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Sunday, March 15, 2020

Why I speak out against the Soka Gakkai, the other established so-called Nichiren sects, Zen Buddhism, Shingon and Tibetian Buddhism, the Pure Land sect (Nembutsu), and the Theravadans (Hinayanists)

"But when the Buddha himself has declared that the Lotus Sutra is foremost*, if one learns of a person who ranks it second or third and, out of fear of other people or of government authorities, fails to speak out, then “one is in fact his enemy,” that is, one is acting as a fearful enemy to all living beings. This is stated in both the sutras and the commentaries, and so I speak out."

*Though most of the so-called Nichiren sects proclaim the Lotus Sutra as foremost, they fail to act as the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren teach.

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