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Saturday, October 17, 2020

Lively discussion initiated by Terataimistik on Dharma Wheel regarding the Five Guides for propagation:

My Response to Terataimistik:

It is apparent to me, that only those who set aside their own manner of reading the Sutra and adopt Nichiren Daishonin's manner, experience the same Enlightenment as he. It is also apparent that unless this standard is met, there will never be unity in the Nichiren community.

In order to create the Buddha's Land here on earth, nothing is as important as unity in the Nichiren community. I postulate unity based on the same Three Treasures, same Three Great Secret Laws [as described by Nichiren], and a bodily reading of the Lotus Sutra in the same manner as by unity are you saying that everyone should adopt your paradigm?

Minobu responds to me regarding the Five Guides for propagation:

"I have come to understand that these various sects that chant the Odaimoku are a necessity. They offer the entrance to a variety of differing peoples.

people have different needs while in defilement. These various sects such as the Gakki and Kempon thing...offer a different vibe if you will..

the Odaimoku and Lotus Buddhism is a process stretched out over lifetimes...we need the various schools in order to appeal to vast amount of people with different bents.

It might seem like oh this one is good and this one is bad...but it's the law of MyoHo RenGe kyo both the defiled and the enlightened are produced from Myoho RenGe Kyo but It is neither.

there are no perfect sects on earth...we use what is available to the best of our abilities...

what should be done for unity is all schools should approve of a member tasting each one if so desired."

My Response to Minobu

Not my paradigm. Nichiren's paradigm.

You stated, "I have come to understand that these various sects that chant the Odaimoku are a necessity. They offer the entrance to a variety of differing peoples."

I have thought long and hard about what you said about this, especially in light of the Lotus Sutra Chapter 15:

"Each and every Bodhisattva
Has brought a retinue
Limitless in number,
Like the Ganges sand grains.
Some of the Great Bodhisattvas
Lead retinues of beings as many as
The sand grains in sixty thousand Ganges Rivers.
Such are the great assemblies
Single-mindedly seeking the Buddha Way.
These Great Masters,
In number like the sand grains in sixty thousand Ganges Rivers,
Have all come to make offerings to the Buddha
And to protect and uphold this Sutra.
Those with retinues comprised of as many as the sand grains in fifty thousand Ganges Rivers
Are even more in number.
Those with retinues numbering forty, or thirty thousand,
Twenty, down to ten thousand,
One thousand, one hundred,
And so forth, down to the sand grains of a single Ganges River,
And those with a half, a third, or a quarter thereof,
Down to one ten thousandth of a millionth thereof
Or one thousandth of a ten thousandth of a nayuta thereof,
And the ones with tens of thousands of millions of disciples, on down to half a million,
Are even more numerous.
There are also those with hundreds of tens of thousands, or tens of thousands,
Thousands, or hundreds,
Fifty, or ten,
Down to three, two, or one,
And those who come alone without a retinue,
Preferring isolation All these come before the Buddha
In numbers surpassing those just stated."

Still, no where in the Lotus Sutra or in the writings of the Teacher of the Law, Nichiren, does it say it's OK: 1). For these Bodhisattvas to have differing Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws? 2). For the bodhisattva leaders to alter or radically change the teachings? For example, to incorporate into the Lotus Sutra and make central the Shingon or Zen Teachings as did the Soka Gakkai and the Nichiren Shoshu? Or changing the Four Dictums as did Ikeda and Nissatsu and Nichiki of the Nichiren Shu (to promote interfaith)? 3). For adherents of the various sects to habitually despise, hate, envy and/or bear grudges against others who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo? 4). For some to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo while others are chanting Nam Myoho renge kyo? Who is going to accede to the other? Who is going to lead the chant? Nichinyo? The President of the Soka Gakkai? The Chief Bishop of the Nichiren Shu 5). To sanction war and be in bed with such entities as Mitsubishi heavy industrials while they chant O'Daimoku (SGI, Tanaka, and others come to mind.6).To state that this or that is the Lotus Sutra of the present age ie: the Human Revolution. 7). To assert contrary to the Lotus Sutra that solitary Bodhisattvas have no worth? 8). Asserting contrary to the teachings that one need a teacher other than the Gohonzon, the Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin? 9). Having a code of conduct for leaders or priests (meaning that their teachings have no ability to create Buddhas)? 9). That there are those sects that place practice rather than faith first and foremost? 10). For some sects to receive offerings from slanders and to make offerings to slanderers? 11). To make shoju the principle practice in Mappo rather than Shakubuku? 12). To assert as SGI and Nichiren Shu that Kosen Rufu will come about from the bottom up ("the people are sovereign") rather from the top down as Nichiren (thanks to "Wheel Turning Rulers"). 13). Enriching oneself to preach the Dharma, earning mid six figure salaries or more to preach the Dharma

