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Friday, March 13, 2020

Multiple experts say up to 70% of Americans could be infected with the coronavirus and 1 million could die if no treatment is found — so people over 60 should 'stay home unless it's critical'

1 comment:

  1. If we have to go out we shoud be armed with hand sanitizer

    Sanitizer hasn't been available for over a month at the local supermarkets so now necessity has become the mother of invention that may help us older ones with pe existing conditions to survive the covid-19 virus Tsunami!

    Do make sure that if you decide to try and make your own hand sanitizer, it also contains at least 60% alcohol. This recipe (two parts rubbing alcohol, one part aloe) sounds like it should achieve 60% alcohol. Keep in mind that some recipes call for using liquor (like vodka), which is usually 40% alcohol, and might not reach the threshold you need. For instance, Tito’s Vodka has been urging people not to use its product in DIY sanitizer solutions.

    What is rubbing alcohol in Australia?
    Rubbing alcohol refers to a solution made of 70% isopropyl alcohol, with the rest made up of mostly water and other chemicals. It’s also referred to as a surgical spirit in the UK, or an ethanol-based liquid in the US. Regardless of the name, rubbing alcohol is always used as an antiseptic and cleaning solution.

    You can find rubbing alcohol in every major supermarket: Coles, Bunnings, or Woolworths all sell different brands for different uses. It’s a toxic and flammable substance that’s best kept out of the reach of children.

    Rubbing alcohol is also known as Methalated Spirits
