation and idolotry of this man. 

This stance, by the way, is entirely consistent with gus teaching on this matter. He argues repeatedly that the tendency to idolise, idealise and mythologise spiritual leaders is chatacteristic if false religions, The results of doing this is that people end up existing to serve the religion rather than the religion existing to serve the people. 

Given Daisaku Ikeda's utterances in this natter, it should be quite a simple matter for the SGI to make this change and actively work against it's members developing this unhealthy and counter productive ideation of Daisaku Ikeda. 

That strategy will protect the SGI and it's members while censurinf any corrupt leaders (which would be beneficial to the organisation and it's members). 

One doesn't want corruption in such an organisation. The SGI's power and wealth make it a very attractive target for people who have a veneer in promoting a correct understanding of Nichiren's Buddhism, with little care for its members and every care for using the organisation for their own selfish gain. These people will fight and typically they will do so using guile. The defense against such tactics? Clarity, openess, transparency, challenge and accountability. 

The question is, has the SGI for all it's rhetoric about religion in the 21st Century and Buddhist Humanism, built an organisation that reflects enlightened values in its structure, culture, and care for past members? Gratitude for the many who built it, past and present and enlightened conduct towards those it disagrees with, and an openness to outside scrutiny? 

I leave others to consider how much say they had in the decision to change the prayers. How much say they have in the building of yet another Culture Centre for an organisation that has had a drop of 40% in it's global membership, from 20 million to 12 million since 1988 and at a time when the world, it's leaders and corporations should be doing everything possible to reduce carbon emissions, pollution and environmental impact in an effort to mitigate the risks to future generations. Is investing money and organisational focus the best way to do this? Has that debate even been started by the SGI leaders? 

In Rissho Ankoku Ron, Nichiren argued that embracing erroneous teachings and slandering the True Law leads to internal strife and external attack. The calamities that result from the three poisons of Greed, Anger and Stupidity naturally play out in a nation so wrongly based. And so with organisations that are likewise wrongly based. SGI is one such organization. Can it find a way back? Part of me hopes so but the other part says that it has gone too far down the wrong path. 

For the life of me I don't understand how the likes of Mr Harada, Mr Wada, Mr Kaneda were able to turn the SGI UK leaders, who were firm and crystal clear about The Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin and who had created such a glorious, effective organisation, into gushing, incoherant Ikeda promoters, willing to teach something other than faith in the Daimoku as the sole route to Buddhahood. 

If it wasn't buddhism, it could easily be the plot line from Star Wars as members are turned from the light side to the dark, through trickery and by stoking their anger in a perceived and widely promoted external enemy. 

The result is the same, authoritarinism, tight central control, propaganda and indoctrination of its faithful "storm troopers" and the loss of their individuality for the "greater good" and the glory of their "supreme leader"...lool come back Luke, the SGI needs you... ;) 

Be well :)