Its all fine and good that the members of the various sects all chant Daimoku. Tientai chanted Daimoku, yet he wasn't a Bodhisattva of the Earth. There were many errant disciples of Nichiren who chanted the Daimoku and they too weren't Bodhisattvas of the Earth. I can't help but return to the principle in the Nirvana Sutra stated again, and again by Nichiren:

"These passages from the scriptures are extremely apt, considering the times we live in, and they are deeply etched in my mind. Nowadays in Japan one hears people everywhere declaring, “I believe in the Lotus Sutra,” and “I, too, believe in the Lotus Sutra.” If we took them at their word, we would have to conclude that there is not a soul who slanders the Law. But the passage from the sutra that I have just quoted says that in the Latter Day the slanderers of the Law will occupy all the lands in the ten directions, while those who uphold the correct teaching will take up no more land than can be placed on top of a fingernail. What the sutra says and what the people of the world today say are as different as fire is from water. People these days say that, in Japan, Nichiren is the only one who slanders the Law. But the sutra says that there will be more slanderers of the Law than the great earth itself can hold.

The Decline of the Law Sutra says that there will be only one or two good persons, and the Nirvana Sutra says that the believers can fit into the space of a fingernail. If we accept what the sutras say, then in Japan Nichiren is the only good person, the one who fits into the space of a fingernail. Therefore, I hope that people who are seriously concerned about the matter will consider carefully whether they want to accept what the sutras say, or what the world says."

Fortunately, there are more and more independent practitioners who try their best to practice as the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren teach, thus preserving the teachings for posterity. As long as the Lotus Sutra (Myoho renge kyo) and the authentic writings of Nichiren exist there will always be practitioners whose faith and practice accords to the teachings.

You stated, "the Odaimoku and Lotus Buddhism is a process stretched out over lifetimes...we need the various schools in order to appeal to vast amount of people with different bents." I agree but I disagree with the means. Nichiren Buddhism, for example, is dead in America. Even Nichiren Buddhism light is dead in America. It is dead because of disunity. It is dead because everyone has different Three treasures and Three Great Secret Laws. What does Nichiren say in the Many in Body and One in Mind Gosho? "If itai doshin (many in body, one in mind) prevails among the people, they will achieve all their goals, whereas in dotai ishin (one in body, different in mind), they can achieve nothing remarkable. And further down, "Even an individual at cross purposes with himself is certain to end in failure." If one hears from a leader or priest one thing but reads something else in the Lotus Sutra, he becomes a person at cross purposes with himself and he will fail to obtain the fruit of the teachings. Truly kosen Rufu will happen in a country whose leader like King Ashoka wills it. Look at all the people who follow literally everything that Ikeda or Trump says. What if the ruler told them to chant Namu myoho renge kyo especially if he would be filled with mercy and pity for the people?

I understand the Mutual Possession. I don't fault anyone for their (secular) faults, even murderers and pedophiles. However, in the world of Buddhism, we have to be very careful who we follow lest we lose our faith. Hundreds of thousands in America have lost their faith thanks to the teachings of some sects. Me personally, I follow Nichiren:

"When a person’s offense is minor, admonishment is sometimes called for, but at other times it may be unnecessary, for there are those who may correct themselves without being told. Reprove a person for slander when necessary, so that you can forestall for both of you the consequences of an offense. Then, you should forgive that person. The point is that even minor slanders may lead to serious ones, and then the effects one must suffer would be far worse. This is [what Chang-an means when he writes], “One who rids the offender of evil is acting as his parent.”

Do you think that having a differing Three Treasures than prescribed by the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren is minor? Do you think that the practice of interfaith is minor? I don't think so and I venture to guess that Nichiren wouldn't think so either. In fact, I'm sure. There are NO SECTS according to Nichiren as well as no precepts. That is why he teaches there is no cardinal sin of breaking the unity of the Sangha. There is only right and wrong, Truth and falsehood when it comes to the teachings. Of course there are gray areas, such as the principle of adapting to the customs of a country. We have not done well in this area also but it is beyond the scope of my response to go into this in detail. How few have tasted the amrita of the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren, have drank from the elixir of eternal life? I will always maintain that the Transmission or Succession is through the Scrolls of the Sutra (Gohonzon) and writings of Nichiren and nowhere else.

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