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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Pinocchio from Tokyo

The flag is the SGI flag, the same colors as Pinocchio

"The Soka Gakkai Is the jewel of Buddhist Democracy" -- Daisaku Ikeda

"(We) will never ask for even the tiniest contribution of offering from the members - Daisaku Ikeda

"Daisaku Ikeda: "Nichiren would sit down with Mohammad and they would discuss bringing peace to the world."

"The truth must be negotiated" - Joan Anderson, SGI international Senior Leader.


  1. Olympics aint gonna happen, No matter wat SGI or the ldp says. Japan may not ever end up like the Ukraine but, it will parallel it. Japan will probly gcatastrophically collapse. Quite sure another nuke accident soon..

    USA is the.king.of nuke.lies though.

    The Russian plant in Belarus has already blown all its transformers twice . It has cracked containment. Only 2 mo old. Belarus has the highest birth defect rate and cancer, rate in the world since Chernobyl. Japan will be there soon.

  2. Keep it coming. I'm with you Anonymous. for what that's worth. For all the "human revolution" that SGI is supposed to be doing, the earth is sure in a worse place than ever before. Fortunately as disciples of the Buddha and Nichiren, we can perceive the world as the Buddha's land and we are here to convert them to Namu Myoho renge kyo.
