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Monday, November 30, 2020

The Translation and Domestication of an Oriental Religion into a Western Catholic Country: The Case of Soka Gakkai in Italy

Page 241 begins the observation of SGI as an authoritarian religion and page 249 begins the observation of SGI as not only authoritarian but fascistic.

Manuela Foiera concludes:

"The members of the party are the best among the citizens, every citizen can (or ought to) become a member of the party. But there cannot be patricians without plebeians. In fact, the Leader, knowing that his power was not delegated to him democratically but was conquered by force, also knows that his force is based upon the weakness of the masses; they are so weak as to need and deserve a ruler. Since the group is hierarchically organised (according to a military model), every subordinate leader despises his own underlings, and each of them despises his inferiors. This reinforces the sense of mass elitism. (Eco, Ibid. ) 

As has been highlighted in this dissertation, a parallel can be drawn between the mistica fascista and the mistica buddista as conceptualised by Soka Gakkai's Responsabili in Italy, who have gradually worked to create a strictly hierarchic army of Kosen rufu warriors, instructed to spare no efforts in the propagation of Soka Gakkai's vision of "Peace, Culture and Education" and to win new converts to the cause. In this, the use of Buddese, the jargon evolved from the interplay of Japanese vocabulary and Italian references, dovetailed perfectly to produce the sacral language through which the SG's Italian leadership now conveys the mystique of their movement to the faithful.

After having articulated a comparative analysis of the language of Fascism and the language of Soka Gakkai (see Chapter 5), I believe it reasonable to conclude the following: first, that the Italian Soka Gakkai "familiarised" its translations according to Italian cultural categories thus creating a grey area where the constant reference to a deeper well of Catholic religious language opened up the possibility for religious manipulation of its texts to attract new adherent. Second, following the textual manipulation to increase its membership -a membership drawn from those elements of Italian society who felt that their spiritual needs were not being met in the contemporary religious marketplace -, the Italian Soka Gakkai drew upon the more recent political language of Italian Fascism to regiment those adherents as much as possible into unquestioning acceptance of whatever religious pronouncements emanated from its leadership. 

No matter how anarchic they may appear to foreigners, it should never be forgotten that Italians invented Fascism. Certainly the Italian leadership of the SG did not overlook this fact. On the contrary, it drew upon the latent cultural and linguistic habits, obscure instincts and unfathomable drives that lay behind Italian culture's creation of Fascism to enable it to construct one of the most vibrant new religious movements the West has ever seen. In short, the Soka Gakkai movement in Italy can be seen as the rarest of things: a near perfect translation."

Having practiced with the Soka Gakkai in Italy from 1978 - 1984, I agree wholeheartedly with Doctor Foiera's conclusions.

A Doctor Professor of Buddhism can not win a debate with a mere layman of the Lotus Sect

Dr Richard Hayes is a Professor of Buddhism at McGill University, expert on the Pali Canon, former Theravadan Buddhist, and currently a Quaker. Dr. Mark Rogow is a layman of the Hokke [Lotus] sect.

