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Friday, January 22, 2021


Did you know that Japan has 5 TONS of plutonium and even more highly enriched uranium? Since we know as an un-sailable reality they lie, keeping the truth of Fukushima under wraps, what of their nuclear ambitions? The truth of that which makes this horror possible is the Buddhist concept of the oneness of persons and the environment. It is thanks to the evil Soka Gakkai, Nichiren Shoshu, Nichiren Shu, most modern Japanese Nichiren sects and their transfigurations that we find ourselves in the world gone mad (MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION). Nichiren quite rightly labeled the Japanese as the most evil people on the face of the earth. How frightful that Japan may already have hundreds of nuclear bombs and warheads!!! Where these terrible sects find themselves, their itineration, the peace of the land becomes evermore distant by the Buddhist concept of ONENESS OF PERSONS AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT. The remedy, from the most fundamental aspect, is to outlaw these slanderous sects. Then and only will we realize a world free of nuclear weapons. Only then and with the spread of the true teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin will the world become peaceful and secure.

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