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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The real purpose of Soka Gakkai guidance

"The system is designed to pick out dissenters from a reasonably early point and to deal with them swiftly. 

"Dialog" with leadership about the issues is encouraged so that they know what to do about the matter earlier." - pearlorg16million


  1. Sgi now behind Biden and his pronuclear be

    Biden is up to his ears in nuclear madness left by Obama and Trump.
    MICIMATT (Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Media Academia Think Tank) complex. Biden is the lapdog of it. Biden is stalling help for mericans over a measly 400dollars. Biden will continue, trillions for war and nuclear bombs. He is funding small nuclear reactors for space, battlefields and America started by Trump and obama. Biden will do this, until there are a few more reactor meltdowns. Meltdowns like Santa Susana and three mile island..  Biden will continue the neoliberal ecoconmic policies, where everyone is starving to death, worse than they are now. If he does this, there will be a major uprising, where dispossessed people join forces. Biden is a moderate nuclear imperialist.As the pandemic cripples America, Donald Trump ordered funding for military Small Nuclear Reactors in space,In America and on the battlefield. Complete insanity. If Biden continues this, he guarentees, the end of humanity in 5 yeqrs.He must reinforce reactors now. Biden must cutback the nuclear weapons inventory, now. He must deal with accrueing nuclear waste, now. Biden must start closing old reactors. NUKEAPES ARE ALL PSYCHOTIC AND  OR PSYCHOPATHICALLY DELUDED IN SOME WAY
    Trump is A completely psychotic criminal. Centrist democrats follow the neoliberal-fascist, war criminal, father OF THE Patriot act author and, king of incarceration, jojo Biden. Biden might not start a nuclear war so quickly AS trump, though biden caused a civil war, in Ukraine. There is serious risk of another nuke accident in Ukraine soon, because of Nuland, Biden, Obama and Clinton-putting corrupt neonazis in power, in the Ukraine.
    When things collapse, reactors blow, all things will burn, like the western USA, that was on fire last summer.All The billionaires behind Biden, care about is their money. The billionaires can keep their illusions, of power and comfort for now. They got their boot-lickers back in power, with Biden.

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