Richard: Doctor Rogow writes: "But Dr. Hayes repeatedly disparages the Lotus Sutra." I doubt that anyone but you cares what Dr Hayes thinks about the Lotus Sutra, Mark. But, as long as you are saying what other people think, there is no harm in being accurate in what you report. First, I do not disparage the Lotus Sutra itself. What I disparage is your interpretation of it. You have taken a beautiful text, full of subtle poetry, and turned it into an ugly travesty by which you go around passing negative judgement on every other Buddhist in the world, except for Nichiren (whom you don't really understand, except that you have a shadowy affinity with him because he apparently shared the same psychotic character disorder that obviously afflicts you). It is what you do with the text that appals me, sir, not the text itself. Give it a rest, eh? Take a holiday from your obsessions. You might enjoy the break. 
Mark: Richard, you are breaking another of your precious precepts (not to lie).  Fortunately, we have Deja News in which to prove my assertions that you have both disparaged the Lotus Sutra and you are a liar. If you press the issue, I will  do a meticulous search and post every last post of yours to prove my point. If you apologize to the Buddha and the Lotus Sutra you will surely spare yourself  some future grief. 
Richard: The point I have made a few times is that the Lotus is so subtle and symbolic and playful and satirical that it is very difficult to grasp its meaning without first knowing a great deal about the dharma.
Mark: Then you should refrain from commenting on its meaning and you should praise it as have all Buddhas throughout space and time.
Richard: But then if one knows the dharma from other sources, then one doesn't really need the Lotus Sutra, since it has very little of value to add.
Mark: Some proof please? Can you please cite the teachings of Ichinen Sanzen and the Mutual Possession of the Ten Worlds anywhere save for the Lotus Sutra? Can you cite the prediction of Buddhahood for all beings without a single exception anywhere save for the Lotus Sutra? Can you cite the Eternal Life of the Tathagata anywhere save for the Lotus Sutra?
Richard: Because I say things like this, Mark Rogow says that I revile the Lotus Sutra.
Mark: Richard, whatever happened to Right Views and Right Memory? Advocating that we do not need the Lotus Sutra is to not revile it? Telling one's mother we do not need her is not to revile her?
Richard: And of course, following the peculiar logic of the Lotus Sutra itself, Mark is convinced that anyone who reviles the Lotus Sutra also reviles the Buddha and the Dharma.
Mark: Can we believe one who praises his good father while failing to praise his good mother? Can we believe that one heeds a good mother's instructions while reviling her? Scholarly understanding is not a necessary and sufficient condition for the aim of any Buddhist study, which is liberation.
Richard: I quite agree. Scholarly knowledge is not necessary, nor is it automatically sufficient for everyone. If one is really determined to be liberated, then that motivation can be used with any method to make one free.
Mark: Any Method? Even the historical Buddha taught only one method...The Eightfold Path.
Richard: The Buddha himself said that one can be liberated though intellectual work,
Mark: The Buddha's statement should not be taken out of the context of the entire canon. There are intellectuals working on better more efficient cruise missiles.
Richard: or through devotion to the Buddha
Mark: The Lotus Sutra is the mother of all Buddhas.
Richard: or through meditational practice, or through a combination of all three.
Mark: Some people meditate on how to make more money, attract more women, or on the Jesus Prayer. This is hardly what the Buddha had in mind. And if you think that by counting breaths alone, you can experience or attain Supreme Enlightenment, equal to that of the Buddha, you misunderstand the teachings. Yet, surely, one will achieve liberation by devoted practice and study of the Lotus Sutra alone given enough faith, even with only a superficial understanding of the context.
Richard: Right. I think this is much more likely to occur if one focuses on the positive messages of the Lotus Sutra.
Mark: The Lotus Sutra is stark naked reality. It is not a pie in the sky philosophy detatched from this world or a Pure Land beyond one's present situation.  Punch a rock and you break your hand; deprecate a handsome person and you will be born ugly; rob a child of its food and one will suffer from hunger. Revile the Lotus Sutra and you become an anencephalic fetus in lifetime after lifetime for kalpas on end or suffer the worst afflictions imaginable, over and over and over, until one has expiated one's sin. Conversely, one who praises the Sutra will quickly attain Buddhood.
Richard: Unfortunately, some people just pick up on the negative tone of some parts of the Sutra, and they spend most of their time condemning other people, calling them dangerous, and saying they are leading billions of others to hell.
Mark: Only a fool would praise one who kills his mother.
Richard: People who are devoid of imagination and incapable of symbolic subtlety are likely to get dragged down into a kind of Lotus Sutra fundamentalism.
Mark: Those who are squinty eyed, bleary eyed, or blind can see little or nothing at all.
Richard: Their ranting then gives the entire sutra a bad reputation among other Buddhists.
Mark: Those who revile the Lotus Sutra are better off than those who have never heard the Sutra because they form a relationship to the Sutra. Those who form a relationship to the Sutra, whether that relationship is positive or negative come to understand the karmic Law of cause and effect.
Richard: I would add to that the importance of living according to the precepts. On a news group, people should give special attention to the four speech precepts: avoiding lying,
Mark: You are turning over a new leaf? Good for you Richard.
Richard: avoiding harsh and divisive speech, avoiding slanderous and libellous speech,
Mark: Then I can count on you to never once again deprecate the Lotus Sutra or its votaries?
Richard: and avoiding idle and pointless speech. (I keep thinking there ought to be a fifth speech precept encouraging being playful as much as possible so that you don't take yourself too damn seriously.
Mark: Isn't there a precept against jocularity Richard? Uhhoh, I caught you breaking the precepts again and in this, the Fearful Age! Thankfully, there are no longer any precepts Richard to be followed except one: Revere the Lotus Sutra and chant Namu Myoho renge kyo.
Richard: I'm sure if the Buddha had had eleven fingers instead of the usual ten, he would have had eleven precepts, making room for this important fifth one that I hanker to add.)
Mark: Richard, you really must go over the 500 precepts for monks. Are you not an extremely evil man for altering the teachings of the Buddha? If even a learned and wise man as yourself can not uphold the precepts, of what use are they for ignorant worldlings such as ourselves?
Richard: By the way, I don't expect that anybody but me reads everything that I write
Mark: I read much of what you write. You are a prolific writer. Why don't you determine to use your talents to praise the Lotus Sutra and bring benefit to the people?
Richard: and pays attention to the flak that I get from various quarters.
Mark: I only fault you for one thing Richard.
Richard: So probably nobody has noticed that Mark Rogow accuses me of hating the Dharma,
Mark: No Richard, I accuse you of praising the dharma but destroying its intent
Richard: Mark Vetanen accuses me of belonging to a dangerous and harmful cult so that I can have a better retirement and more worldly power,
Mark: I find that hard to believe about you.
Richard: and Mark Dunlop accuses me of being a disingenuous liar.
Mark: Don't be too hard on yourself Richard. As I have proven, according to Sutras, in this depraved age, in this degenerate age, there is not one person alive without faults.
Richard: I am plagued by three Marks. I reckon this proves the doctrine of karma. Because I was a Marxist in my youth, I am now a target for all these marksmen.
Mark: Very clever.
Richard: But I also look at the bright side. The Buddha was also bothered by three marks: impermanence, sorrow and non-self.
Mark: And that is why he taught the principles of permanence, joy, and true self.
Richard: And look at where that got him.
Mark: To the other shore

Soka Gakkai Senior Leader Soren was correct, "SGI is a catch all humanist pseudo-Buddhist religion which masqueurades as Nichiren Buddhism"

Soren, SGI Senior Leader says: "Recognizing that other faiths exist and that adherents of other faiths not only possess in full measure the same fundamental humanity as followers of Nichiren Daishonin, but have valuable contributions to make towards a peaceful and healthy world, has been characterized by some of this ng's more clueless individuals as a move (on the part of the SGI) to create a catch-all humanist psuedo-Buddhist religion which masquerades as Nichiren Buddhism."

Nichiren teaches in KENCHOJI DORYU NI ATAURU SHO: A Letter to Doryu of the Kenchoji Temple

"Buddhist Temples stand in a row, and Buddhist doctrines are discussed in every house today in this country. Buddhism prospers in Japan more than in India or China, and the manners and behavior of Buddhist monks are like those of arhats who have mastered the six divine powers. However, these monks are as ignorant as birds and beasts. They do not know which sutra is superior in doctrine among the sutras preached by Sakyamuni Buddha during His lifetime. Discarding Sakyamuni Buddha, who is our master, teacher, and parent in this world, these monks seek refuge in Buddhas and bodhisattvas of other worlds. How can you say that they are not against their own teacher?

Therefore, I say: "Pure Land Buddhism is a way leading to the Hell of  Incessant Suffering; Zen Buddhism is the act of heavenly devils, who  hinder the Buddhist way; True Words (Shingon) Buddhism is an evil  teaching leading to destruction of our nation; and Discipline (Ritsu) Buddhism is a false teaching by traitors." 

Contemplating on this, I, Nichiren, wrote a treatise in the first year of the Bunno Era (1260) or thereabout, entitling it Rissho ankoku-ron, and submitted it to the late Lord Saimyoji, Shogunal Regent Tokiyori Hojo, through Lay Priest Yadoya. The gist of the writing is that because the people in the country put faith in such evil teachings as Pure Land, True Words, Zen, and Discipline, calamities and disasters continue to plague this land, which will eventually be attacked by foreign troops. This is what I predicted in my Rissho ankoku-ron.

As a matter of fact, a letter of state arrived from the Mongol Empire on the eighteenth of this past first month just as I had predicted. Is this because devotional services performed by various temples lost the power to invoke divine protection? Or, is it because false teachings spread over this land?

Everybody in Kamakura, military rulers, as well as the ruled, looks up to Abbot Doryu of the Kenchoji Temple as if he were a Buddha, and reveres Abbot Ryokan of the Gokurakuji Temple as if he were an arhat. Besides, head monks of such temples as Jufukuji, Jokomyoji, Chorakuji, and Daibutsuden are highly respected.

In my opinion, however, they are self-conceited, evil monks who believe themselves to have understood the true intent of the Buddha while actually they have not. How can these monks chastise great Mongol troops by means of prayer? Besides, all the people in Japan, rulers and subjects, will be captured by the Mongols. Thus they will destroy their country in their present life, and will fall into the Hell of Incessant Suffering in a future life. You will surely regret it if you don't listen to me now.

