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Thursday, August 20, 2020


Please notice, that all of a sudden, the Nichiren Shoshu “faction”, Jerry Marcheso (who proposed the debate) and John Arundal (who would have liked to see the debate but without judges, no!). Meanwhile, they are on Dharmawheel correcting people and others on Facebook doing the same and, at one time, they even had a debate page (notice NO JUDGES). My guess is that their  priest(s) put an immediate stop to their machinations (that they could best me in debate).

I say, let us have a hundred day debate and LET THE READERS DECIDE. Bring your priests. Bring your koto (head layman in the temple. I, with the help of Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin will overturn your every argument for the righteousness of the Nichiren Shoshu. I will establish here, the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin!!!

You are a coward Jerry. All Nichiren Shoshu priests and laymen are COWARDS. Nichiren teaches that cowards will never have their prayers answered.

Mark R. Rogow the Sramanera of the Bronx.


  1. In other words, let the readers be the judge.

    1. well said mark......jerry is worthless and so is nichiren shoshit.

  2. Soka Gakkai members too will never come here nor Nichiren Shu. They will fare no better than the Nichiren shoshu because I preach with Sutra and Nichiren's writings in hand and they go by the opinions of others, their own opinions, or the inauthentic writings.

  3. "You sound angry" - SGI member. This is not Hinduism, "happy, happy, joy, joy". This is the king of teachings. If you destroy the perfect teachings either purposefully or accidently, I will correct you. My anger, if we are to believe the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren is righteous anger.

  4. I believe you mischaracterized my position. I want to see the debate, WITH Judges.

    When I raised the issue, I was not sure where we could find them. However, you explained we can get them from Tricycle Magazine.

    I want this as transparent as possible.

  5. When it comes to a virtual debate, I maintain the readers are the judges. If you want a formal debate, then I will split the cost with the Nichiren Shoshu for an auditorium, two video hookups, and travel expenses for the Judges. I want, at least, one Nichiren Shoshu priest there because, should the Nichiren Shoshu faction lose, I don't want the priests to claim, we lost because of unlearned laymen. No excuse because of Covid 19. If you are a true disciple and believer of Nichiren, you should be protected keeping a safe distance and wearing a mask.

    I said we "may", not we can. I haven't yet petitioned anyone until I get a firm verification from the Nichiren Shoshu.

  6. the judge is the clear mirror of what nichiren legitimately lived and taught. shakubuku is the practice for the latter day. neither the shoshu or its child SGI PRACTICE correctly or follow nichiren. not that hard to see.
