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Sunday, January 17, 2021

Myoho and Fluffy...If these natural enemies can love each other, so can we.



  1. What kind of dogs are they?


  3. The white one is a Great Pyrenees and the other is a wolf dog. Fluffy is more gentle than my other dogs, Myoho and a springer spaniel named Twinkle. We believe Fluffy is a reincarnation of Vodka Putt-Putt, another wolf dog of ours, Same weight, habitus, face (but different color) and a similar (but better) disposition. Putt-putt was an ALPHA and, thanks to having lessened his karmic retribution through our Daimoku, I believe, Fluffy is mostly submissive, even to little twinkle. Both Fluffy and Myoho were a fantastic judge of character. Vodka Putt-putt was a very good guard dog (shoten zenjin) but we guard Fluffy. Fluffy gives us much joy. I recommend a Great Pyrenees for those who have small children. They are protectors as sheep dogs and the family becomes their herd. These dogs will give their lives protecting against wolves and even grizzlies, let alone bad people. They are fearless and no regard for their own lives.

    Most wolf dogs are not for inexperienced dog owners, Fluffy is an exception. We had him since 2 weeks old, bottle and hand fed him. My wife still often hand feeds him and cooks his meals when she cooks dinner. Fluffy sometimes sleeps in our bed and under it as his den. He never gets dirty, unlike most dogs. He is great with most of my friends, especially all women and most men. He is afraid of children, unlike Vodka who loved children but not many men unless frequent visitors, for example fellow chanters chanting.

    Myoho the Great Pyrenees needs frequent grooming if a house dog. Of course they have a back yard available to them 24/7. Myoho doesn't well tolerate the heat.

  4. My dog jewl bit the sgigroup leader once when.he.shewed her away..she.could.smell.dishonor
