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Saturday, June 6, 2020

The New Human Revolution is some funny s--t

"A religion must be deemed erroneous if its doctrines must be altered with the times or is full of contradictions." (vol. 2, pp. 265)

SGI is one big contradiction: Instead of the Law handed down from High Priest to High Priest it is handed down by the Three Presidents of the Soka Gakkai; failing to understand that the Law is passed from Shakyamuni Buddha to Nichiren, and Nichiren to us; SGI praises Nichiren but fail to practice as he teaches, for example, promoting interfaith (performing the gentle practices on non-believers) while performing the forceful practices on their followers; going crazy when Gohonzon are shown on the internet yet, at their discussion meetings, they show Gohonzon to every Tom, Dick, and Hazel. Claiming, "As an eternal principle, the Soka Gakkai will never ask for even the tiniest contribution of offering from the members." -- Daisaku Ikeda Seikyo Shimbun, June 16, 1962 (while now, not only do they ask for contributions but go so far as to offer gift annuity agreements that are essentially scams and Planned Giving. They even ask of SGI children, to empty their piggy banks and send the money to SGI.

"SGI has NEVER altered doctrines." - SGI leader

Oh Really!!! Now you deprecate priests while before you had your heads up the priests' bottoms; you no longer worship the DaiGohonzon of 1279 as supreme Gohonzon; you no longer see a need for a High Sanctuary; you now recite only parts A and C of Gongyo, before you recited parts A, B, and C: teaching that Nichiren is the True Original Buddha while, in real terms, acting as if Daisaku Ikeda is the True Original Buddha; altering Nichiren's teachings on Shakyamuni Buddha; calling yourselves Buddhists but throwing Shakyamuni Buddha out of his own religion (claiming that we endowed him with the Three Bodies rather than he having endowed us with the Three Bodies); altering important Gosho passages as reported by one of your own principle translators; 

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