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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

An old friend with whom I met around 1995...his short experience.

"Yes I met Rev Kubota in Denver back in mid 1990's and received Gohonzon from him. I had never met a Buddha, a real one, before. His life condition was truly compassionate beyond anything I had experienced, and I met him again a year later at your house in New York. 

I've been on my own every since. I miss the fellowship you know? My life condition is most important to me. The Gohonzon he bestowed upon me is truly powerful. I noticed I would chant 10 minutes to it and feel like I had chanted 1 hour to my previous Gohonzon. That was my actual proof and Shoshu's admonition that chanting to a Nichiren Gohonzon is slander, is really not true. I waited for punishment, but only benefit came to me more then ever. Its the fear that is indoctrinated into Shoshu members of slandering the Law, should you hop over to another Lineage of Nichiren, instead of their Fuji School. I had to challenge my fears back then, I trusted Rev. Kubota because of his life condition. Took a chance, and I never looked back since then, and my life flourished since I have had this Gohonzon. I truly mean it sincerely. I have had obvious benefits directly from relying on the Transmission of the Mystic Law from just the Scrolls of the Lotus Sutra. This concept from Nichiju, founder of Myomanji, has sustained me all these years. I believe it, based on my experiences now. Once when I was visiting you, I got sick, and it just so happened you are an MD. You come visit me in New Mexico if you ever get out West! The High Desert is a very spiritual place, I think you would enjoy it. We even have UFO phenomena here!"

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