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Sunday, July 18, 2021

Vasubandhu's Treatise on the supremacy of Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law from Dharma Wheel

Lotomistico wrote:

Vasubandhu's "Treatise on the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law" could certainly shed some light on the matter.

Thanks for pointing this out. The Tibetian Buddhist Encyclopedia has a short article on this treatise: ... lotus_Sutra

Vasubandhu taught the Ten Pearlessnesses in light of Nichiren's "absolute Myo" and "comparative Myo":

"(1) The seeds of enlightenment transmitted by the Lotus Sutra are without peer.
(2) The practice of the Lotus Sutra is without peer because it imparts incomparable merit and benefit.
(3) The sutra is without peer enriching and adorning all the other sutras, thus the power of the the Lotus Sutra is without peer.
(4) The sutra’s power to enable all people to comprehend reality is without peer.
(5) The sutra is without peer transforming all lands into the Buddha's Land.
(6) The sutra is foremost among the Buddha’s teachings; in revealing the most profound matters of the Thus Come One it is without peer.
(7) The sutra is without peer teaching and converting all people.
(8) The sutra is without peer in displaying the supreme and perfect Enlightenment of the Buddha.
(9) The teaching of nirvana in the Lotus Sutra is without peer since the Buddha enters nirvana for the purpose of saving the people (though his life is eternal).
(10) The wonderful power of the Lotus Sutra is without peer because of the emergence of the Treasure Tower of the Thus Come One Many Treasures and other unmatched events.

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