Marty: Semantics. Thought police . Hyperbolic rhetoric. Mark, you are running afoul of the principles of civil discourse and meaningful dialogue.
Mark: I see, only your discourse is civil discourse. Please point out my written semantics, hyperbolic rhetoric and where I am running afoul of civil discourse. In your forty years you have been practicing Shoju (the gentle practices) principally. I have been practicing the forceful practices (shakubuku) principally. I am aware that not everyone is either predisposed to practice the forceful method of conversion or correction. However, Nichiren teaches that those incapable or not predisposed to the shakubuku method should support those who are. I use the Shoju method on neophyte bodhisattvas from whatever quarter (sect). However, you and Katie, and especially the leaders of the SGI and priests of the Nichiren Shoshu should know better and I utilize the forceful methods against them. Here is a discussion I had with a now deceased sGI Chapter Chief, Kathy Sain:
Marty: I get that you want all detractors of your hell fire message to disappear, which seems to happen with regularity on your blog so far as I have seen in the archives.
Mark: Those who disappear do so because they can't counter the words of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. Those who remain or continue to read my blog, I hope will reflect on the words and principles of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. If someone has something knew to offer, either critic or supporter of the blog, their comments get through. However, repetitive comments or comments supporting the evil sects are not aloud. Your discourse is very instructive as was the angry guest in the Rissho Ankoku Ron
Marty: But you cannot disappear us literally . We will continue our individual focused development and tackle the problems facing our youth while you sit at your computer alienating engaged Buddhists .
Mark: For going against the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, as those who slandered Bodhisattva Neverdespise (even after they repented), you WILL spend a long time before obtaining Buddhahood. Only is you make a steely effort to raise yourself from the ground to which you have fallen, will you gain the fruits of this faith. I speak to and chant with youths as often as possible and have treated many hundreds of youth, Even when I was working a hundred hours a week, I was engaging youth including my own children and grand children. Your discourse is nothing but cult "bull baiting'. That you have no mirror in a Nichikan Gohonzon is the reason you can't see your ugle face.
Marty: To each his own. We learn from our lives and fortunately naturally gravitate away from toxic people . I see that you appear proud of your failures to find common ground or even treat your “ enemies” with respect.
Mark: Nichiren, on the other hand teaches:
“Because evil people are respected and favored and good people are subjected to punishment, marauders will appear p.777from other regions, and the people of the country will meet with death and disorder.” If these pronouncements of the Buddha are true, then evil men certainly exist in our country, and the ruler favors and respects such men while treating good men with enmity.
Should we respect the evil top Japanese Senior Leaders, Nichiren Shoshu Priests and Nichiren Shu Priests (who celebrated the opening of Shingon Temples)? Should we respect slanders of the Lotus Sutra? I believe Nichiren would say hardly.
Marty: When your “enemies” are fellow believers?
Mark: These men and women are not fellow believers and neither are you and Katie. No matter how much you announce that we believe in the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, your words and actions belie your assertions. You hate the real Nichiren, you accept his discourses that resonate with you and reject the rest.
Marty: it says everything about where your mind is at.
Mark: My mind mind is where the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Supreme Votary dwell or, at the very least, I strive to have their same mind of faith.
Marty: No doubt that your own life will reflect back to you what you need to learn. I say this with utmost confidence and compassion based on my 40plus years practicing. The daimoku of millions permeates all things. I conclude we’ve got a long ways to go purifying our own lives and transforming so much darkness - let’s keep doing our best based on daimoku.
