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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Worse flood in a millennium China's Hunan Provence... I could not help but shed a tear.


City of Zhengzhou with ten million residents inundated. 32 reservoirs breached in Hunan Provence. Sinkholes swallowing people. Most recent estimates... the 3 day total of rain was equal to the average yearly rainfall of 640 mm. The Yellow River, the second largest river in China is dozens of feet above flood stage. "29" dead, more likely hundreds, if not thousands, and hundreds of thousands of people displaced. Almost impossible to get food and water to hundreds of thousands of residents. Many hospitals are without electricity in their ICU's. Water supplies contaminated, no electricity, no transportation except by raft, sanitation compromised, little shelter, explosions and gas main breaks. Epidemics, landslides likely. Thousands of rescue workers mobilized, saving first the disabled and elderly. soon to hit Southern China a typhoon (within days) that will certainly move up to Central China.

Climate change, the Latter Degenerate Age. Namu Myoho renge kyo Namu Myoho renge kyo, Namu Myoho renge kyo, Namu Myoho renge kyo.

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