"This maybe off topic for this posting. I do read them all now. I am a lonely old fart. I wouldn't be such a lonely old fart if my ex hadn't given a great deal of our money to sgi . She continues to vilify me to my kids . They don't understand that sgi is a cult. My ex old lady was lost to me a long time ago. She worships ikedaism. She'd sell you and my kids down the sewer for ikedaism. She was giving 2k a month to them at one point. John Frank left his old lady after 25 years of marriage when he found out emiko gave those bastards 10k in 6 months. What kind of monsters would do that to families and kids. Sgi would. Thats who. It's hard to imagine for most people. then the sgi clowns, set about destroying the non sgi husband or wife in divorce court. Such family oriented people Sgi. I hired a japanese lawyer who specializes in such cases. My ex-wife's boyfriend tells my daughter straight to her face how great nuclear power and sgi are for Japan. My son knows what kind of clowns they are. He says they are the same old losers, going to sgi meetings that never go anywhere or do anything in their lives. Sgi preys on poor insecure people."
SGI will blame the victim for his past karma while Nichiren would blame SGI for their deplorable behavior.
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