To this effect, I have written to such persons as the Lord of Kamakura, the Lay Priest Yadoya, and Saemon-no-jo Taira, so you should get together for consultation. I, Nichiren, do not speak for selfish purposes. I speak only what is said in sutras and discourses. I cannot write in detail in a letter, but I expect to meet you in a public discussion. One finds it difficult to write what one wants to say, and to say what one has in mind.

Respectfully yours,
11th of the 10th month in the 5th year of the BunÆei Era (1268)
To Abbot Doryu of the Kenchoji Temple

Why are there such poor relationships in the Soka Gakkai leading so many to abandon their faith?

Any social organization or group of people has it's problems but especially where everyone is giving everyone else guidance. Following the Law and not persons will cultivate healthy relationships.

Shakyamuni Buddha is special

Dan Defensor SGI leader: The Daishonin I think was in the absolute sense declaring the power of the Law: "If you chant...with your whole heart" and then "it is not difficult to become a Buddha" like Shakyamuni, to become or "make all people perfectly equal."
Me: Who is it that chants with their whole heart and is a Buddha equal to Shakyamuni? Anyone we know? I'd like to go over to their house and talk to him or her, I'd even take a week or a month off from work to do so. I'd have some questions for him or her.
Dan Defensor: heh heh heh...I know a couple of women around here who might come close, but that's just my personal limited subjective opinion . But if you're expecting something magical or intellectualy stimulating, you might be disappointed.
Me: I'd have some questions to test their understanding before I committed myself to them. For example. why is the paramita of wisdom (prajna) excepted in the merits of one who embraces the lifespan of the Tathagata for even a moment while all the other paramita's are included in his merits?
Dan Defensor [clueless about the Lotus Sutra] responds: This is interesting. Could you quote please?
Me: "...Ajita, if there are living beings who, on hearing that the life span of the Buddha is of such long duration, are able to believe and understand it even for a moment, the benefits they gain thereby will be without limit or measure. Suppose there are good men or good women who, for the sake of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, over a period of eight hundred thousand million nayutas of kalpas practice the five paramitas - the paramitas of dana (almsgiving), shila (keeping of the precepts), kshanti (forbearance), virya (assiduousness) and dhyana (meditation), the paramita of prajna (wisdom) being excepted - the benefits they obtain will now measure up to even a hundred part, the thousandth part, a hundred, thousand, ten thousand, millionth part of the benefits mentioned previously. Indeed, it is beyond the power of calculation, simile or parable to convey the comparison. For good men who have gained such benefits as those [mentioned previously] to fall back without reaching the goal of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi is utterly unimaginable." - Lotus Sutra Chapter 17 Distinction of Merits
Dan Defensor: No response
Me: The reason is, the Paramita of Wisdom or Buddha Wisdom is that which gives rise to Myoho renge kyo. In the history of the universe, only one man, Shakyamuni Buddha, the Original Buddha since time without beginning who has been training and guiding all others to Buddhahood has been originally enlightened to Myoho renge kyo. This realization is an integral part of Nichiren Daishonin's enlightenment and the enlightenment of all Buddhas throughout the Ten Directions and Three Existences. Only the Original Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni has always and exclusively practiced and taught the True Law since time without beginning.

Original Teacher means that no matter how eminent, wise, or knowledgeable one may be, no matter how diligent one is in carrying out the other Five Paramitas (Five Perfections), and no matter how long one practices them, there is no way that one could come up with, let alone reveal, Myoho renge kyo independently of Shakyamuni Buddha. Shakyamuni Buddha, in the history of the universe, was the one unique individual capable of doing so. Nichiren realized this, taught this, and reverenced Shakyamuni Buddha for His astronomical feat of autonomous self-practice. That is why He, rather than any other individual, is revered as the person of the Gohonzon of Ninpo-Ika (Oneness of Person and Law).

We owe our very Enlightenment to this Buddha and this Buddha alone. The arrogance of those who misconstrue Shakyamuni Buddha’s and Nichiren Daishonin’s words for their own aggrandizement is cause to fall into the Lower Worlds and to remain there for a very long time. How can one follow someone who is so blind to the manifest reality that someone had to give them the Five Characters that they pay homage to? Daisaku Ikeda didn’t come up with the formula Myoho renge kyo. The High Priest didn’t come up with this formula, nor did you. Even Nichiren Daishonin didn’t realize and expound the Lotus Sutra in the infinite past. It was Shakyamuni Buddha who taught Nichiren Daishonin and the other Bodhisattvas of the Earth the Lotus Sutra in the remote past. It was the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni who planted the seed of Myoho renge kyo in our Buddha-nature, the seed that, when watered with a correct faith and practice, grows into the magnificent tree of the Supreme Enlightenment of Myoho.

Saturday, November 28, 2020

In Soka Gakkai, 2 + 5 = 6

In Soka Gakkai's screwed up translations we read, from the Opening of the Eyes,

"And when the two characters for namu are prefixed to Myoho-renge-kyo, or the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law, we have the formula Nam-myoho-renge-kyo."

Here we see, 2 + 5 = 6

The actual translation is,

"And when the two characters for namu are prefixed to Myoho-renge-kyo, or the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law, we have the formula Namu-myoho-renge-kyo." 

Here we see, 2 + 5 = 7

Friday, November 27, 2020

They think they uphold the Lotus Sutra because their leaders tell them they do.

