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Monday, January 11, 2021

I'm the subject of several topics at SGIWhistleblower but of course I can't respond there. Regarding what the Buddha taught about rebirth/reincarnation or transmigration, and abortion...

Regarding the Buddha's view of abortion:

and my response to Blanchefromage regarding the Dharani Sutra

Rebuttal to the icchantika (person of incorrigeable disbelief) Blanchefromage that the Buddha didn't teach rebirth, reincarnation, nor transmigration. Here is what Wikipedia teaches:

There are many references to rebirth in the early Buddhist scriptures. These are some of the more important: Mahakammavibhanga Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 136); Upali Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 56); Kukkuravatika Sutta (Majjhima Nikaya 57); Moliyasivaka Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya 36.21); Sankha Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya 42.8).

The Buddha and Rebirths
The texts report that on the night of his enlightenment the Buddha gained the ability to recall his previous lives. It is said that he remembered not just one or two, but a vast number, together with the details of what his name, caste, profession, and so forth had been in each life. Elsewhere, the Buddha states that he could remember back 'as far as ninety one eons' (Majjhima Nikaya i.483), one eon being roughly equal to the lifespan of a solar system.

— Damien Keown, Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction[19][note 3]

Rebirth is discussed in Buddhist scriptures with various terms, such as Āgati-gatiPunarbhava and others. The term Āgati literally means 'coming back, return', while Gati means 'going away' and Punarbhava means 're-becoming'.[23][24] Āgati-gati in the sense of rebirth and re-death appears in many places in early Buddhist texts, such as in Samyutta Nikaya III.53, Jataka II.172, Digha Nikaya I. 162, Anguttara III.54-74 and Petavatthu II.9.[23] Punarbhava in the sense of rebirth, similarly appears in many places, such as in Digha II.15, Samyutta I.133 and 4.201, Itivuttaka 62, Sutta-nipata 162, 273, 502, 514 and 733.[23] Numerous other terms for rebirths are found in the Buddhist scriptures, such as PunagamanaPunavasaPunanivattatiAbhinibbatti, and words with roots of *jati and *rupa.[23]

Not to mention the dozens of Mahayana Sutra's that mention rebirth and the various Buddhist schools that teach rebirth, for example, Tibetan Buddhism. Here is what the Dalai Lama teaches:

Much of the Lotus Sutra teaches about rebirth, the Buddha's and others':

In conclusion, Blanche knows little about what the Buddha taught and she is a person of incorrigible disbelief.

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