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Friday, May 20, 2022

Mostly agree...Why and When SGI members (95%) leave the Soka Gakkai by Blanche Fromage

 About SGI members' weird "explanations" for why other SGI members quit - the elephant in the room : sgiwhistleblowers (


  1. This one, attacks Nichiren Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra. ugh

    1. So true. And Mark will attack you for making him squirm😂

  2. this is beautiful.."All the other sutras are examples of preaching in accordance with the minds of others, because, when expounding them, the buddha adjusted himself to the minds of all other living beings. But the lotus sutra is an example of preaching in accordance with the Buddha's own mind, because in it the Buddha had all living beings comply with his own mind." WND969.
    big difference between the buddhas mind and the common mortal latter day mind.

  3. Leaving SGI does not mean loss of friendships and contact with fellow believers/ members. Leaving any sect does not mean one will stop chanting or “ turn against “ Nichiren, or that true faith can only be developed once one leaves SGI. Generalizing in this way conveys multiple falsehoods and an overall negative message with regard to the essential teaching, reciting Myoho Renge Kyo. Awakening to Buddha in our lives is a uniquely individual journey/ path. The practice of judging and condemning other believers was led/ taught by Ikeda and Nikken . Anyone who continues this infighting is merely following them. I wonder if attaining material and personal comfort benefits and the desire to attain more or maintain them is the obstacle to truly awakening to Myoho renge kyo ? Because it seems all who promote and fuel the battle against SGI/NST , only have those kind of benefits— no evidence of personal growth or exemplary human behavior. So, It goes— that the irony here is rich— Mark carries out this trashing SGI practice by acting like a devout follower of the common mortals who led their followers into this hideous battle.
    ~ Katie
