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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

"An authoritarian, racist, police state run by nuclear monkeys"

"There is now a real leadership vacuum in america. There is a stupid malevolent lunatic in power. They are building a larger nuclear arsenal . He is secretly agitating for civil war. Agitating for using nuclear weapons.

America nuclear bombed japan and spread this apocolyptic insanity around the world . America is in a psychotic state.

Netanyahu is an extremist who demands a first strike attack of Iran like they did iraq. This time with more deadly consequences. Complete divorce from reality and sanity.

A post-rational america. America was not so rational before. It is psychotic now. Racial violence is encouraged. A massive nuclear and tactical nuclear arsenal is being accumulated, though the cold war ended decades ago.

A society where old shoddy nuclear reactors and their waste is deregulated. There are several reactors ready to blow, post fukushima. There are 10s of thousands of dangerously stored high level waste, ready to crash and burn.

An authoritarian, racist police state run by evil nuclear monkeys, sadistic generals , lunatic billionaires, and corporations with a stupid, ranting, madman at the helm. There is not any sign of sane leadership now. Feeble psychotic-suicidal leadership. They are building a larger nuclear arsenal including tactical nuclear weapons, as they break all nuclear treaties." - Ralph Nader or Jason Stanley?


  1. Shoju will not work with these men, only shakubuku.

  2. great post for shinning a real buddhism light on the modern day(latter day) buddhism is true, trump, ikeda, republican't and the sgi shit-eaters are not in their right mind. they are the cause for the world as it is today. wake up people.
