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Saturday, January 23, 2021

Holy "you know what" Batman

 If this doesn't frighten you, I don't know what will: From the National Interest


  1. Frankly it doesn't scare me at all, over 75 years after the end of WW2, Japan has become a strong, stable democracy that contributes positively to the world, for example development programs in the developing world, schools, infrastructure, health programs and not seeking anything in return... Japan has learned its lesson and doesn't have any discernable imperialist inclinations, is surrounded by openly hostile, nuclear armed neighbors such as the PRC and DPRK, also Russia which claims and has since 1945 illegally occupied islands which historically belong to Japan. Nearly 80 years after the end of the war, why should the US be responsible for the defense of Japan? Not to mention the environmental damage and crime, among other issues caused by the presence of US bases (Okinawa especially so), so no, 76 years after the end of the war a peaceful country that contributes greatly to the world should be allowed and even encouraged to defend itself as a sovereign member of the international community, time to move on. Many things in the world concern me, this not in the slightest, in fact it's reassuring, I sleep better knowing that Japan is on the watch.

  2. Fukushima, fukushima, fukushima. I don't buy it. History tells us that Japan CAN NOT be trusted. They are holding their nuclear ambitions close to their vest. not comfortable with any country having 5 tons of plutonium. Many of their reactors on fault lines and I'm 100% positive that they are lying about the continuing radiation being spewed from the three MELTED down reactor cores. Sending the world tons of their fukushima produce and saki. Suga is not a reliable partner. If he doesn't care about his own people and their health, how can he be trusted with the health and welfare of others. My 2 cents.