Mark: Ryokan was Ritsu Chris, a Therevadan, a Hinayanist, a "keeper" of the precepts. If you wish to debate with us you had better bone up. 
Chris: Well Mark, you are right. I was under the impression that he was a Shingon priest, but he is most famous for building bridges and roads, and then making money from them. Thank you for the point. It's good you know your history. Perhaps I was thinking of Ryuzobo, in any case the priests called upon to offer prayer for rain were Shingon. 
Mark: No. It was Ryokan. If you don't know what you were thinking, how can anyone else be expected to know. The answers are right there to every one of your enquires. Gary: You have sent me quote after quote proving to me how Nichiren Daishonin deeply respects his teacher, Buddha Shakyamuni. This isn't new news to me or any other SGI member. 
Mark: The problem sir, is altering Nichiren's Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws. This is hardly showing respect for either Shakyamuni Buddha or Nichiren.
Chris: You quote things that nobody disagrees with and then insist that you have won a debate. 
Mark: You are either disingenuous or blind. That is why I am so hard on you and your SGI comrades. Nevertheless, I realize why you are incapable of seeing the dirt on your face. You do not have a proper mirror. Your Gohonzon is not an accurate representation of the true object of worship and therefore, it is impossible for you to see clearly. Shoju will not work to awaken you from your poisoned mind. 
Chris: How Mappo of you. The three treasures are the Buddha, the Priest and the Law. 
Mark: Yes, THE Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha of the 16th Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, not Amida, Dainichi, Yakushi, or Ikeda cough cough. The Priest is, of course, the Great Priest, Nichiren Daishonin 
Chris: The formulation of them differs between the various Nichiren Shu sects and the Fuji School. It is hardly altering Nichiren's three treasures to disagree with *you* on their formulation. 
Mark: Read the words Chris. Even your mentor is coming around. This has been proven by his words in "Space and Eternal Life", published by Journeyman Press this year. 
Chris: You are hardly Nichiren anymore than I am. Mark: I am much more faithful to the teachings of the Master than you or any SGI or Taisekaji member alive or dead and still, I am unworthy to be called a disciple of Nichiren Daishonin. Where does that leave you? 
Gary: However you are contradicting the spirit of the Daishonin and even yourself when you say...... "I will only debate with the SGI Headquarters" 
Mark: You are foolish if you think the Daishonin debated every Tom, Dick and Harry who approached him. The Daishonin, writes: "From now on, you need not hold debates in Shimosa. Having defeated Ryosho-bo and Shi’nen-bo, were you to debate with others, it would only dilute the effect." (The Third doctrine). The SGI headquarters has influence. You have no influence and even if I defeat you and your shallow arguments, I fear that you have neither the sincerity nor the guts to convert to the superior teachings. 
Chris: Nichiren said this with the larger audience in mind, and with the knowledge that any future debates would only involve a rehash of already discussed points, or a reformulation of previous beliefs to make them sound more plausible. It is hardly the same as declaring victory and refusing to say any more. That is a cowards way. Nichiren would have talked to anyone who came to inquire with him on Buddhism, or else would have referred the person to one of his lieutenants. 
Mark: Gary did not come to me to inquire about Buddhism. Gary came to debate and he came into our "house" to do so. Since I have defeated dozens of SGI members, some more emminant than he, of what purpose would it serve, if he doesn't make a commitment to convert if defeated? 
Gary: I can just smell the arrogance in your words. No "Guts" but yet you mentioned that you, yourself "fear". Explain that one to me. 
Mark: The Daishonin himself often used the principle of fear. Would you like me to point it out to you? 
Chris: This is a strange dialogue to post as part of a purported debate. What do you fear Mark, seeming a fool or being a fool. Fools hate seeming the fool. 
Mark: Gary doesn't even read what I write. He apparently picked the word "fear" out of context, from who knows where, maybe even from a quote by Nichiren. My record of debating with the SGI speaks for itself and the SGI's record of avoiding debate too, speaks for itself. Funny thing, after this reply to Gary, I have not heard from him again. Who is it that is fearful?  
Gary: I have the "guts" to uphold my practice on Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism until my death. 
Chris: This is a commendable attitude. 
Mark: We have proven that neither you, Chris, nor the Soka Gakkai practice the Daishonin's Buddhism but rather the Buddhism of Nichiu, Nichikan and Ikeda. If you open your eyes, read the Sado Gosho and chant very hard, you will see that many people die for shallow affairs. 
Chris: This goes back to the centuries old libel of Nichiu as the "forger" of the DaiGohonzon. I'm not done researching this, I have not dismissed the arguments, however it is clear that the Daishonin intended us to revere the Gohonzon as our supreme Mandala. However, there is sufficient evidence to refute the charge that Nichiu forged the Dai Gohonzon. You have not won any debate as long as you merely pronounce the words of a rival sect. 
Mark: Certainly it isn't we who has changed Nichiren's Three Treasures and Three Great Secret Laws. It is the Nichiren Shoshu and the SGI that have altered the teachings. It is equally obvious that Nichiu, Nichikan and Ikeda rather than Nichiren are your teachers. Hell, you even have a Nikken or a Nichikan Gohonzon rather than a Nichiren Gohonzon. If you were ever to exchange your Nichikan Gohonzon for a Nichiren Gohonzon, you would see the difference in no time at all. You would experience such clarity of thought that you would never ever be misled again. 
Chris: This debate has antecedents in the time of Nichiu, and no one has been convinced so far. You criticized me for not doing my homework, however I am a seeker of the truth, coming at it from the view of faith in the Law. You are listening to people who are advancing their own views, but you don't know for yourself. 
Mark: I do know. You too may know also. The knowing is in the Three Proofs. Ihave seen my unresolved karmic hindrances disappear as if frost or dew in the sun, within weeks after receiving my Nichiren Gohonzon and have seen the same with my ex-SGI converts. I also see the result of the Nichiren Shoshu and SGI as organizations, and the so-called Actual Proof of their priests, leaders and members. Therefore, even disregarding Nichiu's, Nichikan's, Nikken's and Ikeda's words for a moment, it is a reasonable inference to know that Nichiu etal's teachings are mistaken merely from the perspective of Actual Proof alone. 
Chris: Until I know better, I will believe in the Dai Gohonzon. Even if the Dai-Gohonzon could be proved to be a fake, I will believe in the Gohonzon, because that makes sense. 
Mark: We have presented 10 points that prove the Daigohonzon a forgery, thoroughly refuting your teachers Toda and Nittatsu. 
Gary: Your definition of "guts" is very obscure.  
Mark: You should open your mind to the truth.  
Gary: Seeing yourself as being "above" each SGI member is simply a reflection of your arrogance. 
Chris: Gary say's it and hit's it on the nail. In the absence of proof allegations of slandering the Law are sectarian and personal views. 
Mark: The words of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin don't count? Tell that to Nichiren. Try and explain that off to yourself but a fact is a fact. You ignore the words of Nichiren time and time again and create arbitrary and ornate rhetoric to promote the Fuji school views. You are enemies of the Buddha and Nichiren. These are not sectarian and personal views. Our views are affirmed by all the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas of the universe. 
Chris: Nichiren had hard evidence for his assertation, moreover he attacked persons who attacked or ignored the lotus Sutra, not upheld it. 
Mark: The Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren Daishonin is our hard evidence. You think you uphold the Lotus because your leaders have taught you that you do. You probably hadn't even read it till recently. If I am wrong, I apologize but I know from experience and dialogue that many SGI senior leaders, even those practicing for twenty years or more, have only recently picked it up and read it for the first time. Chris: Had the Tientai Sect not adopted Shingon practices, he would have not declared it an evil sect. However, even correct Tientai, he said, is shakumon in comparison with the actual practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. 
Mark: Point being? Have you ever seen us criticize the SGI or Nichiren Shoshu for chanting the Daimoku as the principle practice? It is your object of worship and your view of the Treasures of Buddha and Priest that is mistaken. You should read again, Teaching, Practice and Proof. One who is correct is seated above one who is incorrect. Should the inferior be confused with the superior, it would be cause for regret. Teachings and practitioners both may fall into the category of superior and inferior. One who teaches the distorted doctrines of the Fuji School is inferior to one who teaches the doctrines of Nichiren Daishonin faithfully. 
Chris: This is your personal opinion backed by your personal interpretations of works that can be interpreted differently, and that taken as a whole should be interpreted differently. 
Mark: If you were objective, you would admit that we do little interpreting. We take the words of the Lotus Sutra and the Daishonin at face value. You guys have to, by necessity, interpret, twist and turn, to arrive at your views. 
Gary: Nichiren Daishonin viewed everyone on equal terms. 
Mark: In one sense. In another sense, he pointed out differences, the superiority and inferiority of the various teachings as well as of the adherents of the various teachings.
Chris: Nichiren's motivation was the salvation of the individual and the world, he did shakubuku and announced a new teaching because it was his duty to fulfill the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. He pointed out these things in order to save people from suffering, not to score debating points. 
Mark: You must be a psychic to know that my motivation differs from that of the Daishonin's. I don't even question the motivation of most SGI members. I question the reality of your faith, your object of worship, and your very liberal interpretation of the teachings. 
Chris: He would have been aghast (but not surprised) at the behavior of his disciples after his death, breaking off into little contending sects on minor doctrinal assertions. 
Mark: Yes, he would be aghast at the perverse men of the Nichiren Shoshu and Soka Gakkai who have altered his teachings. These are not minor doctrinal differences. As I pointed out many times, the Daishonin spent nearly a quarter of his preaching life illuminating the Treasure of the Buddha and the correct object of worship. Are you saying the Daishonin was a fool for spending so much time clarifying the doctrines that the Fuji School has misunderstand and altered? If you look at yourself and look at the teachings and tell yourself that what we are saying is not the truth, it is proof you do not have a real Gohonzon and you lack a clear mirror. I make this declaration because I am confident that my views are correct in light of the Lotus Sutra and teachings of Nichiren. 