Mark: It is too bad that despite your 40 years of Daimoku that your eyes remain closed. Could it be because of the mistaken doctrines and principles that you embrace? Your association with bad teachers or evil spiritual friends? Your failure to take to heart ALL the words of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren. As Greg says, look at the result of your Kosen Rufu, evermore war, internicine strife, pollution, a sixth mass extinction, the destruction of the rain forest, more nuclear threats, and Fukushima. Nichiren teaches in Establishing the Correct Law for the Peace of the Land:
"Therefore, you must quickly reform the tenets that you hold in your heart and embrace the one true vehicle, the single good doctrine [of the Lotus Sutra]. If you do so, then the threefold world will become the Buddha land, and how could a Buddha land ever decline? The regions in the ten directions will all become treasure realms, and how could a treasure realm ever suffer harm? If you live in a country that knows no decline or diminution, in a land that suffers no harm or disruption, then your body will find peace and security, and your mind will be calm and untroubled. You must believe my words; heed what I say!"
ReplyDelete"how great is the difference between the blessings received when a sage chants the daimoku and the blessings received when we chant it" to reply, one is in no way superior to the other. the gold that a fool possesses is no different from the gold that a wise man possesses; a fire made by a fool is the same as a fire made by a wise man. HOWEVER, there is a difference if one chants the daimoku while acting against the intent of this sutra".(wnd756)
the sgi and its parent nst are in big trouble.///extremely strange that one would chant the Daimoku that nichiren brought and yet, disregard what he really taught = haters.
Recently, you posted:
ReplyDelete" Someone asked why I promote myself as an authority
First of all I don't promote myself as an authority. Nichiren is the authority of the Lotus Sutra. He teaches that one should preach with Sutra in hand In the Opening of the Eyes:..."
Then, pray tell why do you carry on like this:
" Mark: These men and women are not fellow believers and neither are you and Katie. No matter how much you announce that we believe in the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren, your words and actions belie your assertions. You hate the real Nichiren, you accept his discourses that resonate with you and reject the rest."
I resonate with Nichiren. Perfectly capable of reading both the Gosho and Lotus Sutra. I embrace the One Vehicle. Gratitude and praise for the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha and Nichiren are the foundation of my faith. So, whatever you think you know, I'd say that remembering you are not the authority is in order.
. I'll take your word that you are or were a practicing physician. We all have met many doctors who have cringeworthy people skills, but nurses are reliably compassionate. Maybe because nurses do the work of actually taking care of the sick and suffering. Bless them!
Not that you care, but people disappear from your blog because time is a precious commodity. Circuitous arguments and brazen insults abound here. What you are calling "the forceful practices" bears no resemblance to Nichiren's example. Time spent reading your sermons and your made for TV made up dialogues is time wasted.
if what I write (more often than not nichiren and the Lotus Sutra, and you feel it is a waste of time, then why are you reading my blog? This is the first point. Second point, You don't seem to be able to discuss the teachings or the points made in the post above. You continue with your cult "bull baiting" with which, you are quite adept (If you don't know what cult "bull baiting" is, I suggest you look it up. A near synonym for this is Ad Hominim. Third point, could you please point out how my arguments fail to reflect the teachings? Have you seriously studied the Twenty-four volumes of the New Human Revolution or the Ten? volumes of the original Human Revolution novels? Lets discuss those. One last several points/questions...What do you think of Soka Gakkai recommending youth to "be Shinichi Yamamoto" and have any succeeded becoming as wealthy and powerful as he; do you agree with SGI's guidance to make Daisaku Ikeda; "Eternal Mentor"; do you believe the appearance of SGI as a personality cult is valid; lastly, do you agree that SGI's Guru Yoga* (M/D), a shingon principle, is consonant with the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren? Please be specific.
ReplyDeleteToda taught:
President Toda taught in his Lecture on the Sutra: “With this silent prayer, we express our sincere thanks to the Second High Priest Nikko Shonin, the founder of Head temple Taisekiji. Hossui-shabyo: Hossui is the Law or Buddhism metaphorically compared to clean water. Shabyo means “transfer. Now suppose here are two glasses, one of which is filled with water. The water is transferred from one glass into the other. The quality of the water remains unchanged through this transfer even though the shapes of the glasses may differ. Simililarly, the Hossui of Nichiren Daishonin was handed down from Nikko Shonin to Third High Priest Nichimoku Shonin. However, its geneuine purity was not changed in the least. This solemn tradition has been strictly maintained by the successive high priests of Nichiren Shoshu. YUIGA YOGA: This means that the life of Nikko Shonin equals that of Nichiren Daishonin. A Gohonzon called the “Tobi” (Flying) Mandala” is enshrined at Butsugenji Temple in Sendai City in Northeast Japan. It was inscribed co-operatively by the Daishonin and His immediate successor Nikko Shonin. This fact evidences what yuiga yoga signifies.” –Josei Toda as quoted in: From “Lectures on the Sutra” Third Edition, 1968 Seikyo Press.