The Gohonzon is much more than meets the eye by Bruce Maltz

"Lest we get too clever in tossing about words like "Gohonzon" or "Buddha", let's keep in mind the essential reality that NO ONE (not any high priest or scholar, or the people who read this blog) has a clue what a "Gohonzon" or a "Buddha" really is. We have Nichiren's word that the "gohonzon" is the ongoing "ceremony in the air" and we have Shakyamuni's word that "only a buddha and a buddha" can know the ultimate reality that the gohonzon embodies. It is a mystery. The absolute mystery. A plant follows the course of the sun daily. Animals follow the biological clocks of the movement of stars. Neither plants nor animals "understand" why they follow these "laws" or what the stars and the sun mean. Likewise, we "follow" the Law and we respond to inherent Buddhahood, but we haven't a clue about this ultimate reality. 

So, it's superficial speculation to say that the gohonzon is only a representation of the Eternal Buddha but is not the Eternal Buddha in actuality. If Nichiren says that a gohonzon which has had its "eyes opened" to the Lotus Sutra is imbued with the "soul" (tamashii) of the Eternal Buddha, then it is foolish to determine that the gohonzon is merely a "representation" and piece of paper. That's relying on our human senses to imply "value" or "reality". Our human senses cannot gauge reality at all, according to the LotusSutra, because human senses are composed of "attachments" and "illusions". What looks like paper and ink to our senses is only what we "think" we see. We also see the birth and death of all things, whereas the Buddha says that this is an illusion. We see "self and others". The Buddha says this is an illusion. There is no "self" to "attain enlightenment". That's just how we perceive the flow of things.

A Gohonzon whose eyes are "opened" to the Lotus Sutra is inherently different from a gohonzon whose eyes are "opened" to the "offshoot" teachings of SGI/NST. In neither case is the Gohonzon merely a "piece of paper", waiting to be "activated" by the chanting of practitioner. Such a prejudice would mean that the "flesh and blood" of a human being is somehow "superior" to the "paper and ink" of the Gohonzon. This presupposes that the "matter" or material that constitutes the "outer wrapping" is the "true reality". A similar argument in the secular realm is the deep significance of the Constitution of the United States which transcends the paper and ink of which it is made.The Lotus Sutra teaches that there is only a partial "truth" to material reality. Material reality is an impermanent, constantly changing series of phenomenon.Life which is a synthesis of mind and body is both substantial and non-substantial. "Buddha-reality" too is neither "substantial" nor "non-substantial", but a "middle way" called "Chu".

"Middle way" has two meanings in Buddhism. It refers to the superficial concept of "neither extreme" but it also means the deeper concept of "neither substantial or non-substantial". It is the ninth consciousness that cannot be perceived by the six senses or usual human reasonings. WE cannot put faith in any conclusions that are drawn by prejudices about material objects, be they made of flesh, crystal, paper or electrons. The "reality" is not confined or defined by the "material" we see. 

So, when making sweeping statements about the "gohonzon", the bottom line is, no one alive today can hazard a guess about what it is actually is. "Representation" is a rationalization, but it doesn't reflect the understanding of Nichiren Daishonin.. 

When we chant to a "Nichiren" Gohonzon, we really don't know anything about what we're doing, just like the plant which follows the sun doesn't have any conscious understanding about what it's doing. When we chant to an SGI/NST gohonzon, we don't know what the "difference" is (given our unreliable "senses"). Why take a chance? Since it is all based on faith, why not take faith as Nichiren "recollected" it when he transcribed the Gohonzon, exactly as he received it at the ceremony in the air. He explains, without equivocation, that he didn't "invent" the gohonzon but "received" from the Eternal Shakyamuni Buddha.

Even in arguments about the "True Buddha", the glaring question is bypassed....What is a "Buddha" in the first place? IF that cannot be defined within the limitations of human senses, then what sense is there in saying that Nichiren is the "true" buddha and the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni is a "cast-off" buddha (Taisekiji's theological term). It's a conclusion of profound ignorance, imputed by "interpretation". It's not based on Nichiren's own statements. It's the doctrine based on cryptic translations and interpretations by later priests of questionable intentions.

We take Nichiren at his word, having faith that his Buddhism is "transmitted" directly from the Lotus Sutra, and that his "Gohonzon" is not simply some "representation" but a "reality' that transcends the human senses and understanding. One does not "see" the ceremony in the air like one "sees" the skyline of New York nor should one dismiss the Gohonzon as a mere "representation" of abstract Buddhist theory. Otherwise, why would Nichiren say that a "soul" inhabits the gohonzon, and that the orientation of an "object of worship" is the most important thing of all? It obviously is much more that it seems. It's not just ink on rice paper. There are 128 extant Nichiren gohonzons. They aren't just paper "manifestation" mandalas.

Likewise, the so-called "Dai-gohonzon" is not just a "hunk of wood". It's much more sinister. It's a fake, so what "soul" imbues it? How could it be "the living Nichiren" when it renders "worthless" all authentic Nichiren gohonzons? Nichiren said that ALL of the troubles of Japan stemmed from worshiping the wrong "gohonzon" and replacing the correct "Gohonzon" with provisional teachings and their attendant "manifestations" (Buddhas, who are "emanations" of the Original Eternal Shakyamuni). These are statements that transcend the reach of human intelligence. Nichiren is telling us that there is MUCH more here than meets the eye. In fact, it transcends the eyes, ears, nose and mind

The organizational structure of the Lotus Sutra

The Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni 

The Leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth (Jogyo Nichiren) 

The Bodhisattvas of the Earth 

Real Mentors protect. They do not ask for protection.


Buddhism first and peace will result

Peace first Buddhism second?

"How do we attain peace?

From the Rissho Ankoku Ron:

Guest: “...Therefore one must first of all pray for the safety of the nation and then work to establish the Buddhist Law....”

The host said: “There is no doubt that I am the foolish one -- I would never dare claim to be wise. However, I would just like to quote a few passages from the scriptures.

Concerning the means for insuring order in the nation, there are numerous passages in both Buddhist and non-Buddhist text, and it would be difficult to cite them all here. Since taking up the study of Buddhism, however, I have frequently given thought to this matter, and it seems to me that prohibiting those who slander the Law and paying respect to monks who follow the Correct Way is the best way to assure stability within the nation and peace in the world at large.”

What a mistake it is to read the Rissho Ankoku Ron from the point of view of the Guest....peace first, Buddhism second. According to the sutras preached by the Buddha, this is not correct. Buddhism first, peace will result. Rev. Kubota in his wisdom, told us to read and re-read chapter 13 of the Lotus Sutra so we understand the practice of “endurance”.

The Nirvana Sutra states: “'Kasho, it is because I was a defender of the True Law that I have now been able to attain this diamond-like body.... Men of devout faith, defenders of the True Law need not observe the five precepts or practice the rules of proper behavior...."

What need is there for me to add any further explanation? If we accept the words of the Lotus Sutra, then we must understand that slandering the Lotus Sutra is more serious than committing the five cardinal sins. Our role is to eliminate slander. Again, in the Rissho Ankoku Ron we read:

The host said: “You have clearly seen the passages from the sutras that I have cited, and yet you can ask a question like that! Are they beyond the power of your mind to comprehend? Or do you fail to understand the reasoning behind them? I certainly have no intention of censuring the sons of the Buddha. My only hatred is for the act of slandering the Law...”

“My only hatred is for the act of slandering the Law”.... those are the words of Nichiren and Shakyamuni Buddha.

We cannot put out the fire of hate in the minds of those that slander the Law with more hate. We need to fight hate with love. Love is caring enough to correct wrong thought.

We can only put out the fire of hate in those that slander the Law by stopping them from slandering the Law. Their anger and hate is a result of slander. Thinking like the host we need to spread Buddhism, then peace will follow. In letters to his disciples, Nichiren wrote that there was no longer time for peaceful persuasion (Shoju). Other beliefs must be directly confronted and shown to be lacking. If necessary, people must be driven by fear of slandering the Lotus Sutra.

We cannot create peace by being “peaceful”. We can only create peace by stopping slander. If peace could be achieved by simply being “peaceful”,  then we should revert back to observing the Five Precepts and striving for “arhatship” (sainthood). Peace” means no slander against the Law.

A critic of such “shakubuku” tactics said the following: “I want to study Buddhism but I don’t want to hear about the errors of Taisekiji, so please take me off your mailing list!” That’s like saying, “I want to study medicine, but I don’t want to learn about sickness and all the nasty diseases and their symptoms! I’ll just learn about the human body, but not about the sicknesses that destroy the body”.

Therefore, it’s a dangerous strategy to accept all people and their principles as a measure of our Buddhist compassion. “Accepting everyone” means that we must sacrifice those principles that set Nichiren Buddhism apart from all other forms of Buddhism and all other religions. “Accepting everyone” looks good but it goes against the very traditions that make Nichiren Buddhism so strict. Nichiren himself is still the outstanding practitioner of the Lotus Sutra in the time of Mappo, and his example must continue to be the high standard that we all strive to emulate. Nichiren’s “rough ways” and his uncompromising method of propagation, even in the face of social rebuke, is the same practice today as it was when he was alive. If anything, people and circumstances have becomes even more polluted. The practice of rebuking slander and censuring those who slander the Law is unchanged, from Nichiren’s time down to our present time." - Stephanie Maltz

Thursday, November 26, 2020

"Aside from these people, some of my disciples might not be spared from this calamity of falling into the Hell of Incessant Suffering upon death." -- Nichiren

"Our teacher, Shakyamuni Buddha..was the first Buddha to appear in this saha world of ours, which had previously not known any other Buddha, and he opened the eyes of all living beings. All other Buddhas and bodhisattvas, from east and west, from the lands of the ten directions, received instruction from him.....But now we have monks and nuns who, because of the teachers of the Shingon sect, have decided to look upon Dainichi Buddha as the supreme object of veneration and have demoted Shakyamuni Buddha to an inferior position, or who, because they believe in the Nembutsu, pay honor to Amida Buddha and thrust Shakyamuni Buddha aside.

There are three reasons why Shakyamuni Buddha, rather than any of the other Buddhas, has a relationship with all the people of this saha world. First of all, he is the sovereign of all the people of this saha world. Amida Buddha is not the monarch of this world.....second, Shakyamuni Buddha is the father and mother of all the people in this saha world....third, Shakyamuni is the original teacher of all the people in this saha world.....Amida, Yakushi, Dainichi and the others are the Buddhas of other realms; they are not the World-Honored Ones of this world of ours.

When the Buddhas are viewed in terms of the unchanging equality of their enlightenment, there are no distinctions to be made among them. But when they are viewed in terms of the ever- present differences among their preaching, then one should understand that each of them has his own realm among the worlds of the ten directions, and that they distinguish between those with whom they have already had some connection, and those with whom they have no such connection.