I assert that Soka Gakkai ran with the principle of Yuiga Yoga, otherwise known as Guru Yoga, in formulating its teaching of mentor and disciple.
Marty = just another deeply entrenched ikedaism buddhist who can't really discuss the actual teachings. been running into to this for many, many years. all phonies who act all compassionate until you refuse to close your eyes and do their program. Marty...chant NAMU MYOHO RENGE KYO and follow nichiren as your teacher. or cease and desist calling yourself a nichiren buddhist. chant a correct Daimoku and do the practice for the latter day. whining won't go anywhere. time to wake up !
Hey, Mark - I wouldn’t comment unless I actually read your stuff and I have made a conclusion about your “way”. Odd that you and one of your fans keeps harping on how no one but you wants to “ discuss the teachings “. What discussion? You do monologues and cheap shots. The teachings, are universal and available even to folks who have no sectarian affiliation. No point in arguing over them—we can all read the teachings and your debasing insults , too. I wonder if you’d call me a Nichiren hater to my face ? 😂 Katie says you don’t even have the courage to debate over the phone. Seems you and Gregorio lose it and hang up ! So, I already knew you are both hiding behind your keyboards and have an ugly way of dealing with an amazingly warm and compassionate woman, as seen right here in your own words. I prefer life to life discussion and practice. You and the G- man have provided a great example of how isolation warps your faith. Thanks for that.
hey Marty....whine some more and make sure you stick close to Katie .....this is a buddhist site. not a whiners site. chant Namu Myoho Renge Kyo and follow Nichiren to the best of your ability.
ReplyDeleteYou are too funny Greg .
DeleteYour perceptions aren’t shared by those who know Marty and Katie.
Actually it’s to your detriment that you continue insulting them on the internet.
Your karmic impediments are all we see and prayers for you to awaken is about all any sincere member would employ in response to your sad performance.
That’s how awful SGI members are. 😊
"the mystic principal of the true aspect of reality is one, but if it encounters evil influences, it will manifest delusion, while if it encounters good influences, it will manifest enlightenment............(wnd417-18)
ReplyDeletecomment: good influences are shakyamuni, myoho renge, nichiren and those who uphold the sutra. evil are those that go against it.
SGI's arbitrary opinions are getting way old !
DeleteThere’s nothing but arbitrary opinions here, vicious rumors and nasty gossip.
DeleteWhat’s new?
Hatred spewed towards anyone who rebukes the behavior of the blog administrator and his minion, Greg.
Ponder that for awhile🙏
not really Katie. There is more Lotus Sutra and Nichiren here than all the Human Revolutions, the New Human revolutions, the World Tribunes and the Living buddhisms in the entire world. Katie Blind Bat that is who you are and a liar to boot.
Deletenot really Katie. There is more Lotus Sutra and Nichiren here than all the Human Revolutions, the New Human revolutions, the World Tribunes and the Living buddhisms in the entire world. Katie Blind Bat that is who you are and a liar to boot.
Delete" Katie Blind Bat that is who you are and a liar to boot"
ReplyDeleteAd hominem citation!!
Addressing a fellow believer with contempt.
You confirmed Tanya's observations, BTW.
Rather than go after whomever calls out what is obvious to anyone who reads here, why not reflect on and perhaps address the content of a comment ?
I'm happy to take one on the chin for Tanya.