The sixteen royal sons of Daitsuchiso Buddha each took up their residence in a different one of the lands of the ten directions and there led their respective disciples to
salvation. [note: one of these sons was named "Amita", but this not the "Amida" of the Pure Land Sect who practiced under Sejizaio Buddha and who lives in the Western Pure Land, ten billion buddha lands to the west of the saha world.] Shakyamuni Buddha, who was a reincarnation of one of these sons, appeared in this saha world of ours. As the Lotus Sutra says, "I [Shakyamuni] alone can save them". Shakyamuni the very one who encourages us, the people who have been driven out of all the other Buddha pure lands by all the other Buddhas.

I explained [to Dozen-bo, that, by making five images of Amida Buddha, he was condemning himself to fall five times into the Avichi Hell. The reason for this, I told him, was that the Lotus Sutra- wherein the Buddha says that he will now "honestly discard the provisional teachings"- states that Shakyamuni Buddha is our father, while Amida is like a distant uncle. Anyone who would fashion five images of his uncle and make offerings to them, and yet not fashion a single image of his own father- how could he be regarded as anything but unfilial?" - The Learned Doctor Shan wu-wei

"Predicting their future lives, I also declared in the Rissho ankoru-ron; "Should the people refuse to change their minds, clinging to false teachings, they will soon leave this world and fall into the Hell of Incessant Suffering without fail." Judging from my predictions in this present life having proved to be true, I am sure that this prediction of mine about their future lives will also become true. It is as certain as shooting an arrow at the great earth that all the people in Japan, high and low, will fall into the Hell of Incessant Suffering.

Aside from these people, some of my disciples might not be spared from this calamity of falling into the Hell of Incessant Suffering upon death. Those who disdained and hurt the Never-Despising (Fukyo) Bodhisattva fell into the Hell of Incessant Suffering upon death for as long as 1,000 kalpa. It was due to their great sin of slandering the bodhisattva that they were paid such a hard fate, although they had believed in, respected, followed, and obeyed the bodhisattva while in this life.

Now, the same could be said of disciples of Nichiren. If they believe in, respect, follow, and obey me in name only without heart, they will no doubt suffer in the Hell of Incessant Suffering for the period of one, two, ten, or one hundred, if not one thousand, kalpa. If you wish to be saved from this, you should each practice just as the Medicine-King Bodhisattva did; he set his arm afire to offer it as a light to the Buddha; or Gyobo Bonji, who skinned himself to write the dharma on his own skin. Just as Sessen Doji and Suzu Danno did, you should sacrifice your own life or serve your masters from the bottom of your heart in search of the dharma. Otherwise, you should beseech the Buddha for help, bowing to Him with your four limbs and face touching the ground, dripping with sweat. Otherwise, you should pile up rare treasures in front of the Buddha as an offering to Him. If that is not possible, you must become servants to the upholders of the dharma. Or you should practice some other ways according to the principle of the four ways of teaching. Among my disciples those whose faith is shallow will show at the moment of death the sign of falling into the Hell of Incessant
Suffering. Do not blame me for it then!" - A Tract Revealing the Gist of the Rissho Ankoku Ron).

Parody of President Ikeda removing General Director Williams from his position


On milkshakes and onions

SGI Senior Leader: "Your emotionalism reveals a weak faith"
Jim Cub [Chapter leader and stand-up comedian]: "I was cutting onions."
SGI Senior Leader: You should deeply reflect on your life condition and repress your emotions when giving guidance or writing in the Justice Chronicle. 
Jim: I can't be friends with NST Craig and Reggie?
SGI Senior Leader: In order to fight evil you must become their best friend. Read Chapter 17 of the Human Revolution where Sensei shakabukus the bag lady by treating her to soba noodles and a day at the Zoo. 
Jim: You mean he took her to alt. religion Buddhism Nichiren google group?
SGI Senior Leader: That is why you could never make it as a comic...You have weak faith. Anyway, read the World Tribune Volume number 8746. There is a great article on how Ms.Geyer shakabukued her 84 year old mother with Alzheimer's disease who was a temple member. She showed her mom a picture of President Ikeda and whispered over and over again, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad.... 
Jim: Do you think that would work with NST Craig and Reggie?
SGI Senior Leader: You lack faith. You should also chant four hours of Daimoku before meeting them. Don't go alone or they will gang up on you. Take ten YMD to spy on the meeting. Danny authorized me to lend them the Soka Han van which looks like a Mr.Softy truck, the night vision goggles, and advanced listening devices too. 
Jim: Goody, I love Mr. Softy milkshakes and I bet NST Craig and Reggie do too. 
SGI Senior Leader: DOHH. Are you sure you don't have alzheimer's yourself? You should take them to that quiet park near lake Michigan and don't talk about the temple issue until the van is in place across the road. They must feel comfortable with you. Don't tell any jokes whatever you do and don't be too serious either. Better to laugh at one of Reggie's or Craig's jokes than to have them scratching their head in disbelief at one of yours. Remember, Sensei will be with you. Just look towards the moon in the west..
Jim: The moon that will be traveling from west to east signifying that SGI Buddhism is again rising in America and it will spread to Japan without fail. Also it will be like the moon over Omaha in which Sensei's nude torso will be reflected.
SGI Senior Leader: Hai (wink, wink). When we have all the information about the next Temple meeting in Flint Michigan. including the first and last names of the participants, their addresses and telephone numbers and their next of kin, you will have completed your mission, a mission only you can fulfill. 
Jim: Then can I have a Mr. Softy shake with Nichiren Shoshu Craig and Reg?
SGI Senior Leader: No. The evil Dantos don't deserve one of our Soka han van shakes. Their loss. I hear Hiro Watsamatfu makes a mean seaweed shake. Then the YMD will drive you back to the airport for your flight back to Omaha where Mr. Wada will be waiting.. You should arrive at 2:30 am and the meeting should end by four thirty. You can get up bright and early for your audition at the comedy club.
Jim: This will be an experience Reggie and Craig will never forget. What a golden opportunity to develop my faith and do human revolution for Sensei my shining eyes and tears flowing for you, Senseiiiiii

Nichiren on "stupid persons"

"And so, when I, neither hesitating to speak out nor fearing others, tell them frankly that they are stupid persons who have misunderstood the true meaning of the Buddhist teachings, and that they are slanderers of the Law; when I deliver a sharp rebuke to them, mindful of the Buddha’s golden words "then that monk is betraying Buddhism" and trusting in the passage of scripture that reads, "We will be envoys of the World Honored One, facing the assembly without fear"; when I do this, censuring those who "suppose they have attained what they have not attained, being proud and boastful in heart," then how can they fail to turn upon me with hatred and jealousy?" (The Teachings in Accordance With the Buddha's Mind).

"Although I try to point out that this country is full of people who would like to do away with the Lotus Sutra, no one understands me, and so they merely go on committing errors of stupidity. And now, in addition, a votary of the Lotus Sutra has made his appearance, so that the people of Japan, on top of their stupidity, give way to anger, favoring erroneous teachings and viewing the correct teaching with hatred. In a country where the three poisons [of greed, anger and stupidity] prevail to such a degree, how can there be peace and stability?"(The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings).

"And yet, the people of today, both the distinguished and the lowly, look with contempt upon Shakyamuni Buddha, their father in the present world, and instead revere Amida or Dainichi, who are strangers to them, persons with whom they have no connection at all. In doing so, are they not lacking in filial piety? Are they not slanderers of the Law? When I say this, however, all the people of Japan join together in reviling me.

And it is quite natural that they should, for the crooked piece of wood hates the straightness of the carpenter’s string, and the dishonest man is not pleased with the honest administration of government."(The Teaching In Accordance with the Buddha's Mind)

"However, because there was no one who understood this situation, it has been impossible to remedy it. I am generally aware of these matters, and therefore try to repay the debt of gratitude I owe my country [by speaking the truth], but people only hate me for it."(White Horses and White Swans).

There wouldn't be thirty-five or thirty-six Nichiren sects if they all showed actual proof of Enlightenment.

We are numbered among the Bodhisattvas of the Earth: We are they who chant the Daimoku, revere the Gohonzon, Lotus Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha, and Nichiren Daishonin. Some of us practice principally shoju and others shakabuku. Some of us view the Gohonzon as the embodiment of the Daimoku, others as the embodiment of the Oneness of Person [as the Eternal Buddha] and Law, and still others as the embodiment of the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni [depending on our inner awakening and mastery of the Lotus Sutra].

We are united through our seeking spirit and through having etched, "Follow the Law and not the person", in our hearts. Most of us are united in the belief that the Gohonzon is the source of our guidance and that we are direct disciples of the Eternal Buddha Shakyamuni and Nichiren Daishonin. We are also united in our belief that every Nichiren school and individual has both good and bad aspects that we are free to accept, praise, and propagate or to reject, ignore, or rebuke.

As far as your question about how many true disciples and believers there are, we don't keep statistics because neither the Lotus Sutra nor Nichiren Daishonin exhort us to. We are few but I have anecdotal evidence that we are growing for a variety of reasons: The doctrines of all the various Nichiren schools and their believers are partial, contrived, erroneous and/or distorted while ours are sound; the reality that most Nichiren sect believers follow the person rather than the Law while we follow only the Law; and most Nichiren sects believers are unable to exhibit actual proof of Enlightenment in contrast to Shakyamuni Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin, and our disciples and believers. There wouldn't be thirty-five or thirty-six Nichiren sects if they all showed actual proof of Enlightenment.

Love is caring enough to correct wrong thought - from the Kempon Hokke archives

 "How do we attain peace?

From the Rissho Ankoku Ron:

Guest: “...Therefore one must first of all pray for the safety of the nation and then work to establish the Buddhist Law....”

The host said: “There is no doubt that I am the foolish one -- I would never dare claim to be wise. However, I would just like to quote a few passages from the scriptures.

Concerning the means for insuring order in the nation, there are numerous passages in both Buddhist and non-Buddhist text, and it would be difficult to cite them all here. Since taking up the study of Buddhism, however, I have frequently given thought to this matter, and it seems to me that prohibiting those who slander the Law and paying respect to monks who follow the Correct Way is the best way to assure stability within the nation and peace in the world at large.”

What a mistake it is to read the Rissho Ankoku Ron from the point of view of the Guest....peace first, Buddhism second. According to the sutras preached by the Buddha, this is not correct. Buddhism first, peace will result. Rev. Kubota in his wisdom, told us to read and re-read chapter 13 of the Lotus Sutra so we understand the practice of “endurance”.

The Nirvana Sutra states: “'Kasho, it is because I was a defender of the True Law that I have now been able to attain this diamond-like body.... Men of devout faith, defenders of the True Law need not observe the five precepts or practice the rules of proper behavior...."

What need is there for me to add any further explanation? If we accept the words of the Lotus Sutra, then we must understand that slandering the Lotus Sutra is more serious than committing the five cardinal sins. Our role is to eliminate slander. Again, in the Rissho Ankoku Ron we read:

The host said: “You have clearly seen the passages from the sutras that I have cited, and yet you can ask a question like that! Are they beyond the power of your mind to comprehend? Or do you fail to understand the reasoning behind them? I certainly have no intention of censuring the sons of the Buddha. My only hatred is for the act of slandering the Law...”

“My only hatred is for the act of slandering the Law”.... those are the words of Nichiren and Shakyamuni Buddha.

We cannot put out the fire of hate in the minds of those that slander the Law with more hate. We need to fight hate with love. Love is caring enough to correct wrong thought.

We can only put out the fire of hate in those that slander the Law by stopping them from slandering the Law. Their anger and hate is a result of slander. Thinking like the host we need to spread Buddhism, then peace will follow. In letters to his disciples, Nichiren wrote that there was no longer time for peaceful persuasion (Shoju). Other beliefs must be directly confronted and shown to be lacking. If necessary, people must be driven by fear of slandering the Lotus Sutra.

We cannot create peace by being “peaceful”. We can only create peace by stopping slander. If peace could be achieved by simply being “peaceful”,  then we should revert back to observing the Five Precepts and striving for “arhatship” (sainthood). Peace” means no slander against the Law.

A critic of such “shakubuku” tactics said the following: “I want to study Buddhism but I don’t want to hear about the errors of Taisekiji, so please take me off your mailing list!” That’s like saying, “I want to study medicine, but I don’t want to learn about sickness and all the nasty diseases and their symptoms! I’ll just learn about the human body, but not about the sicknesses that destroy the body”.

Therefore, it’s a dangerous strategy to accept all people and their principles as a measure of our Buddhist compassion. “Accepting everyone” means that we must sacrifice those principles that set Nichiren Buddhism apart from all other forms of Buddhism and all other religions. “Accepting everyone” looks good but it goes against the very traditions that make Nichiren Buddhism so strict. Nichiren himself is still the outstanding practitioner of the Lotus Sutra in the time of Mappo, and his example must continue to be the high standard that we all strive to emulate. Nichiren’s “rough ways” and his uncompromising method of propagation, even in the face of social rebuke, is the same practice today as it was when he was alive. If anything, people and circumstances have becomes even more polluted. The practice of rebuking slander and censuring those who slander the Law is unchanged, from Nichiren’s time down to our present time."